A Tribute to “the Poof”

Lia's picture
Posted on 2013/05/26 by kauilapele

poofness_matura_font_blue_thank_youAs mentioned in the last post, Poof has passed on, to wherever he chose to pass on to. I’ve enjoyed posting his weekly updates, and I’m sure many will miss his weekly presence. I had one consultation with Poof, shortly after the 10-2012 “interview which was later pulled”, and found his information and his voice reassuring.

Susan, his partner, said she would continue the weekly updates.

The following tribute, posted here, is via Zap.


A Tribute…To his Poofness

James (serenius) [Holmes]
Passed May 23, 2013

Greetings all

This is in a great loving memory of one of our pillars of humanity:

James was called and he gave his all with his partner and loved one over decades of service to us all.

He is an example to us all, and by definition, so too his counterpart, as in her time of “grief” she has great strength and compassion to carry the message regardless of s’ loss.

His sacrifice can be likened easily to the example shown by the other part of us, our dear brother that “gave it on the cross” in that metaphor.

Simply, he cared.

Quan Yin welcomed him home, as did obishida, michael, the lad, mary, sananda, Buddha, notably the blue dragon lord, misty, smokey, foggy, and all others too numerous to mention. He is well celebrated, and yes it sucks he’s gone, but we are all here to take strong example from his actions.

He reminded us that our purpose of light and the evolution of our humanity to that which is inevitable is a reality, and that we are all loved in equal measure and strength in all forms whether s or otherwise, and is the singularity to which we identify in the end. He taught us the nature of all things in the metaphor of all is one and one is all.

He reviled the oppression imposed by the forces of dark, and strived to reveal that corruption to the light in face of virtually impossible odds.

He was appalled by the subjugation of mankind, and cried out many a time “can i take the gloves off cause I’m sick and tired of wearing these mickey mouse mitts until m tells me they can come off and…’poof’ . ” now that is a very cool thought, to be able to see that if a condition is met, then it becomes real and provable, not only definable.

James taught this in his weekly of so many years and so many lifetimes.

He has done so much for our understandings. This brother of ours was precious as the likes of some of the greatest Lightworkers so dedicated to us.

He gave us all a great gift of looking at the truth in front of us, and this gift will coninue [continue] to grow in greater strength; this growth being the uncomplicated definition of the martyr.

There is no finer service to be in that then that of your fellow, and james examplified this excellent quality with great vigour. Nothing escaped his piercing insight and scrutiny. Trusted by the moles of the system, he brought to light the dark things that must invariably serve the light. Humor and incisive eye revealed convoluted events into simple systems. James always spoke his mind and said what we wanted to say, and did so at great peril at times. Many attacked and tried to push him under and discount him, but like all voices speaking truths, he was not to be silenced.

Given the freedom that is our legacy, he believed in our humanity and what we could accomplish.

James did a magnificent job of sustaining hope for us, and to our benefit. He and s created the web of contact with us that had enough brain cells to rub together to have a listen and understand the message and spread the word.

Vocal to a fault, and pretty pissed off at the crass games of the “other side” attempts to maintain positions of oppression, he gave of himself to create the circumstance for change.

For all that you have done James, i thank you deeply.

You were a friend, brother, and confidant. You and s accomplished what very few attempted, and fewer succeeded. You were and are truly of the light.

Rest well, and rest easy James…. We are here to pick up the ball and keep going.

In love and light and in our service.





"Poofness" Thank You

Ra-Raela's picture

My deepest condolences to Susan his partner! He will be missed, that's for sure! I always wondered what he meant by "until the knock at the door". Now it's perfectly clear to me.

I guess his moniker was more accurate than I had believed. I loved his sharp wit and humor. I still can't believe he's gone from the physical world. Bummer!