Russell Brand Works in Wisdom Around Morning Joe Interviewers

Rain's picture

GFP Note: Despite the interviewers, Russell Brand did manage to get in some words about our favorite subject - consciousness.

"I'm talking about Malcolm X, Che Guavara, Ghandi, and Jesus Christ and how these figures are significant culturally and how icons are appropriated and used to designate consciousness and meaning, particularly posthumously."

"They're all people that died for a cause, they're all people whose icons are used to designate meaning, perhaps not in the manner in which they intended."

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Russell Brand Chastises 'Morning Joe' Hosts in Interview Gone Awry (Video)

The Hollywood Reporter - 6/18/13, by Sophie Schillaci

Russell Brand

After several minutes of giggles, quips at Brand's expense and, eventually, calling him by the wrong name, Brand appears to tire of the shenanigans and takes the interview into his own hands.

"Is this what you all do for a living?" he asks co-host Mika Brzezinski and panelists Katty Kay and Brian Shactman. "You convey news to the people of America? People of America, we're gonna to be OK. Everything's alright. These are your trusted anchors."

More: The Hollywood Reporter






Rain's picture

Indeed, Eddie!

He's shining his Light in the media. That can't be easy. LOL