Transitioning Into Cosmic Law- More Raw Roundtable Conversations

Doreen Smith's picture

Published on Jun 19, 2013

As a follow-up to their previous discussion of moving from head to heart, join BZ Riger, Holly Tucker and James McManis in another raw recorded conversation about our transition into Cosmic Law.

What does the realm of Cosmic Law look and feel like? How can we maintain our focus of love absolute with so many 3D challenges? How do we stay in our heart space when ego seems to dominate.

In this discussion with three transparent hearts, you'll discover the portal is open and the game of ego control is now over. With the help of light workers we are remembering our true BEingness...slowly but surely.


That was a wonderful exchange of energy!

dreamer's picture

I get the part that all three of you are "THERE". Part of the confusion might be our perceptions of what 5d is supposed to look like. We might have thought our 3d memory would disappear. There may have not been the idea present that when we transition to 5d that we are also in 3d just the same as always. For now anyway.  We must realize too, there are very few people who understand any dimentional space. It is going to be a little shocking for many.

  One of you spoke of Trust issues. My ears perked up here. Some of the trust for me is learning the new vibrational awareness. We never had tools like this. Well, in recent memory anyway.  I also, would concour this Heart Tool has always been with us.  This transition may not be just about the humans. Our Mother earth is changing. The Sun is changing. We are gaining better vision of more and more of the whole picture. These bits of data are the energy which is triggering mass consciousness of all things. From the individual aspect, we who choose to be humble, may have a hard time getting a grip on the fact that we infuence it all to a degree. Every time we shed a tear everyones face gets wet.  Some say a tear is the birth of an angel. Optimists...haaa!

  We all have much to learn. When the student is ready, very centered, and quiet, the Sacred Heart Space becomes avaiable. Visit ths place often. Practice keeping the mind chatter in a box in the garage. Soon we may even realize that we have instant wifi with SHS. Instant answers arrive and time stands still long enough for us to read and understand the memo. When we continue in 3d in a smooth flow, without a hitch, so to speak. Take a good hard look at those moments. Recognise this came from within us in that very moment. That is Love. No room for any other issues. The other emotions pass by us and we watch unattached. A final titbit for people to ponder. The physical heart has 70,000 neurons, brain cells. The thinking heart is then a valid term.