Thank you to Motherfather God, the Ascended Masters, my Guides, Guardian Angels, Star Family, and to the Light bodies of our ancestors and those yet to come.
This morning, I stand here in yet another doorway. Before I walk through it, I took a moment to glance back. What I saw brought me to tears. Only a few short years ago I was ignorantly caught up in the illusions of that old life. Anger and depression were accepted as side effects of living in a competative democratic society. I felt as though I had no control, and I couldn't tell you what my life path was. Standing in this doorway I still have tender but healing bruises from tearing off those layers of illusion.
Right this very moment, millions and millions of Light Beings are busy working to thwart the cabal, to help put new governments in place, helping Gaia with her ascension... yet when I call, they are right by my side. It's funny to me now, but only a few short weeks ago I resisted calling on them. I felt like their efforts were needed "out there" working for the greater common good of us all. My little old problems or concerns were miniscule in comparison. It was time for me to stand on my own two feet and figure it out for myself.
For the most part, I did figure it out. I have the tools now and I've experienced enough of higher vibrations to know that I'll do anything to avoid returning "down there."
But there were a couple of occasions when, after a day of tears, I had to send Ego packing once again and ask for Divine help. It came quickly, and within a matter of moments my tears were dried and I knew what my next step would be. (The lessons were complex but as you can probably guess, a lot of it had to do with making sure Ego got a one-way ticket out. I'll be working on this one for awhile!)
When I look ahead through the doorway I am humbled by what I see. I recently told David Icke that if he could bravely continue on with his work even in the face of the cabal, I could do anything! Pzaaamm!! I got my wish. As I step through this doorway in search of the next one, I now see that I have the same power and capacity for Love as all the Light Beings who have been by my side. I've been made to understand that my cries for help are viewed with the same importance as Gaias oceans calling out for relief from pollution.
There is no more "little ol' me", she is just a memory in my Soul. Stepping now through the door, I shout "Ta-daa!! Here I am, who needs a hug?" I look forward to the tasks and challenges because I have the tools and the Divine Family to guide me. And for that I am grateful and ever so thankful.
See you on the other side!
You are NEVER alone
We are here for you, your Family of Light. Always in every way. We are ONE.
Be always sincere, forthrightly honest, grateful & thankful - every day - in every way. Then we will find the truth we seek :)
Ask and it shall be given.
Ask and it shall be given.
May the Most Benevolent Outcome manifest for you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. And may the outcome be even better than you can ever hope for and expect. aloha.
Thank you
Thank you so much for all that you do and I wish you all the best with all the changes that are occurring with the Galactic FreePress!