Daniel Sheehan Presents Conspiracy Theories and the UFO Phenomenon

Rain's picture


GFP Note: In this video, Daniel Sheehan discusses the murder of JFK at length. He also talks about worldview paradigms as defined by quantum physics and how both of these subjects relate to the UFO cover-up.

Published on Dec 11, 2012 by UFOMediaVideos




Mario's picture

Its amazing when he speaks of the octaves and views when jumping in the next view 55 to 1hour in the video he has good examples of what we can experience now.


Mario's picture

1:05:55 Hahaha


Mario's picture

1:03:33 its all synched its amazing


Mario's picture

Holly Lord 55 doubles the trend to shift the Unseen, its quite expansive in "time"

Be at One

at 1:09:11

Mario's picture

It made me think about 9-11, I notice that a while back numbers are key to evolution not bound by polaritys and with a constant flow of numbers like in this video we can start to picture the unseen working in his conscious will shifting concepts from higher to lower depending what combinations the numbers are in... In my own accord a year and a halft Ago I mesured while in a constant flow "creation" loggin in on higher aspect at every minute the conscious shifted patterns and the complexity could rise if going for a continual gradation in our creative state. I mesured by random music I was playing for 30 mins straight or 1hour in timeless states and viewing back the logs showed a pattern in the conscious constructs linked to time.


Rain's picture

Thank you for sharing, Mario!

~ namaste