KRYON - TIME TO EVOLVE , June 8, 2013

Doreen Smith's picture


Kryon-Time To Evolve

Ra-Raela's picture

A very powerful channeled message! Highly recommend listening to it! Thank you for posting it!

It is

Mario's picture

It feels like realignements, The videos viewed are in real time... its as if, it was someone live litterally and covere up by meanings gatered in prepositions for this moment in time... Like A GREATER meaning for CONTROL or a setup Realisation it happens many times in the surreal... how to explain?? ALL moments in space and time are connected. A greater Picture is then received for Mass ?? I will let for now these things happened before 21st also... Big puzzle can only explain when 100% or beyond as Whole... What he explains Unfolds around one Viewing Listening litterally how to explain something "beyond"

Before 21st december

Mario's picture

Videos where connecting the same way some are dooing in this time, it speaks directly no matter what date it is recorded, like a preposition in time, or Looking glass* and also "projections" or God speaking directly trought your surrounding, each time I try to explain what I experience I end up writting something that makes sense to me in that moment, but when I view it back, I might of needed to expand on it. But lessons are viewed all around, how to say** enter another state when trying to explain and have no complexity in the moment hmm lets expand, (the videos viewed are in real time) as Litterally being there or "monitored" according to sayings in the vids, by conscious expansions aquired in(perceptions) during the viewing listening of the video... Lets expand some more to this, "every action thought and conscious intent is related to what happens next in the video as a "prediction" instant manifestation or interraction in the context having in at the moment of viewing the video is "prefixed" or extremely "psychic" it becomes interactive in ones expansion, lets see, **as being in synch with events experience surreal so that I could believe it is a programming for advancing humanty as "technological advancements aquired from ets... Maybe that starts to make more sense? #2 (as if someone live "in real time the vid even do it is june 8th) as triggers would be maybe? When one looks up projects mk ultra on coast to coast am, from wistleblower nsa manequin experimentation from 30 40 years ago? 20 maybe? Connecting a bigger picture gets you to experience what many are dying maybe? Michael hastings? Some have pure auric fields hmm bounce back yes?? They have tried on me in december and It seem like I pissed them off?? Without noticing what I was dooing just going with it hmmm now they seen something more? When 100% brain usage, these explanations are allready explained to the one utilizing but ones not viewing or experiencing have confines in clarity? Theres no way to see the whole truth because we have to many points to connect... Think of Conspiracy of Kennedy, the explanation was mixed intensively and to connect together is insane** haha maybe I'll understand when most beggin to understand.



Illusion is in the mind

TheFlashRon's picture

Kryon's message is about spiritual maturity. About coming into one's own power and letting go of myths, projections, perceptions and even concepts. The common thread of all the above is that they originate in the mind. The ego mind not the eternal mind. The ego is the great deceiver. Not something we come into the world with, it is a coalescing of fearful perceptions, negative concepts and thoughts into a construct called an engram as a substitute for Oneness. Being what it is, illusion, it is insane and by its very nature uses confusion to hide the clarity of reality, of the simple nature of truth.

Be One and be in Joy.


Yes haha

Mario's picture

That video is what it is, All that I was describing are within (perception) remember when I said ALL is at your disposal, all around the world, it can be anything, creations augment to core. Haha thanks once again, if you have perceive the above in such a manner would you not be creating? You have perceived it, and set a? end to what can be perceived. Expanding is none of the Fear it is illusion. Goes both ways for Me and You.

In Lak'ech