Gossips, Revelations, Busts and big Money?... Does this has any sense, and why?... and What's cooking in Disclosure pot?...
by Predrag/Saint Germain
US again... Dear Brothers and Sisters... what a day for revelations... Some great gossips get fully confirmed, and yet some great 'truths' get busted... such as reasons why EU is so keen to 'HELP' Greece, and why bankers are so eager to fully enslave Greeks... [and some other not so forward countries...]
Lets start from local Universe gossips: as Benjamin [not Franklin, but Ben Fulford...] start spreading this 'gossip' about Geithner being arrested and slapped couple of times, not to start 'singing' but to stop talking as they could not record that fast all the names and wrongdoings that has been done against American people...
Please, watch this video on Japanese [as Ben is fluent in Japanese...] and this is more fun than any morning show on US mainstream media...
And dear Ben, very cool look... so grateful for your courage and persistence...
Now we speed up only 72 hours later in to today’s news:
Last week Geithner was arrested and released! ~ In the meantime he sang well... SOON TO COME, on MSM near YOU...
Please, excuse our lovely reporter Sheppard Smith for being bedazzled, and not able to read the announcement of this massive and crucial message... He was so smitten, like a kitten cached peeing in the wrong spot...
So, if you don’t believe Benjamin can you at least believe what Fox News is telling YOU?... Oh, that is right, they both are saying the same thing: So, it must be truth?... Is it?...
" Although the topic of this report may be stunning for those of you who are still asleep, the REAL revelation in what happened in this broadcast was not the exposure of Tim Geithner but rather what Shep Shepard gives up in a TOTAL MSM mental lapse at 3:40... "It's clear that the banks run the country...the country doesn't run itself." If you think this is no big deal then think again. This is a HUGE webbot hit for Clif High as he's been talking about someone in the Mainstream Media having a mental lapse and saying something that was actually TRUE. Not only that but others in the MSM pick up on it and continue the discussion. Admitting that "the banks run the country" is a huge whack to the hornets nest..."
wow... wow... and wow...
Yet some great 'truths' get busted... such as reasons why EU is so keen to 'HELP' Greece, and why bankers are so eager to fully enslave Greeks... [and the rest of us...] but, they did not expect that Greeks woke UP, looking kind of confused realizing that someone wants to sell them back their own Pantheon for such a cheep price?...
Banksters actually with their actions fully awoke Greeks and many others [starting some ages ago in Island and Ireland...]... And I tell you from my personal experience: when Greek is awaked, You can hear him all across the Sea... There is nothing that will stop them till the Freedom for All is achieved...
Thank you Greeks, Islanders, Irish, Spanish, and all the FREE Humans... Only thing we need to do is Imagine Freedom for All, and it will Manifest... in front of our eyes... even on Fox tv, or Berlusconi's media...
Banks are killing Greece! 29.feb.2012 or maybe: GREECE IS KILLING BANKS!!!... YEPEE...
"... Banks are killing Greece! ~ or maybe: GREECE IS KILLING BANKS!!!... YEPEE...
First domino called Greece is ready to fall on the heads of these bankers... on heads of wall street suits...
With only forgiveness to the bankers, GFP...
Follow Max Keiser on Twitter: Watch the full Keiser Report E256 on Thursday. In this episode, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, discuss pirating Repo Man and jack-booted accountants here to help you. In the second half of the show, Max talks to J.S. Kim of about silver, gold and market manipulation. KR on FB:"
Thank you beloved Stacey and Max... You make my day, every day... Thank you... for ringing this Alarm clock every second day on RT...
So, now we will cross the Atlantis Ocean and see what is cooking in USA... This report is coming from the pen of soul called sirratatap... truly amazing and amazingly true author...
" The White Hats Call For Joint International Criminal Investigation: America Demands Its $15 Trillion Dollars Back!" is his title and he is right on the money...
"... We understand this is difficult to understand and is far above the pay grade of most, so let’s simplify the matter. This is one thousand times the size of Watergate! Why? Simple. A group has stolen $15 Trillion from the United States Department of Treasury and the citizens of the United States of America and has gone to extreme lengths to hide the transaction from the public and the American government, including Congressional oversight committees, the Government of Great Britain and the respective governments contained in the EU. As the investigation progresses, numerous countries will be asking the same question. What has occurred? What laws and regulations have been broken? What are we harboring? Banks will be questioned about all of the internal bank documents we possess and have turned over to the House of Lords. ..."
And if you feel you want to join us, here are some very easy examples how to become one with US, how to become Anonymous, how to become free, how to raise your voice and how your voice could be heard... Listen to our beloved Brother Anonymous:
There is so much more, much more... yet I need to take a break of all these good news... It makes me so excited, that I cannot wait to share with rest of US...
Love you dear Brothers and Sisters, and know all is perfectly planned... Simply have fun, and enjoy in every new peace of puzzle coming together... Do not judge them, simply have enough forgiveness in your heart, knowing that they all played their part very, very well...
Your Galactic Love Reporter directly from 'crime' scenes committed against now Awakening Humanity...
Predrag/Saint Germain
WOW! What a "monopoly" game!!
WOW! What a "monopoly" game!! Just when we thought we were losing 100 "go to jail" cards are pulled by those gamesters .... hmmmm, this game surely lasted a long time... but now... do you want Boardwalk? I'll take Park Place!