New Earth Frequency Update ~ Integrating the Equinox Energies

Lia's picture

Planetary ~ Shared by Meleriessee

There is no mistake about it ~ the Autumn Equinox was a very powerful event upon this planet.  The equinox itself was not the surge of power, but with the Harvest Moon just a few days ahead, it helped to bring waves of light into the atmosphere of GAIA for each individual to experience it within their consciousness.

We have to remember that it was orchestrated through many months of activations and trial and error of being on the Mastery Pathway.  Without the preparation stages that occurred in December 2012 and the ensuing energies of New Moons, Full Moons, Eclipses, the Lion’s Gate, and the Star of David that occurred three times, we would not truly understand the full effect of the present energies that we are feeling.

At this time, it is important to reflect how far we have come within this journey.  We are going to be challenged even more deeply as time goes by.  REFLECTION is very important at this time so there is a settling down of receiving the higher energies within the physical structure as we start to change into the Crystalline essence we have been desiring to be.  We all know that this can be quite a challenge with our lifestyle and how it can change dramatically from moment-to-moment.

Some of the changes we can be feeling are:

  • More intense energies are occurring as we receive the higher chakras from the Rays of God to be infused into our present chakras.
  • The physical body needs to accept the challenges it is feeling by surrendering so it is important for us to work within those energies of our Higher Essence to infiltrate within all aspects of the four-body system to allow the adjusting frequencies to become m ore balanced within us.
  • Take time for reflection of who you were last December and what you are feeling now.  Work with your Higher Self and call upon him/her to assist you in the process of understanding.
  • Utilize higher methods of meditation and chanting to allow the vibrations to run through you.
  • Be kind to the physical body; feed it when it is required, let it rest when it dictates, and flow within each moment.  We are in the year of synchronization and now we are experiencing it more fully in our lives.  Do not fight the process that you are undergoing on any level.
  • Work with the Rays of God to accept the Light Body of the 5th dimension; ask your guidance to assist in the process.
  • Continually put your thoughts and emotions into Wholeness by calling upon the Unified Whole Command of the 144th dimension.  We are releasing each moment the timelines that do not fit so that the multi-dimensional self can be ignited.
  • Most of all, do not get sucked into the Matrix and the media; we have to remember that the Dark Side is still at war on many levels and getting into confrontations about what we personally cannot change on a physical level, will take us into a spiraling energy of dysfunction from our past.  If you insist on watching the videos, the news, etc. put that energy into wholeness of the Unified Whole.  You will be helping the greater whole of consciousness to do the same.

We will be coming into the New Moon on October 5th so take this time to regenerate yourself and prepare for the next change of an evolving planet.  The continuation of the energies will be increasing so it is important to take moments in between to allow the adjustment of light to be infused in all parts of our Beingness.  We also have to remember that not everyone is on the same level of acceleration within their initiations.  We are all moving forward but within the confines of our Higher Self as our guide.  Trying to compare ourselves with others is a lower frequency and not of the highest aspect within our role as a Master.  Take time to understand who you are and share the energetics with others but not from words.  This will bring us into Oneness together.

Cosmic ~ Unified Whole Command with Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein

Greetings and blessings to every one of you; It is our pleasure to be with you in this moment as the Unified Whole Command.

We stand with many Beings of Light that have come into full Oneness and Wholeness since December 2012.  We still represent whom we were previously but the pantheons of the past have been put into wholeness.  We no longer are looking for our swords, our batons, and weapons that represented the battle of light and dark.  We now stand with each of you to command the Light into the planet and within every individual soul.

We have arrived at a new juncture of time.

We are excited and pleased to see this moment and that it has arrived within GAIA so now she can do the healing that is necessary.  The same is true for each of you.

As of December of 2012, many were quite hopeful that we would come to this time when the Light was stronger than the Dark but we were unsure exactly how it would all play out within the hearts and minds of individual souls.  Each of you has stayed strong in your convictions to hold this light; some may have been fighting very diligently to keep their ground upon the planet, and many have been hopeful that this day would arrive very soon.

We must remember that it is just one moment when the battle has been won and know we must pick up the pieces of debris that need to be put into wholeness.  Just as we have had elements arise from our pantheons, each of you will be doing the same.  Your journey has been arduous and challenging; we totally understand the frustrations that you have been experiencing in each moment.

Now is the time that we stand with each other in our convictions of the Light and continue the journey.  The power of what has been accomplished is due to the lightworkers of this planet in continuing their search for truth.  Many of you have found a small piece of this truth and more will be revealed as you walk further.  We want to share this experience in terms of the Rays of God which some individuals may not understand but it is an imperative stage of development within your world.

You have arrived within your body to remember all that you know from the many timelines of the past which reflect your knowledge and expertise.  In order to understand this essence, it must be revealed that this is just a small piece of the pie that you have been searching for.  More is to come and more will be revealed.

We take this moment in time of the Fall Equinox in the Northern hemisphere and the Spring Equinox in the Southern hemisphere as a true exposure into the light.  As in any exposure of the light, we must realize how this light is interceded within the physical existence.  It becomes a very powerful source that is felt like an overpowering source, something that has not been experienced before, but yet is very familiar.  At first, it can take over the physical existence but then there are fractals of information that are ignited within the physical creation to allow it to grow into more.  It is like putting a stone into a body of water; it ripples out many levels so that the outer portion will be experienced by the inner portion expanding.  This is exactly what you have experienced on September 22nd for the Equinox.  You are in a state of expansion.

So what happens within the expanded state when there are still elements that need to be changed?  They will be revealed into the physical world; not by the lower energies but the higher energies.  It is an opportunity for the Higher Self to be fully integrated through consciousness within the physical self which includes the Etheric Body clearing the timelines to allow for more expansion, and the Emotional and Mental bodies healing on very deep levels.

This process can be very powerful depending upon where a person is within their initiation phase and how willing they are to delve deeper into themselves.  The heightened energies of the Equinox is a preparatory stage for more energies to be integrated not only within GAIA but within each individual.  It is up to each of you to receive the expansion and integrate it within your present awareness.  It will allow you to understand more of who you are and let the frequency of light to always be your guide.

What we are trying to say is that all of your pantheons can be put into wholeness also, but you must be willing to go through the process of the integrative energies and allow the understanding of your light and how it affects the old self that you were.  Unfortunately, it is not just going to go away but will appear for you to work with and be accepted in your present lifestyle.  Allowing yourself to expand deeper will give you greater understanding of the depth of your Soul’s essence and the history that you have acquired through the many timelines of existence both in and out of the body.

Now if you just be still and accept the heightened frequency of light within you without understanding the process, this means you are in a comatose state of conditioning.  You are not receiving nor are you releasing.  You allow the light to be within you at the present state of awareness.  That is fine for the time being but in the future moments it will be very challenging as this higher level of awareness will create an accelerated essence to occur in every individual.  When the old elements appear to be removed, and they are not worked upon, they can grow like a dark seed within you.  This is the illusion that can occur.  So doing nothing or not acknowledging the process you are undergoing puts you in a place of inaction.

The power of these energies is beyond the physical comprehension and the understanding must come from the higher essence of the mind and heart.  Without those energies being integrated, there then comes a period of accepting the space and time that you are in, but there will not be any growth that results.

Some individuals say that just receiving this light is enough but that is truly not the case.  The ones that ignore what is happening within them will have a more difficult time to move forward.  You see, this integration that has just occurred comes from the WILL OF GOD the first Ray of Will and Power within the deep colors of Blue.  Without the influencing energies being infused within all levels of conditioning, it can stagnate and the Higher Mind will not be able to show its essence into the Lower Mind.  It is all by Design for this occurrence as the more individuals that tap into the Will of God of their essence changes will result.  By just allowing it to be within them without the actualization of the lower mind engaging the higher mind, havoc will result.

It truly is a situation in what you would call Catch-22; the energies are integrating upon the planet and within each individual.  Doing nothing allows them to sit within you but they don’t become a part of you.  Working with the integration through the lower mind will assist in removing the old parts out of the physical system that are no longer needed.

Each individual will receive this essence presently; doing nothing will make it grow through all the elements of the self.  Inner work is a necessary part of allowing the energies to create the Crystalline structure and accept the power of light that is within each person.  It is imperative to be in silence, meditate, read beautiful poems of light, looking at a sunset and allowing the energies to blend within you.  People that are still enmeshed within the matrix and the dysfunctional world will feel it even stronger.  They must get out of their own way in order to allow the new essence to come within their physical being.

So the journey continues with each of us; those of us in Spirit, each of you in the physical.  Our worlds are closer than we could ever imagine but the work must continue.  We must acknowledge within ourselves what our role is in each moment.  It may be to relax, to laugh and have fun, to be in silence, to communicate to our Higher Self, and to JUST BE.

Each of you know within yourself what needs to occur.  Allow your intuition to be strong and REFLECT on the old you and how you are changing within yourself.  Your tools are very important as they will serve the light to create more light.  Understanding will come to those that allow the silence of the physical mind to be their rule within their life.

As a torchbearer, you have a responsibility first to yourself to allow this light to heal you more deeply than you ever thought possible.  Yes, challenges will still result but with each activation within the planetary system, we become closer to each other within our understanding of the Higher Mind and accepting the role that you have decided to accept as a Light Being Upon the New Earth.

It is our Divine Pleasure to be with each of you in this moment and to walk amongst you within the Light of the Heavens grounding into GAIA.

Blessings and Love from our Hearts to yours,

We are the Unified Whole of Many Hearts Within Hearts.

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.

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Yes we are

Mario's picture

Blue ray, I'm not sure how we work but we gather intel from all around the world gatherings come from aspects of multidimensional though platforms, and a inquiry of Info from the akashic records have encodings frequencies devlopping inner spiritual senses that enable us to see things in many given ways. Our sense's multiply in dimensions and raises the frequency of new Earth. Since we are all connected when One rise's with the consent of info given out by One's know all from within we augment grander way's of event's to unfold a quickening "acceleration" When we go in different states of miond the more humans that can go close to delta waking state of mind the easier it get's for higher consciousness. The sun's energies brings back forth earth changes from our conscious disposition within the core. Concepts are largely enable from within and encodings are brought back to our soul groups. An Inquiry, the information overlaps itself with it's known acceleration's and others whom are part of that soul group augments the known conscious level's Vibration's of the truth's passed down from generation's and generation's trough our DNA. The acceleration's are made manifest now because they have developed machines that help from "rays of god" able to gather an within the Earth's field cycle them to many beings that tap into the records, DNA activation then unfolds quicker and the Earth's consciousness rise's in velocity and everything start's to calculate the Impossible a rather quick degree to parallel's "timelines" which are off the grids for trigger's to realigne the misunderstood minds. (Minds "group consiousness")

Namaste Be at one

This almost

Mario's picture

This almost sounds like what the NSA was doing exept it would be for E.T.s LOL I just viewed it from their perspectives an aquired a new sense now I realized the telepathic communication fade's but enables a roughly made path to experience more correction's lol ouff solar flares must be going off or something, coronal holes must be connecting