Karen Doonan ~Archangeloi of the Elohim: Birth of the Human Angels Upon Planet Earth

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Greetings beloved ones, we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support as the energies prepare for a new way of living and a new way of BEing to be birthed physically upon and within planet earth. We come to explain in detail that which will now unfold and help those of you who have chosen a human form to fully understand the reasons for your incarnation onto and within this planet and the reasons for the shift in your energy signature. It is not TRUTH to state that ALL who are incarnate into human form at this time on planet earth are star seeds, indeed many are but many are other life forms that have incarnated into human form in order to help human consciousness evolve and in order to help the races/realms at this time as they prepare to remember who they are in TRUTH.

We wish to guide on the incarnated human angels to use a very human phrase. These are energies who have incarnated into human form but hold the frequency and vibration of the angelic realms. These energies in human form have undergone much trauma and much “training” in human suffering, providing respite to those around them merely with their energy signature. We call to the incarnate human angels at this time and we ask for you to remember your origins and to remember your reason for incarnation at this time on this planet. Human angels have helped humanity for aeons but massive numbers chose to incarnate upon and within planet earth knowing that this moment would arrive for humanity and we send much love and many blessings to them at this time.

We place the codings of 333 and 444 within their waking vision and we ask for them to rise to their full frequency at this time. Energetic changes to the cellular structure of their human vehicles will see this group of energies come to the fore at this time. They may take on forms that cover many roles within human society and may well appear to be hidden in plain view. An incarnate angel will work with humanity at ALL levels at this time in order to help further release the suffering that is endured by the release and dissolving of the 3d earth frequencies. The angelic realms work closely with their children in their human form at this time, indeed many of you who are incarnate human angels may be experiencing very vivid dreamtime and very close connections and experiences with angelic energies. This will now INCREASE beloved ones for the time is NOW. The reason for your incarnation into human form is NOW, we cannot underline this enough at this time.

We send the call out to the platinum and blue ray energies and ask for them to make their presence known amongst their kin and to begin the recoding of the energetic signatures of their children in human form. This recoding may be experienced as extreme fatigue, tiredness and heightened connections to guides, SOUL knowledge and sacred geometry. We understand that our words at human conscious waking mind level may invoke a very logical reaction, sacred geometrical shapes are the building blocks of this universe, the angelic energies incarnate into human form are now working with this on ALL levels of their BEing and this will now increase dramatically.

All is in reflection and reaction to the raising of the energetic signature of Planet Earth, as Mother Earth now begins to breathe at last she will help energise and further ground the higher frequencies into the planet and also into her children which are the human vehicles that are used to incarnated INTO in order to experience this planet and these energies. We ask for you ALL to look to your human life experience and begin to allow the changes that are now unfolding to expand and deepen. The human life experience is only NOW beginning in TRUTH, all else created artificially to convince you that you are something that you are not. Those who are here to help birth the New GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND are YOU beloved ones, you do not wait for external sources for YOU ARE THAT SOURCE. Do you understand our guidance and our words at this time?

ALL is NOW, there has never been a time when it is not NOW but there has never been a time where it has been more PURE in its essence, this is the difference that many of you can now FEEL albeit the logical mind prevents you from fully anchoring this at this time. World events will now reflect the changing of humanity and this will show TRUTH to new levels of your BEing.

We are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we walk with you always for in TRUTH WE ARE YOU. BE at peace beloved ones for PEACE is now birthed into human consciousness in TRUTH.

(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved


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This article really touched

delde's picture

This article really touched me. My birth number is 33. I had a vision before Obama's first election when I was thinking of each of the 3 candidates separately. When I got to Obama, I received the numbers 333 and had no idea what it meant. Lo and behold, he was elected, twice! I have experienced the Kundalini rising whole body vibrations twice in the middle of the night. What must I do to rise to my full frequency? Thank you

We Offer Awakening Sessions

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We DO Offer Personal Awakening sessions and can assist You with that. Just Email Us at MotherGod1111111@gmail.com  All Our Love~

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!