New Bigfoot Evidence Screened as Experts Claim Proof of Existence

Rain's picture


GFP Note:  As previously stated, the Beings known as Bigfoot/Sasquatch are real. We know that they can be found in the Mt. Shasta, California area and the Appalachian Mountains, for example. These Beings are reclusive but operate at a high level of consciousness ~ they are 5th Dimensional Beings.


heart       heart       heart       heart       heart       heart       heart


ABC News - Kevin Dolak, 10/02/13


GTY bigfoot tk 131002 16x9 608 New Bigfoot Evidence Screened as Experts Claim Proof of Existence


A group of Sasquatch researchers who have been collecting over 100 pieces of evidence over the past five years screened “never before seen HD video” of the alleged creature  at a news conference in Dallas on Tuesday.

Dr. Melba Ketchum, who has led the group of researchers called the Sasquatch Genome Project, has been working on a $500,000 analysis of DNA samples from an unknown hominin species. Ketchum calls the  project “a serious study” that concludes the legendary Sasquatch exists in North America and is a human relative that arose approximately 13,000 years ago.

Video and more:





Psychic Change, why you can not connect in the same way.

Oracle.bird's picture

A post for Psychics, clairvoyants, mediums, generally all readers who have been feeling blocked, disconnected or as if they are loosing their link to source.
The way you use to connect to source could of changed along with your changing vibration and your DNA recoding.
Some of you who have been working as readers and messengers might simply need to find a new way of connecting.
If you once connected through the third eye or the crown chakra you will now need to connect with the heart chakra to bring through your messages. It's a time of ascension into love and love within you is where all messages must now come from.
As so many people are now waking up, activating their psychic senses, their connection to guides and spirit families, readers are becoming so common place that the Internet is flooded with them and their is many in any area you live , just like hairdressers! ;)
Anyway my point being that those of you who have for a long time worked as readers and messengers could now be in the process of being activated into your new true roles, as Way Showers, Earth Guides, Direct Channels or Lightbarers so you will find that giving psychic readings now comes second place or even no longer a part of what you do.
Always trust what feels right and do not be put off by people who still come from a place of ego and claim loudly to be from a small minority of chosen ones. You are all chosen in your special roles and you all have a very important role to play in the bigger picture.
Enjoy the new vibration of light now pouring in and seek what is truly you.
It is time for the self, higher self, and soul to be fully engaging with the heart.

Love and Blessings
Ravenne x

In perfect love and perfect trust let the light do what it must