Chain of Kindness!

mthree's picture

Sometimes a good deed might seem to go unnoticed, but rarely do our good deeds come back to us from the person we give them to. It's always from our heart that they return. This fun video represents what happens when we do something kind, but it also demonstrates what happens when we plant a seed - no matter how small - good or bad; it blossoms. Make random acts of kindness a natural instinct in your life and you'll find yourself on the receiving end when you least expect it!


  I woke up this morning with

DeSwiss2's picture

  I woke up this morning with the idea of ''contagious generosity and acts of kindness'' on my mind and now this video! This is beginning to happen a lot lately. I'll have an idea occur to me spontaneously (or seemingly so) only to see them end up being subjects of posts, articles or channelings that later appear here on the GFP.

Omnia sint unum.