Dave Hodges ~ America Is Rapidly Approaching Its Date With Destiny

Lia's picture

The Common Sense Show October 6, 2013

The winds of change are blowing across America. The following events, detailed below, mark a dramatic shift in the relationship between the federal government and the people not of the federal government. We are at a definitive crossroads in history and I can scarcely believe what I am witnessing.

After reading the following accounts which have transpired in the past few days, it will become clear to the reader that we are moving into times of unprecedented change. These changes are promising and exciting, yet are very frightening.

Arizona State Government Weighing Options to Defy the Obama Administration

Will the country soon be following Governor Brewer’s lead?

Since the historic finger pointing encounter on the tarmac of Sky Harbor International Airport over the controversial immigration related issue of SB1070, it is no secret that Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer, and President Obama do not like each other. In fact, to say that they don’t like each other is a gross understatement.

Presently in Arizona, there are 7,000 hurting families which derive their livelihood from tourism at the Grand Canyon. Obama has ordered the shutdown of the Canyon in regard to the budget impasse.

Governor Brewer is actually considering the use of the State’s National Guard to man the Grand Canyon in defiance of the federal order which shut down the park. Arizona is awaiting Brewer’s next move as she contemplates how to stand up the tyranny emanating from Washington.

Wisconsin Governor Defies Obama’s Shutdown Orders

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker said he’s not closing the federal lands to visitors, in a stunning defiance of the National Park Service’s demand to close certain areas. The federal government had specifically ordered park officials in Wisconsin to close doors on Kettle Moraine, Devil’s Lake and Interstate parks, as well as sections of Horicon Marsh. Interestingly, most of the impacted areas are actually owned by the state.

The state Department of Natural Resources said most of the Wisconsin’s parks that the federal government targeted for closure get most of their money from Wisconsin taxpayers and not from the federal government. Walker has reiterated that state park authorities have stated that they’re not complying with the federal order.

Maine Governor Refuses to Drink From the Federal Common Core Kool-Aid

Maine Governor Paul LaPage recently signed an executive order (EO) in which the Governor declared that the public schools in Maine are locally controlled that student’s personal information will not be shared with any corporations nor any federal agencies.

LaPage’s EO states that “the Department of Education shall not adopt any educational standards, curricula or instructional approaches that may be mandated by the federal government. That the Department of Education shall not apply for any federal grant that requires, as a condition of application, the adoption of any federally-developed standards, curricula or instructional approaches.”

Clearly, Governor LaPage is telling the federal government that Maine’s children are not the property of the misguided Obamacrats. This stunning development makes me want to move to Maine.

Three governors, representing 13.5 million citizens are saying “No Thank You” to the President and the federal government. This is only the tip of the iceberg of Americans who are becoming willing to thumb their noses at the federal government.

Average Citizens Are Getting Into the Act

John Ervin and his family were visiting Washington DC with his family and his daughter desperately wanted to see the Lincoln Memorial. John went around the barrier and went to the memorial on behalf of his daughter in an act of civil disobedience. Martha Tazzioli and her sons from Seattle, WA., also engaged in civil disobedience and circumvented the barriers to a national monument, albeit with the rangers looking the other way.



America’s greatest generation still engaged in opposing tyrants.

Vietnam veterans defied the shutdown orders at the Vietnam Memorial. There were reports that police ordered tourists and Vietnam War veterans who were visiting the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall to leave the memorial at one point this past Friday. The veterans went around the barricade until more police showed up in force, NBC’s Mark Seagraves reported. Please allow me to pause for a moment and remind everyone that these vets showed up to pay respect to their fallen friends and comrades and they were denied their right to do so by a President who kept his own federally funded golf course open. America lost over 58,000 of her finest in Vietnam and we tolerate the continual displays of disrespect for our culture, our traditions and our bravest members of society from a person like Obama?

Another group of Americans have engaged in defying the federal government and it is the WWII veterans. Is there a more respected group of Americans than our WWII veterans?

A level of commitment and sacrifice that Obama, Holder and Clinton will never know.

These brave WWII veterans stormed barricades blocking the WWII Memorial in Washington DC, just as they did when they stormed beaches at Normandy, nearly, sixty years ago. The German and the Japanese armies did not stand a chance against our amazing soldiers and neither does Obama. Take a good look at the WWII veterans pictured below, we will not have any of them for much longer. God Bless these brave men who demonstrate an understanding of what it means to be an American unlike the Kenyan pictured above whose idea of combat is trying to keep his tee shot on the fairway.


We have governors of states, brave veterans, and average people defying the federal government. What does this all of this mean? It means that the worm has turned and America is finally beginning to stand up and say no to the tyrants who comprise the minions which serve the central bankers who have hijacked our government. It means that America has just entered a major shift in its attitude towards its government. The events of civil disobedience, occurring over the past week cannot be overstated.

Part two of this series will explore this new found level of civil disobedience, which is beginning to touch many of us from our statehouses to the houses that we live in, and what it means for our collective futures. And like with most change Part two will reveal that there is both an upside and a downside to any change and this is no different. America, we live in historic times.


Dave Hodges ~ America Is Rapidly Approaching Its Date With Destiny

The Common Sense Show October 6, 2013

The winds of change are blowing across America. The following events, detailed below, mark a dramatic shift in the relationship between the federal government and the people not of the federal government. We are at a definitive crossroads in history and I can scarcely believe what I am witnessing.

After reading the following accounts which have transpired in the past few days, it will become clear to the reader that we are moving into times of unprecedented change. These changes are promising and exciting, yet are very frightening.

Arizona State Government Weighing Options to Defy the Obama Administration

Will the country soon be following Governor Brewer’s lead?

Since the historic finger pointing encounter on the tarmac of Sky Harbor International Airport over the controversial immigration related issue of SB1070, it is no secret that Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer, and President Obama do not like each other. In fact, to say that they don’t like each other is a gross understatement.

Presently in Arizona, there are 7,000 hurting families which derive their livelihood from tourism at the Grand Canyon. Obama has ordered the shutdown of the Canyon in regard to the budget impasse.

Governor Brewer is actually considering the use of the State’s National Guard to man the Grand Canyon in defiance of the federal order which shut down the park. Arizona is awaiting Brewer’s next move as she contemplates how to stand up the tyranny emanating from Washington.

Wisconsin Governor Defies Obama’s Shutdown Orders

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker said he’s not closing the federal lands to visitors, in a stunning defiance of the National Park Service’s demand to close certain areas. The federal government had specifically ordered park officials in Wisconsin to close doors on Kettle Moraine, Devil’s Lake and Interstate parks, as well as sections of Horicon Marsh. Interestingly, most of the impacted areas are actually owned by the state.

The state Department of Natural Resources said most of the Wisconsin’s parks that the federal government targeted for closure get most of their money from Wisconsin taxpayers and not from the federal government. Walker has reiterated that state park authorities have stated that they’re not complying with the federal order.

Maine Governor Refuses to Drink From the Federal Common Core Kool-Aid

Maine Governor Paul LaPage recently signed an executive order (EO) in which the Governor declared that the public schools in Maine are locally controlled that student’s personal information will not be shared with any corporations nor any federal agencies.

LaPage’s EO states that “the Department of Education shall not adopt any educational standards, curricula or instructional approaches that may be mandated by the federal government. That the Department of Education shall not apply for any federal grant that requires, as a condition of application, the adoption of any federally-developed standards, curricula or instructional approaches.”

Clearly, Governor LaPage is telling the federal government that Maine’s children are not the property of the misguided Obamacrats. This stunning development makes me want to move to Maine.

Three governors, representing 13.5 million citizens are saying “No Thank You” to the President and the federal government. This is only the tip of the iceberg of Americans who are becoming willing to thumb their noses at the federal government.

Average Citizens Are Getting Into the Act

John Ervin and his family were visiting Washington DC with his family and his daughter desperately wanted to see the Lincoln Memorial. John went around the barrier and went to the memorial on behalf of his daughter in an act of civil disobedience. Martha Tazzioli and her sons from Seattle, WA., also engaged in civil disobedience and circumvented the barriers to a national monument, albeit with the rangers looking the other way.


America’s greatest generation still engaged in opposing tyrants.

Vietnam veterans defied the shutdown orders at the Vietnam Memorial. There were reports that police ordered tourists and Vietnam War veterans who were visiting the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall to leave the memorial at one point this past Friday. The veterans went around the barricade until more police showed up in force, NBC’s Mark Seagraves reported. Please allow me to pause for a moment and remind everyone that these vets showed up to pay respect to their fallen friends and comrades and they were denied their right to do so by a President who kept his own federally funded golf course open. America lost over 58,000 of her finest in Vietnam and we tolerate the continual displays of disrespect for our culture, our traditions and our bravest members of society from a person like Obama?

Another group of Americans have engaged in defying the federal government and it is the WWII veterans. Is there a more respected group of Americans than our WWII veterans?

A level of commitment and sacrifice that Obama, Holder and Clinton will never know.

These brave WWII veterans stormed barricades blocking the WWII Memorial in Washington DC, just as they did when they stormed beaches at Normandy, nearly, sixty years ago. The German and the Japanese armies did not stand a chance against our amazing soldiers and neither does Obama. Take a good look at the WWII veterans pictured below, we will not have any of them for much longer. God Bless these brave men who demonstrate an understanding of what it means to be an American unlike the Kenyan pictured above whose idea of combat is trying to keep his tee shot on the fairway.


We have governors of states, brave veterans, and average people defying the federal government. What does this all of this mean? It means that the worm has turned and America is finally beginning to stand up and say no to the tyrants who comprise the minions which serve the central bankers who have hijacked our government. It means that America has just entered a major shift in its attitude towards its government. The events of civil disobedience, occurring over the past week cannot be overstated.

Part two of this series will explore this new found level of civil disobedience, which is beginning to touch many of us from our statehouses to the houses that we live in, and what it means for our collective futures. And like with most change Part two will reveal that there is both an upside and a downside to any change and this is no different. America, we live in historic times.

- See more at: http://www.shiftfrequency.com/dave-hodges-america-is-rapidly-approaching-its-date-with-destiny/#sthash.r9YT4m53.dpuf



Long over due

nerdalicious's picture

I've taken the oath three times. These stories about civil disobedience warm my heart. We won't stay in stage two very long. How smooth this goes requires much prayer and meditation.

Dave Hodges-America Is Rapidly Approaching....

Ra-Raela's picture

Everyone seems to be blaming President Obama. Let's not forget who is the other party holding this country hostage. Someone by the last name of Boehner, who wants to blackmail this country by not compromising! This whole standdown stinks like a 10 day old fish, which has been sitting in the sun too long. There is more to this whole thing than meets the eye, I guarantee it!

Wake up Dave

Rick Mordecon's picture



Your misinformation is astounding. Do you think for one minute that John Boehner and Scott Walker and Paul Ryan are not puppets of the Koch brothers and big business? Your inability to see that this is a Republican led coup d'etat of the majority desires of the American people is both dangerous and irresponsible. What I say to anarchists like yourself is find a country to live in where there is no rule of law or mechanism for settling honest disputes in an honorable manner. it seems the cabal you talk of is one sided and in your head. GET REAL. Just because you hate our bi-racial president doesn't mean you can advocate a total disruption to the American system of government. This happened once before. It was called the civil war, and I might say, the greatest president of them all, Abrahan Lincoln, a Republican was the biggest adult in the room. You don't like Mr. Obama fine. He isn't perfect, but advocating anarchy and "States" rights by saying that the entire government is part of some cabal is just too pat an excuse for your inability to see the truth of the situation.


Yeah, those governors aren't

will's picture

Yeah, those governors aren't defying the feds for the sake of their citizens. These are political games to make Obama look bad so the Republicans can get more power. The article blames Obama for everything...