Christina Lunden: Enjoy Each Day

Lia's picture


Sunday, 6 October, 2013  (posted 9 October, 2013)

How do you deal with the fact that spiritually you know how something could turn out and others don’t? This is an issue that has been coming up a lot this year. Answers to prayers that have been prayed years ago have been showing up in people’s lives. One of the main prayers answered has been the long awaited love.

These higher resonating love relationships are not based on karma nor are they twin flames or soul mates. The Angels have always told me to guide people away from asking for their twin flame or soul mates, as that is a lower energy relationship.  These terms were made up to explain what we felt we needed in the 3rd Dimension.

Just think about a twin flame. That denotes that something in a soul is missing; that there is half of you floating around in another body. Does that even make sense? How can a soul be separate from itself? The Angels told me this was a term made up by a human, not something that was spiritually given. So when someone prays for a twin flame, they attract the energy of a person exactly like themselves with their likes, dislikes, issues, etc. Why would we want two of ourselves to learn through? These relationships are rocky and rarely, if ever last.

A soul mate is another word made up by humans to let them off the hook of learning their own lessons. The soul mate “completes” them so they don’t have to do anything. Everything they need is within the other person. So in the beginning these relationships are great but then they too start to fall apart. The problem is that we are here to learn and no matter what barriers we put up to prevent that, we will eventually learn the lessons. Learning them later tends to make the lessons harder.

The highest and greatest love you can create for yourself now is neither of these. But it does bring with it complications. With your prayers for your highest and greatest love, your soul will send out a light beam into the world to find someone who has a similar light beam in their soul. The clearer your heart is from lower energies (unforgiveness, judgment, etc.), the clearer they will be also.

This doesn’t mean they are complete with their lessons. It’s actually quite the opposite. They still have things to learn and that is why their soul is seeking out a love relationship. The same goes for you, that is why your soul is seeking a love relationship; to learn. So the highest and greatest love still comes with lessons to work through. The idea of being the highest and greatest is that it is perfect for your soul to learn your lessons on the highest and easiest path, IF you allow it.

The Angels tell us the majority of the time (99%) the person that comes to us will not be where we are spiritually. This is a huge disappointment to many Lightworkers. The light of the two souls matched, not necessarily the consciousness. There is a reason for this. If the soul you matched up to was just as spiritually conscious as you are, with free-will it can quickly turn into a competition to see who knows more and then it can turn into a teacher/student relationship.

The student in this example would have to deal with resentment with not being seen for who they are. With only a few lessons to learn for the soul at this point, it is too risky to match two people up where they could easily fail. There isn’t time for that. Remember, when this person comes, they will be a spiritual match so the souls WILL BE already equal in soul light energy. That shows there is no need for one to be a teacher or student of each other. This love relationship is to be two souls walking beside each other.

The other issue is that you may have spiritual insight into the future and know from “Hello” that this could be a lifelong relationship.  However, the other person doesn’t have access to that information and is moving at a slower pace than you. They are doing the dating game while you are planning your whole future together. This can be a frustratingly slow process waiting for the other person to catch up to where you are.

So what do you do? Enjoy each moment of each day you have with this person. There is no need to rush anything. Many Lightworkers are causing issues within their relationship and some even losing their love because they felt the need to tell them everything they knew spiritually about the future possibilities.

The other person who doesn’t have the same access to the spiritual insight could feel uncomfortable and most of the time feel pushed into making decisions they are not ready to make and therefore walk away. It is better to keep these things to yourself. Hey, it’s not like we are not used to keeping our mouths shut. We don’t share everything we know spiritually with everyone. We have found in the past that causes consequences that we don’t like or need.

Just enjoy each moment of each and every day you have with this person. This is not about the end result. This is about your souls learning through daily life. You learn how to love yourself while being loved for who you are. Finally someone will be able to “see” you! Your two souls know what to do to be on the highest and easiest path. Make sure that you are not getting in their way and causing upsets and complications that didn’t need to happen. Enjoy yourself. And be thankful. You got the answer to your prayers!

I love,


Copyright 2013 © Christina Lunden ~ Creator Mediator ~ All rights reserved.  Although these messages are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, post on your blog, etc. including the Source:



This makes so much sense.

gaiasdaughter's picture

Thank you, I have often felt that about twin flames and soul mates. It didn't resonate, it felt more like human constructs and that if two people were more "equal," then they could walk the path as friends, side by side. My husband of 20 years and I have been walking side by side for most of those years; different people, different perspectives but both equal in our desire to grow spiritually, which makes all the difference in the world.