Owen K Waters ~ Left Behind

Lia's picture


You might ask the question, “What if some people simply don’t want to go through The Shift and leave their old lifestyle behind?” What if they prefer to stay immersed in “them against us” dramas or even “me against the world” dramas?

Humanity was created so that we can find our way back home to the source from which we originally came. God didn’t just create humanity and leave us to fend for ourselves. There is a cosmic plan for the enlightenment of humanity and, true to our gift of self-determination, no one is forced to progress any faster than they choose.

The Shift isn’t just about the planet Earth. Our planet, our solar system, and our section of the universe are about to make a quantum jump in frequency. There will come a mass ascension day when the Earth will rise in vibration and take with her all who are ready to function in heart-centered consciousness.

That is the requirement – ready for heart-centered consciousness – and, surprising to some, you don’t have to be religious or spiritual to make the grade! A caring person who supports others with little thought for themselves is a heart-centered person. A person who promotes ecology out of care for the Earth is also expressing unselfish, unconditional love when they don’t expect anything particular in return for their efforts and concerns.

On the scale of human consciousness, caring for others is so much bigger than working for personal gain.

There is no Judgment Day where God will look at you and make a decision. You make the decision and the process is automatic. If you’re ready when the big day comes, you will want to go with the inspiring, uplifting energies and nothing will hold you back.

Those, on the other hand, who prefer to stay in their present level of consciousness and decide against rising to the frequency of the ascended Earth will eventually need alternative accommodation. This section of the universe will no longer be available for the reincarnation of their frequency band of consciousness, so another world had to be found for their future use. This is not new information. In the early 1970s, I became aware of information that came from the spiritual hierarchy about a new planet which, for that very purpose, was being prepared for human habitation.

Consider the impending ascension to a lighter form as a major step in God’s cosmic plan for the enlightenment of humanity. Think of it as a harvest of souls, where everything you do to help others make it through The Shift will be forever enshrined in the records of life as golden acts of service to others.

This is the opportunity that spiritual souls have waited lifetimes to experience.

It doesn’t matter whether people shift into heart-centered consciousness while physically incarnate or, should they have passed on from this life, experience its parallel version in the afterlife. The point is to be ready and to help as many others as you can to make it through to the new heaven on earth.





bjbutterfli's picture

You know the hardest part of accepting all of this as truth is the old bible tells us to watch for this?  Those who would try to confuse the faithful. I so want to believe this and my soul tells me this it right yet at times I am in fear that I am being lead astray. And that makes it hard to get off the fence. Am I the only one or are there others out here that have the same confusion? 


SmilingMike's picture

Hi bjbutterfli, YES........My teaching when I was a little boy taught me the same thing.......to watch out for this very thing! You know what though.........If god is what my teaching taught me as a little boy....is, I don't want anything to do with him.....fuck it.....I'm ready to go to hell if all this new teaching is crap. I've lived in fear of hell my whole life and I'm DONE! Yes, the new teaching speak to your heart, because it's true! When I think of my old teachings, it brings a dark cloud of nastiness and fear to mind. I'm not telling you to jump off the fence, you will when you are ready.......I can't seem to fully let go either, but it's going to happen for me.........I wish you a speedy resolve!!!! 

Religions have to scare

will's picture

Religions have to scare people away from things that contradict the religion, it's simply how they work, and it's part of how they propagate their belief systems. If they didn't do that, they wouldn't have the level of power and control they currently wield.

I totally get where you are coming from

Tonago's picture

The way I see it now is that God is brilliant and has provided multiple roads to get us to heaven.  A devout good person who cares for others(like a Mother Theresa) may not ever come across the Galactic Federation of Light webpages but God has already spoken to her and she hears.    Creator has provided many avenues to reach the same destination with the ultimate lesson for us all is how we all got to the same great place, regardless of how we arrived.     I wonder all the time how others around me havent even noticed this information but maybe I heard this message clearer than I did the one in Church where I was often perplexed that the Pastor and Pew preached how people like myself would be unloved by God and not permitted to enter Heaven.  Every single time I heard such things I knew it was at odds with the God in my own heart.    I might have given up the journey had there not been other messages that I did hear instead.  

Thanks fellow travelers for

bjbutterfli's picture

Thanks fellow travelers for your words of wisdom and hope. The GOD of my understanding that I have today is not the punishing God I was raised with 99% of the time. It does help to know I am not allow though so thank you all for responding. I can not go back to the old belief as  they  never did serve my needs. Blessing to all