~Quiet Wonderment~

Lia's picture


25 October 2013

We are all unique reflections of the Creator, fragments, shards or facets of the Divine Mind. And still it is wondrous to discover that on Inner Planes one is working with a multitude of other beings. And it is a great work, the reintroduction of the Law of One upon this planet, but in a way that has never been experienced before.

Yes, wonder. And I feel calm, neutral and very balanced. It is a delight, albeit a calm delight, to feel this way.

We are Creator gods, not just in the making, but we ARE CREATOR GODS. You are creating every moment of every day, just mostly in an unconscious manner. Now, due to certain energies and frequency patterns being anchored upon the earth, the ability to create consciously will expand, first to a group of dedicated alchemists and then to a wider group, and so on to mass consciousness. It is a process; it will take years (perhaps) to reach the masses. Meanwhile, it is a wonder and a delight.

Many blessings upon your road. May it take you to places of wonder, beauty and grace and into the heart of Love.





It wont take years

Mario's picture

If constantly work at it, it wont take years, many of us when awakened have key elements to shine upon the world and these expendifies the world we see and what is surrounding us, meaning people will start asking questions more and more hahaha

Namaste have a good day :)