~ Caroline Aguiar ~ Clearing Our Energy Fields

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Last week, Hilarion’s message, channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff of the Rainbow Scribe blog site, really grabbed my attention because it centered around the importance of clearing our energy fields, and this is something that I feel I must do every single day.

Many of us are becoming quite sensitive to the energies around us.  We feel a heightened sensitivity to other people’s energy, earth energy, or even the residual energies of places such as rooms, buildings, public places like shopping malls, hospitals, and so on.

I must admit, during the last full moon, I believe it was Friday November 15th, the moon was not full yet, but I was driving home at night, with a long two-hour drive ahead of me, but I was not alone, as the moon traveled along with me, and I felt her strong energies shining down upon the earth, and perhaps my car as I sped along. Never before had I felt such intensity coming from the full moon, and I was quite literally overwhelmed with feelings of femininity, strength, clarity, and love.

I felt an urge to break into song, so I sang a little, which further opened my heart to the captivating life force, in what I felt was a connection with the divine feminine, and all life.

My eyes were mesmerized with the moon’s beauty, and brightness which literally lit up the highway, and me. This also proved to be a little dangerous, as I really needed to focus on keeping my eyes on winding road ahead of me.

We are well aware, there are energies around us at all times.  As we become more sensitive to their presence we “feel” more, and at times this can be joyous, and also, it can be overwhelming, especially if we sense nervous energy which isn’t ours.  Perhaps suddenly we find ourselves feeling, anxious, or angry for no apparent reason, and the purpose of my writing to you today is to share some of the ways, which I personally use on a daily basis to clear my energy field.  This also helps when we are feeling tired from the daily routine, maybe a little sad, or down in the dumps.

I also wanted to thank Marlene and Hilarion for their beautiful message which can be read here:

http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2013.htm  by Marlene Swetlishoff

At the end of this post, I’ve listed a reference, and a few ideas for clearing our energy fields, I hope this helps.  It sure helps me, and like I said in a previous post not long ago: epsom salt, sage, and Florida water have become my new best friends.

Hilarion’s message also mentioned envisioning the violet flame around your energy field which transmutes energies that are not your own, which will help clear your energy field.  Hilarion says in the Nov. 17th message:

As you walk your daily path, be mindful of the thoughts and feelings streaming into your consciousness as some of these may not be from your own life stream but rather from those around you. It is important that you start each day by clearing your own energy field so that when you venture out into the activities of life upon your world you will know when strange thoughts and feelings enter your field and you can discern that it comes from others. At those moments, visualize the violet flame burning and purifying these thoughts and feelings and send them into the Great Central Sun for transmutation and recycling back into light. Many of you are much too sensitive to the energies of others and also the Earth’s energies and need to practice self-protection and clearing on a consistent and persistent level.

This morning during my meditation time, I went into my quiet heart center, and asked, how can I learn to clear my own energy field?  The answer I received, plus Hilarion’s message which has been on my mind for some days now, are what prompted me to write this post.

When my power animal came to me, together we traveled to my Secret Garden.  Anyone can have a Secret Garden, perhaps it is a special place in nature you feel comfortable in.  A place where you might find peace and solitude, and also a place where you might meet with your guides, and/or Spirit Helpers.

Upon entering my Secret Garden, I looked up at the sky, I saw the bright sun, and a golden cleansing rain began to fall on us.  As I looked around the perimeter of the garden, I envisioned the violet flame as suggested by Hilarion.  I saw it burning brightly, all aglow, in shades of purple, and magenta throughout the entire perimeter of the garden.  I held that vision, and at times the flame grew higher, and then it gradually reduced to about 2 or three feet, and it held that space for a few moments.

I wanted to share this with you, and listed below is a link for clearing energy fields.  I practice these techniques every single day, and they really work!

Clearing Your Energy Field

1) Sage incense is great for clearing energy fields especially within the rooms of your home, or other space, so is lavender, frankincense, and sandalwood.

2) Espom Salt Baths for Sensitive Souls: http://www.highlysensitivesouls.com/epsom.htm

3) You can also do an alcohol burn for clearing space anywhere.  Take 1/3 cup of epsom salts, a small Pyrex dish, 70% alcohol, regular store-bought rubbing alcohol will do.  Pour the epsom salts, and alcohol into the Pyrex bowl, (make sure the epsom salt, alcohol mixture is not too soppy).  Then light a match and let it burn until the flames are extinguished by themselves.  Don’t worry, nothing blows up, and the flames usually burn out within 5 minutes.  Make sure you put a hot plate underneath the bowl, because it does get hot!

4) If you live near the ocean, and if it’s not too cold, take a dip, and the natural sea salt will cleanse your field.

5) It also helps to wash your bed sheets every three to four days, as sometimes energies remain within the sheets, especially after heavy dreaming, or astral travel during the night.

Because I’ve become extra sensitive to energies, I’ve developed a travel kit which I take everywhere with me, so I can clear my field to the best of my ability at all times wherever I am.  Sounds like overkill, but it has to be done.

My life is like that of a gypsy, I’m always on the go, from the city to our ranch, so in my magic bag, I have sage incense, sandalwood, frankincense, my Pyrex bowl, epsom salts, alcohol, and matches.  This my sound extreme, but this is what my life consists of now, and I’m putting my best foot forward, and learning to adjust.

If you have any questions or comments, you know where to reach me, just look on my contact page. :)

Much love to all!



