Ignorance is Bliss?

Rain's picture


GFP Note: We are presenting this for your awareness. We encourage you to observe and understand what has happened in the illusion but not to react. The illusion and the cabal are dissolving and there is nothing to fear, ever. Love Wins!


heart       heart       heart       heart       heart       heart       heart



41. You Make Plans... They Make Plans

Published on Nov 23, 2013 by TruthNeverTold




MERKABA's picture

I just want to understand this. You're saying Banker's  income's have increased as much as 11% last year. Then you're saying the banking cabel is coming apart.

Interesting how both can be going on at the same time. There's no question to ask. Just bewilderment. How were expected to believe this stuff.  

Thanks Anyway for the entertainment.