Lia's picture


VERY IMPORTANT !!! Alex Collier makes reference to December 3rd, 2013
*ATTENTION* MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2013 Judith Kusel ~The New Cosmic Portal opening up and immense new wave of cosmic changes is upon us... "There is a massive cosmic portal opening up just in between Jupiter and the earth, which has been closed for millennia. It looks something like a wormhole, and it brings for the first time in millions of years the return of a mass cosmic consciousness which is embedded in certain star gates in this solar system.

The mechanisms of this massive field of consciousness is that of the ancient beginnings when the first galaxies were formed, the first 12 master galaxies, and then, when the wars of heavens started, this massive portal was closed down, and moved towards those new galaxies forming in the outer reaches of the cosmic whole.

What is will be doing is affecting the pyramids and pyramids grids inside, on the surface and those under the sea, and bring about the acceleration of the rising of consciousness on this planet.

It will trigger immense memory banks in our inherent DNA and molecular memory banks, and bring about the a massive shift in the way we perceive our material world, as a lot start disintegrating which once held form, while other forms of life, which have been living alongside us, in different dimensional states, and also inside the earth, will now for the first time be visible to those who are tuning into the cosmic impulses emitted by this massive portal." http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.c...

Comet ISON and Mercury's Electrical Phenomenon Nov 12-18 2013 Return of Mythical Plasma Dragons
*URGENT* Grid Ex Drill in Affect & IRS Page Says There Will Be A Planned Power Outage! November 2013



taragrace's picture


Thats Interesting I started Feeling Different On Thursday.

And This Week-end My Stomache Has Felt Different

Its The first Time I was actually going to mention something about the

Ascension process in the last little while

My stomache Feels Like It is Being stretched with light?

And I do remember like last week

I Felt this energy runnng up my spine a couple of times

or it may have been the week before not sure

Interesting Post from Alex collier

Tara Grace

Stay alert people

David Porter's picture

This one as well has been 100% wrong on all his predictions.

If you go back to his previous YOUTUBE videos you may validate my words, just not his.

Alex if you cannot come to my people with the truth, don't come to them, thank you.


David Porter

Author of the series



taragrace's picture


Okay I remember I felt that energy running up my spine two weeks ago

And Yes, my memory did increase this week-end because I noticed

it..I started to remember words to a song very clearly

and I was surprised and increase in memories abilities this week-end

very interesting

Tara Grace

Fear Porn

paddyo68's picture

Hi.  I am a HUGE believer in the GOOD that is coming for Humanity, as I know that you guys who run this website are also.

What I have a problem with is that you ALLOW posts like this, which is nothing more than FEAR PORN, to permeate an otherwise positive and hope-filled website, for a wonderful new prosperous Earth!

Please, monitor your site more closely for GARBAGE like this, or sadly I will have to, as well as others I suspect, stop visiting this great site for a source of hope!


Disappointed Member


taragrace's picture


I  Just want to say

I do not see any fear in this video

I am aware there is a divine plan

for all of us to move into 5D in 2015

or we will not be here, and there are other options for those who

do not move into 5D

I Just wanted To Share

From My Perspectice No Fear Here Only

A Man Sharing His Perspectives On What The Adromedons  Have To Say

Tara Grace