Although most of you will misunderstand this, it is something that has been given to me and something that I MUST pass on. And even though it will be misunderstood, and be looked upon as Darkness or negativity, I will gladly be looked upon in that light if it means that this truth will reach those around me.
YOU DO NOT NEED LIGHT CHAMBERS, you do not need anything. Do not be made to believe otherwise.
Now I understand that this all has to be, and I understand that everyone must realize on their own. But people, this group, whether even the leaders understand it or not, is misleading you. "All eyes on Ison" "oh yes it scared us we thought it would be gone!" The guys who did 9/11 were working for God, the guy down the street that slaps his woman is "working for God" do you see the emptiness in our words? These people are doing nothing WRONG, no they are doing everything right in deed, and I Love you all so so much even for being the vessels that have to hold the position you do hold, but I assure you that the position that FG/MG hold is a position of deceit through truth. Listen, the truth is being taught, yes, but that doesn't mean that the people teaching it have to be the "good guys" but understand that at the same time they ARE the good guys.. aren't we all?. There is no Light/Dark there is only Love, and you are part of that. To hell with angel worship, to hell with any feeling of incompletion, to hell with even having to think about it, to hell with colors to hell with chakras and every single diversion from being WHOLE, being HOLY. These are the same things, the same tricks under the same category working to diminish your faith. Do you truly not see that the same ones that come to save you are the ones behind the "dark team" that imposed all of these limitations that you are going to be freed from!? Do you truly not see that the "light" is also part of that team? The true enemy is UnFaith, and YES there IS an enemy, although words are so wonderfully crafted that by being told the FACT that all is Love you believe that all is GOOD, when my shit in the toilet is Love just as this is. A nuclear bomb is pure love energy. You will never be told a lie by this Deicide team, because they will lead you to create your own UnFaith through pure truth, because they are the ones that also imposed the limits and even the bastardized language that they can so beautifully use against you. I'm begging you guys to drop all the things from your mind that you focus on and learn from here, please. You truly only need to Love, that is all. You are soooo soooo sooooooooooooooooo much more than even these guys would have you know, and without even lying they are going to have you believe that you still were lacking, that you still have "work" to do on yourself... The ego game never ends baby, it's the most amazing diversion you could think of. It's like trying to put into words what Mushrooms make you remember. You are never and were never separated from God, you have nothing that needs to be done in order to get "closer" because there is no closer! Please understand, please. The true thing to ask forgiveness for is that you ever did not believe-in God FULLY. That is all. If I were able to do such a thing I would hand over my entire personality, my soul, my existence that everyone understands fully their loving and unbreakable FULL and WHOLE connection that has never been away. I would give all that I am, and never feel consciousness again in order to give my self to you. I truly love you all. And FUCK "unconditional love" no.. LOVE does not need to be modified, it is LOVE the most high of all. Eat shit and die GFP haha, if I had a head like yours FG, I would skin it back and piss through it. I still love you though, but I had to throw in some comedy, because I do have harsh feelings toward the LIE, but not towards your individual personalities and souls or even your vessels, just the LIE; which is no lie at all. And the funniest part is that most reading this will only see negativity, and not truth. But understand that I truly would give my self to you all, I WISH for that opportunity. I pray that you all find your way, and this is just something that I had to do. I apologize for the negativity, but it is PURE LOVE , truly. ;)
your working on both sides of the same coin
You are so deep in Ego=Illusion=fantasy, and you have no idea what you're talking about, eventhough you think you do.
I am sending You a Lot of Love, and Hope someday you will awaken from Stupidity and you will, it's inevitable actually.
Cognitive dissonance is
Cognitive dissonance is holding two conflicting beliefs in the mind at once, and it creates a war inside the mind that usually spills out into our interactions with others. Best wishes on your journeys Tyler.