Bill Ballard ~ ISON Reprogramming the Water Structure in Ourselves ~ Earth ~ Humanity

Lia's picture

ISON has come through with its purity of ancient and heavenly unadulterated energies programmed into the water of the comet it is. On Thanksgiving Day it integrated with our SUN as it rounded it bringing new encodings and frequencies altering our Sun, which again steps down the frequencies and sends out to our Solar System and US... ISON IS CHANGING EVERYTHING... Do ya feel it?

My energies have been BEYOND these past days and at levels of LIGHT and frequency very difficult for my LIGHT Junkie Self to handle... Anyone who knows me knows it is that I LOVE SO! This level is beyond though.... I am finding many others who are experiencing the same. Talking about it seems to help us all as we individually go through our ascension processes. It is also funny how so many persons still "think" to ascend we disappear... NOT SO anymore....

Please continue to focus on our Global Water Healing Ceremonies and Intent to Awaken the Collective of Humanity... It's Time and We Need All hands on Deck focusing intent and using your power in the most efficient ways! Here is the vid on that focused intent going on through January 2014.

Alex Collier 1996

Bashar 144,000

Happy HolYdays!

Bill Ballard

If you have questions, please contact me via my email, Skype at . That address is also my method for financial transfers via Paypal at

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Light Coming In

taragrace's picture


I can relate to this video,

It definately feels like more light coming in

Beautifully said by Bill Ballard

Tara Grace