~ Silentwindofchange~ You Are All Regaining One Of Your Senses You Lost Long Ago

Eddie1177's picture

Lightbody 5It is part of your light body senses.

Through all the rewiring of your bodies and brain to handle the higher energies you are developing energetic reactions to outside and inside stimulus.  The closest I can explain it is it’s like chills or goosebumps or as those on the other side of the pond say, gooseflesh.  But the bumpy skin isn’t part of it.  It most closely resembles “chills”.

So lets try to capture what happens during it.  Your lightbody is becoming more integrated with your physical body.  The sensation is familiar because you completely feel it when you are just spirit in between lives and during out of body occasions.  As you would imagine when you are just a lightbeing you still need a way to “feel” related to what you experience.  This is it.

Let me try to list some of the ways you feel it:

  • Starts from the top back of your head and goes down your back
  • Starts from the top back of your head and goes to the front of your head
  • Starts from your spine and spreads left and right around your body to the front

One of the ways it seems to be felt when you want to feel it is by feeling gratitude or during some inbreath while you focus on a feeling.  It is a wonderful blissful divine love kind of feeling.

It seems like the different types listed above relate to specific kinds of situations you are in when you feel it.  I’ll try to categorize them in the future as I focus more on the situations occurring during the experience.  At the moment I can give the following two types of experiences when it happens.

When you really have a revelation you seem to get the feeling in the back of your head that spreads out to the front of your head as well as running down your spine.

Tilting your head down and taking a deep inbreath while feeling gratitude seems to make your connection to higher realms and you feel the energy encircle the top of your head covering roughly the area of a knit winter hat.

Visualizing is a major component to these connections and your energy body.

I’ll start a list of the experiences and the situation that was occurring and post the summary on a future post.  Right now I wanted to give you something to look forward to if you aren’t experiencing it already.

If you already are, enjoy the ride.




What the energy feels like to me.

CrackerJackette's picture

Tho all the different energy waves have indeed been increasing recently, I have experienced them for years, when I seek it. To me, the most profound energy wave feels like a minor asexual orgasm, centered between the heart and solar plexus, and waves out over the body. It is not recently always able to be accessed at will. I have to really quiet down, concentrate on the heart/solar plexus region and seek the spiritual bliss. Sometimes it is a minor wave  difficult to find. Sometimes it is waving strongly before I really work to seek it out.

All my opinions are just that, opinions. I will not provide links to why I think the way I do.

energy waves

Timmy Kelley's picture

 Thank you for your communication skills. I get them in a very orgasmic way. I did not want to say that before but then I read your post, lol. thank you



physical sensations

Timmy Kelley's picture

I have been getting these body twisting awesome feeling sensations when I am doing my water healing and when I thank the water I get one. totally awesome and I get them wherever I am now thanking the waters for being. I'm getting them now just saying it. LOL!!! I love being alive now!!!!


a roadmap is needed

nerdalicious's picture

I have been experiencing most of the above for a long time too. Determining context, thoughts, feelings and timing is really hard sometimes. It would be great if someone has cataloged all this sort of stuff...