Many of you have written to me since my last post, expressing your concern about my well being – living without a revenue stream from the old paradigm. I assure you, I am being present with every fear that arises, and whatever insights or accomplishments I make on this journey into the conundrum that faces us all, I will be happy to share here. Ultimately my new adventure involves building bridges. I love building bridges, and though I have tried numerous times in the past to build them on my own, I always return to the realization that we must do this together.
The conundrum, as I see it, is how to extract myself from the individual and collective belief that terrible things will happen to me if I am not in the system; the system meaning that I have a “job”, along with health insurance, car insurance, renter’s insurance… whatever insurance and assurance I need from the system so that I will continue to report to work everyday and perpetuate this limited 3D slavery madness. Instead, I want to BE and live my passion now (5D?) – with all of you. Healing this conundrum between the two camps, or dimensions, is my destiny. Which camp do you live in? Where does your heart lie? Are you participating in deepening the chasm and keeping them separate? Or are you helping to solidify a new Earth and grounding in a more joyful, wholistic way of being?
I knew that something was very wrong with this whole “job” thing when I began selling t-shirts and jeans in the mall at age 15. I was so young when I started out in the system that my mother had to provide a sort of permission slip to the government that it was okay with her that I go ahead and claim my slavery status right away. On my first day at the “T’s and Jeans” store, I was “asked” to wear their merchandise a size or so too small. “We’ll sell more that way,” the boss said. My tight little 15-year old body made me highly qualified for the job. I was so friggin’ naive.
Cut to my most-recent job. My employer hired me with much enthusiasm and big dreams. As a team we were going to first finish up this “little project” over here that sells products to people that they don’t really need, and as a result, would create a steady revenue stream to support all the REAL inspiration of creating spiritual media. It was a red flag to me… I felt a twinge in my gut, but I rationalized that, “hey, at least he has his eye on the greater work and service… somewhere, somehow down the road…” Well, you may have guessed that that “tiny little project” became a 20-hour per day/7-day a week, no-end-in-sight obsession for him. As a result, he turned into and embodied fear – a monster if you will, and he became more and more angry that I didn’t just surrender and embody it too. He closed me out of meetings and business dealings that I needed to attend in order to do my job properly, but I began to see that my honesty and integrity-presence made everything very uncomfortable, and frankly it got in the way. His behavior suggested that I was stupid for not playing along and not seeing the “big prize” for all of this sacrifice. That was the Winter Solstice last week, when he flung his fear and hatred at me for the last time, and I calmly packed up and left.
This is not the first time I made this sort of choice. I have left my job a dozen times throughout my life with renewed and refreshed enthusiasm that I can either make it without money somehow, or trust that with all of my excitement and enthusiasm, money would fall into my lap. I know many of you can relate. Most of the time I would manifest and attract what I needed for a time, only to have it slow to a trickle when it required a community or collective decision to perpetuate the new-paradigm motion of what I had initiated. Another way to look at this is, I found that when I tried to build something in my healing, coaching, artistic practice, if I did not utilize old-paradigm models, I would be virtually invisible. And the old models, complete with “proven revenue streams” just made me ill and I eventually shut down. So I’d go find another job in the system… until I won the lottery or the collective was ready, I had decided.
The synchronicity phenomenon occurred again too – right on schedule. Less than three hours after walking out of the old paradigm, I received an invitation to visit a friend’s successful media business to see if there was a way that I could help. Four days later I received a download/vision for a multimedia project that integrates not just some of my past passions, but all of my passions right now. I sent an email request and invitation to a key person on the other side of the world who can help me network with the people that I need to connect with in order to manifest this vision. She said, “yes”. Two hours after her “yes” email I received an unexpected email from a past spiritual hero of mine with a message in perfect alignment with the project. All of these events are connected… at least I see their connection. Will I make the leap from individual excitement and passion to a community passion? Will I be able to bring all of these pieces together and begin building and creating upon a foundation of LIFE, TRUTH, LOVE? And will I have uninterrupted visibility, viability and momentum?… attracting like-minds into a successful healing/bridging project once and for all? It has to.
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am here and excited about helping to build this bridge to wholeness, and to walk right on through every conundrum I/WE encounter along the way. I have not been blessed with money in my life, and yet I have been gloriously blessed with a wealth of knowing LOVE. As a result of direct experience and repeated contact with a larger bandwidth of intelligence, I have an ability to “connect” inter-dimensionally and translate these angelic frequencies into healing energy, song, and words. And last but not least, I blend with and share these frequencies in coaching others – providing a frequency marker for this feeling memory in their own bodies; sharing how to utilize IT to heal past and future fears, and within a few moments, attune to this “presence” for healing, sharing and demonstrating a new-human marker, or operating system if you will, for their own families and communities.
When I was off participating in the system in order to survive over the past several months, I still shared here, but it was sporadic and it was mostly eked out of exhaustion. I have been blessed in my life with hiatus times where I was given the opportunity to find and more fully be who I am without having to think about survival. I learned then and when I commune daily now, that when I blend with this field, I am ONE with this powerful “force to be reckoned with.” This is what will happen with you too, when we consciously set aside the constant distraction of earning money in order to survive, or displacing our joy into the future where we can finally “retire” and do what we always loved and wanted to do. Guess what. That’s not going to happen. Giving your power over to the government or the corporations (pretty much the same thing these days… all by design) does not end well. It’s a sweet, seductive story (ahem… lie) that they tell us and we buy into because when we are in fear – a highly manipulatable state. Face it, our slavery perpetuates the rich getting rich and the poor getting poorer.
What can you do? Choose Love. Do nothing that makes you feel small, oppressed, helpless, or disempowered. Practice speaking honestly with everyone in your life. I have been shown by these angelic messengers that if we all did our part in just simple truth-telling alone, this entire matrix of oppression would end almost immediately. Wow. That’s a pretty powerful statement. And I know that it’s true.
We are all making very important choices now between the real and the unreal; between love and fear; between full consciousness or the continued spiraling down into unconsciousness. When I was 15, standing in the T’s and Jeans store and watching the throngs of consumers pass by, I said under my breath, “This just can’t last.” And I wasn’t talking about my first retail job. I was talking about the pain of making ourselves small in order to perform jobs that we don’t love and never will.
I am building my practice and doing sessions again, and I willingly receive $ in exchange. If you cannot afford a session and want one, others will donate so that you may. We must begin right where we are, so I am starting this bridge in 3D, together, with you. It’s not a job to me. It’s pure joy. For more info on sessions, click here. To read what others have said about my work, click here. Note: Feedback on my musical self and my healer self is all mixed together because it’s all frequency to me. Music can be purchased on iTunes. Or CDs directly from my website. Whether you would like a session or not, ye old donation button is in the right-side column. Thank you for your support.
In Loving Gratitude,
EM Meyer
That's great
Bless your courage Good luck!