Lia's picture

7.1.14 -

Don’t despair we are here to cheer you on our way.  We open up a grand connection and point you in the right direction; there are a myriad connections to help you and we choose those that will gain greater advantage to draw ever closer.  We sample some home truths, sharing luminosity of spirit . . . those threads that bind us together which can never be disconnected. 

We draw ever closer my friend, ever closer to your heart, relishing those intervals where we champion the cause of enlightenment for all mankind.  It brings us great joy to be working with you as was planned long ago, and we delve deeper and deeper into your thought streams, sharing and growing closer together, reaping the benefits of a lifetime’s experience.  We shelter you from the plague of uncertainty, rescuing you from the maelstrom that threatens to engulf you.  We will not see you led astray but keep to the true path; this is a time of adjustment and for growing stronger in our resolve to move forward on that beam of Light that shall take you further field and on to greater distinction.

We have cause to be joyful and we come among you to share that joy with you and to open up your hearts and minds to accept the possibility of visitation upon your planet Earth.  This will be no mean feat and we open up a wide selection of probabilities, sanctioning this process of renewal and greater evolution.  We propel you to dispense the messages that come flooding in and these will give you the advice that you need to stand firm in all sincerity, like a beacon bright helping those that flounder, those that are lost, those that need a helping hand and there are many that need these services right across the globe.

Be strong, be brave for this is a mission of the highest intent and we ask you not to lose faith.  We bear witness to a time of immense fortitude and courage and you have done your jobs well, keeping that commitment and honouring these connections.  We know you are waiting . . . watching the skies for our arrival but in all truth we are already here!  You are those connections to the stars that shine so brightly . . . you are an integral part of who we are.  And the stronger your thoughts the stronger that wave of Love around Earth the stronger we become, the closer we come, and come we shall - have no fear!

We are part of that great plan and we have spoken of this for many years, for many centuries and all is coming to fruition; the timing has to be impeccable, the timing has to be right for us to accomplish what is necessary for all of you, not for just a few but for the whole population of Earth . . . we do not want to leave anyone behind!

This has been a most extraordinary time on Earth and we value our connections with each and every one of you who have used your voices . . . who have used your heart and soul in the operations on Earth to enable this mammoth undertaking.  And we bear you on wings of love to that destination that awaits you . . . that glorious planet . . . that orb of Light and Love that awaits you in greater harmony. 

We believe the time fast approaches and we look back over the centuries, just the blink of an eyelid for us, and yet it has taken until now for us to make this excursion that will bring the greatest joy to the hearts of mankind.  We beam you aboard and shelter you in our embrace.  Hearken to that voice within to make these connections stronger . . . we are with you always.  We talk to you and whisper in your ear . . . listen . . . listen to us!





David Porter's picture

I approve this message~thank you for your support

David Porter

Author of the series


Wow, this message is

whitewolf007's picture

Wow, this message is beautiful beyond words.  Please let it be very soon.  I am trying to hold on and keep the faith to sound cliche.  It's not easy when I keep trying to tell those around me that the reason I don't go out and find a job and work for the man is because all of this will be a moot point very soon.  I just can't do anything to support this illusion any longer.  It must end and be transformed.  The day I live for is the day I can be reunited with my space family.  I've known since the day I was born that I was a starseed.  It's been 39 years.  It's been too long.  Thank you for this little bit of hope.