Interdimensional travel through the blue pearl ~ Part 2 By Ishante

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Over the past week I have been camping out in nature and meditating in an attempt to experience what the Pleiadians have been teaching me about the blue pearl. I can honestly say that it is as magnificent as it is mysterious. Words can’t describe the peace and bliss that is felt as it begins to expand in your 3rd eye area. Yet to hold it steady in order to pierce through it was quite a challenge for me. Thankfully I have made some progress, and hope to one day raise my vibration enough to be able to fully merge and journey through it.
In closing, whilst I am grateful for everything the Pleiadians share with me / us, it is my strong belief that our ascension as a species is an inside job, and not something that is going to happen to us or for us. As the saying goes “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for,” and whilst channelled messages are helpful, always trust and rely on your own internal guidance and intuitive intelligence ~ Ishante
The Pleiadians
Greetings to those of you who have joined us once again in this your now moment.
Let us continue:

The blue pearl exists in the centre of your crown, and is closely connected to your pineal gland. As you start to meditate, you will first begin to move through various layers of self in order to activate yourself into awareness of its existence within you. This is the first step; acknowledgement of its existence, for you can’t think a thought (create a thought form) without the possibility of that thought then being realised, of becoming actualized. This is for the simple reason that ALL is you, there is no out there, all of creation is within you, inside you. That is how truly exceptional you really are.
We have digressed…
As you move through the various layers of self you will begin to experience a shifting of colours within your 3rd eye area, first red, then white followed by darkness as you move more deeply into your meditative state. This can be challenging for some, but we wish to reiterate that there is nothing to fear in this state. It may last for some time, and that’s okay, just relax and breathe into it. The darkness will eventually give way and take form into a black dot that will seem to pulse as it moves forward into your vision. This is a really good sign, and we suggest you just let go and allow it to take form.
Shortly afterwards a small indigo spark of light will appear inside the black dot, followed by blue. Some of you may just see blue. Initially it is about the size of a small pea and the blue colour will intensify, becoming almost electric as it expands forward and grows within your vision. As it pulses, you will notice that it looks very similar to the Helix Nebula in the constellation of Aquarius. The edges are indistinct and hazy, just like the cometary knots of the Nebula.
Allow it to expand and pulse until it eventually becomes crisper and more defined in focus. Once it does, try then to consciously hold it in your vision. You can do this just with intent. If it begins to pulse again, that’s okay, just focus on your breath until it becomes clearly defined, and try again.
What you will see before you is a round to egg shaped electric blue opening or portal. It is a doorway, an entry point to other dimensions, alternate realities and timelines. As you become more familiar with it you will begin to feel and sense that this is who you truly are and have been all along. It is a blissful joyous state, your natural state. Surrender to the joy and just allow yourself to merge fully with it.
The journey from this point on is entirely up to you.
In years to come it will not be uncommon for you to be sitting at a gathering with friends or family and have to excuse yourself from the table to answer “a call” to travel and meet with someone. People will think nothing of it, as it will become a way of life. Eventually as your bodies become more crystalline in nature you will be able to take them with you, and the method in which you travel will also change as you become more familiar and comfortable with your 12 chakra energy systems. This is what is in store for you as you continue to raise your frequency, and clear miasmic distortions from your energy fields.
We speak to you now in linear terms, yet please know that all is happening in this one moment, and we are already enjoying heartfelt and open contact with a vast majority of you who are learning the ropes, so to speak, of interdimensional travel and teleportation.
Once you have seen and experienced the blue pearl, share you wisdom and mastery with others if you feel guided. Create meditations to support people so that they too can learn of its existence. We are all here as guides and students for each other.


In loving service to you all at this wondrous time of you ascension ~ The Pleiadian Collective



My book is called TEOSINTE by Karen Chertok

kmisha2014AU's picture

I would like to add that it is important to remember that not everyone will have the same experience as the Pleiadian Collective. There are other galactic groups as well as the usual wannabees who have learned the lingo. We are getting a lot of this as of late due to our success and the desperation of the Cabal. Pearls are organic. It sounds lovely, but a pearl is a grain of sand or sum such sigma chi thing. The clam creates the pearl out of a need to protect itself from such an intrusion.


A woman flew to and past the Pueblo of Sandia on her way to Taos Sacred

Mountain. She left a braid tied with deer and a necklace made of stone and silver

and chemo, for she was ready; ready to throw down what she knew; ready

to throw down in faith. She burned sage over asphalt, and danced buffalo.

When buffalo danced back…she nearly lost her footing, and on that ley,

she left a pink…candle burning.

She flew to Santa Domingo… Pueblo people she knew, and she

paused…and past…some test. She followed earth energy, anguished like

her… and empowered, for the water that was forced to burn shallow. She

merged with hawks along the way, following a red tail reading arroyos and

arrays. She had drifted…oh so close… to some incomprehensible edge… but

near the edge is not over it…and it was not windy.

She stopped at a tee pee, and dropped tear with drum and purse; there

would be no turning back. She left herself behind or ahead and dove deeply

into the well. She spoke to no one as she continued on her journey… and the

journey became her why, and the outcome became the unknown. She followed

the call and response with each tread of the water below. There would

be no flight if the ocean stilled.

She spoke with a frog in the well and allowed her dam to burst as she surfaced

for air and an alcove. She prayed and stayed in the silence of a bardrock-

aspen where she told the stronghold that she had seen Lord of the Flies;

that the world was messy and soon waters would not flow.

And the stronghold replied

And the war cry was heard

And the archer drew

And the crab gave his life for an arrow

While the woman ate a shellfish cake for dinner

For she both knew and did not know Latin

And the state of Arizona…burned

While Pearls from the Harbor

Rose in quiet wisdom

Chanting Tora! Torah! Tora!

Pounce tiger; news of direction

We heard tale from the waters

Around the coolers they dance

Saying one faux-ankh to the other:

How many survivors you got?

The reply is a chuckled Heil Hitler

We takin’ that?...

…Great Spirit snapped grid

And the world stomped to

And mother earth was aware…

And the phoenix flew

She did not sleep that night. She moved things aside; dusted and cleaned

and received. She was afraid of dotted Swiss and uncrossed leys; afraid to

leave the safety of her shelter…but she knew how to shift…and hard return,

and so she gathered courage…

She listened to the pines and the gurgle of creek. She took off her bold and

opened a gate where she dipped it in the waters and the stones came alive.

Washed over with the cool, clear water, her necklace made of biblical stones

intended for corners, now rested between pebbles of picture jasper… and a

chakra. She knew she would go to the Pueblo, for now she had felt the

cadence and the peril of water. And she let go…let go of herself and allowed

the earth to hold her and guide her. Something was right, and true and powerful.

She arrived at the Pueblo and paused—waiting until the energy cleared

before she walked past the gate carrying Red Bird Drum and a bag, and into

the office of Importance. She had been told of Governors…told of how they

slow the engine if the need arises. She looked at pictures on the wall and

waited until she felt the next steps; the steps that took her to the cemetery, and

she climbed a small hill that surrounds, and she stood.

She communed silently, for the ancestors were the only ones she could

speak with that day. She told them she was afraid and asked for permission to

allow the earth beneath her feet to guide her. She prayed peace.

When this was complete, she walked until she did not walk, which placed

her under a tree on the banks of Taos River. She paused; lit cedar and sprinkled

salt. Her medicine took over then. She shifted her stance, becoming trunk

of tree and she went straight down, balanced on twisted feet facing south. She

tossed rocks over and to the sides, forming her sacred circle as she balanced,

arms outstretched. She did not rock while she waited for God to move her.

The Pueblo dogs came; walked around and walked away, and she began to

sing… slowly. Finding the heartbeat of the earth she sang one song of

wind…in the morning. She tried to slowly rise and her legs would not let her,

and she sang again. She noticed the Governor did not stop her… and so she

kept going, slowly, drumming as she danced and sang and merged. Her head

tilted back and the ancient guttural vibrato cupped in a phoneme…poured


When this dance was complete, she left her gift from the well beside the

river; splash patted her face, and drank of the water. Insect medicine is dangerous,

and bird is fierce. This she had already known.

Smoke drifted in her wake

As she walked…

Blue Star Kachina: “This wave is Titanic”

Peace, Taos

In Love and Light, Teosinte.
