Lia's picture

Hello Everyone,
As we mature in life, some of us come to the point that a true marriage of the heart is so deeply important. It is like breathing in the life of the Divine to actually have another soul you love and adore so deeply that it goes beyond the mind and thinking to simply a natural act of the heart, to where loving this other person takes no effort and there is so much love and compassion in your heart for them that you know it is truly Divine.

There is this process we normally go through when we meet someone. We want to spend time with them, date as we call it, which so much of the time is more about sex and wanting to gratify our sexual desires. But what I am talking about is a love so deep that you do not want to do anything to mess up this love you feel for the other person and everything about this love feels so sacred that you only want to respect and honor this other person on every level in every way and not to ask anything of them that might cause a loss of respect! Not to force anything in any way, but to allow it to all unfold naturally.

When I was young, say around 13 years old, I had a desire that I would be pure and a virgin when I got married but I did not have any adults around me to help me with this idea or nurture it in any way. I was not able to keep this goal as I had desired on my own. Now at fifty years old, I have come back to this deep place of desiring to save myself for this one woman that I want to share the rest of my life with. With the help of the Divine and a few close friends to encourage me, I am keeping this goal. It is really important to me to do this.

What do you do when you feel you have met the person that is the one you will spend your life with, the one you feel so different about than anyone you have ever met? For example, when you are around them, you do not think, “Oh, I want to date this person” or “I would like to spend time with them to see who they are and if we are compatible.” Instead, all you can think about is that you want to marry this person and spend the rest of your life with them, that somehow in your heart you have already accepted them as your life long mate. It is not something you can really explain from a place in the mind. It is just simply something you know in your heart and that you simply want to tell them how you feel, to look them tenderly in the eyes and say “I really have no interest in just dating you but I would like to marry you and spend my life showing you how deeply I love you.” The part that is difficult for the mind is you do not know this person that well and have not spent much time with them but you have this overwhelming desire to take them home and say, “Here, my life is yours. We do not need the games. I will give you my heart and promise to love you and take care of you forever.” There is also the part of having patience to give the other person time to come to peace with this also, for the hand of the Divine to accomplish this in both hearts! This relates to the article I wrote earlier called Blind Faith.

I will give you some examples. I knew in early 2009 I was going to be leaving Texas and I was going to live overseas. I told my children and all my close friends. Then in July 2011, I knew I was supposed to come to live in Hawaii. Here I am living here, waiting with patience, and learning deeper patience for so many things. Another example is in September 2007. I felt very clearly I was going to be moving to a bigger place so I could raise cattle and have a ranch. At 9am on a Saturday morning, I felt this so deeply in my heart. It was the first time I had this strong thought. I told my children this and that when we finish working we were going to go look for a new place. At around 12 noon, we finished working and got into the truck to go look. Within three hours, we were sitting in front of the 22 acre ranch we now have for sale. I saw a posting today that said, “Pray big and then stand back and watch what God will do.”

I know for myself and many other people that I know, we are waiting on what God will do! About six months ago I felt very clearly I was going to be getting married within a one year period of time, so by July of 2014. Just like all the other times I have felt this way about something and it always happens, the timing is not always completely clear to me. I have learned also to do many things as my heart is led to receive these things in faith, like to create and agree with the Divine love to manifest these things into reality. It is just like going to look for the ranch or going to buy suitcases in October of 2010 for my trip to leave Texas, even though I did not know where or when I was going at the time!

My heart is in complete agreement with the knowing I am going to be getting married soon. I can feel it all happening in the spiritual world and I can feel the energy becoming stronger all around me. Today I have been cleaning my house and making room for my future wife to be able to have her space here in the house. I cleaned out the closet so she would have room and the drawers in the dresser. Tomorrow I will do more of this. It is about knowing the will of the Divine by living in this will daily! Then the Divine will simply tell you this or that is going to happen, get ready or make things ready. I have learned to honor this and to follow with as humble of a heart as I know how. Just by typing this and sharing it, I am speaking life to all of this and proclaiming from the love of my heart that I know and accept this is going to happen.

Let me say clearly that none of this is about me or my mind! It is about surrendering to the hand of the Divine and allowing this hand to guide our lives. This is when I know for 100% sure something is going to happen; when I can feel it in my heart and in the Divine energy all about me. Where I have to work is to stay in the moment and allow the Divine to open the heart of the soul that I am going to share my life with for she has to be ready to let go of the mind and her past just as well as I do. I just want to wrap her in my arms and hold her until she feels all the sadness and pain disappear but I have to let her grow and choose love, compassion and forgiveness over sorrow and to choose to love herself enough to allow the Divine love to fill her heart and nothing else.

I will continue to wait and make my life ready for her and the blessings she will bring with her. I will continue to make space in every way I can see to do so when she is ready she will see I want her to be with me with all my heart and soul and that she will know without any doubt I have no desire for anyone but her in my life. Part of why I feel led to share all of this tonight is to tell her in some way how I feel, that I do not need to date her for even one week, that I know from the deepest parts of my heart I want to marry her and take care of her in every way I possibly can. So how do we measure our Faith? How do we know when we are on the right path?

For me it is in completely devoting myself to a life of service to Divine love and compassion and then allowing this divine love and compassion to guide my footsteps. I have had many years of being led by this, knowing the next step and learning to be brave enough to take the next step, and also waiting and having patience for that next step to be made clear to me, never moving until I know for sure what I am to do next! I have been praying and meditating on a date for our wedding. I do feel it will be in 2014 so I will do everything that my hearts feels led to do to follow this path and “stand back and see what God does.”

As I release this article, I am also releasing my past and opening my heart to the beautiful future that awaits both of us and I continue to send all the love from my heart and soul to this one soul. God is preparing us for each other!

With great joy and happiness of the work that has taken place in my heart to prepare me for this Divine union!

With much Love!


Website: www.spiritualhealing-enlightenment.us

Email: aaronpierson777888@yahoo.com

Videos: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1VPWru_32BIoPPBAKBgXxA?feature=watch

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“The Heart of Healing Maui: www.facebook.com/groups/Muaihealing/



The most tender thing I've ever read

Walkingsoul's picture

The part where you said, I just want to wrap her in my arms and hold her until she feels all the sadness and pain disappear but I have to let her grow and choose love, compassion and forgiveness over sorrow and to choose to love herself enough to allow the Divine love to fill her heart and nothing else."  That is the part that touched me the most, and the level of unconditional acceptance that I sensed throughout the article. Also, gives me hope that I might one day love again. :) 

Thank you so much for writing this!