I am Sun, that is my current name spiritual and I am a former walkin with 4 personalities 1 present the other 3 past lives
recently, my boyfriend and the tall blondes helped me real ascend more and MORE to the body light and the 5th dimension but I am still in progress, thought I am physically already 5d
I was confused many year, with strong energies vortexes around me inside my work place and home
I am being treated like a squizofrenic with medication for that but it has zero effect onme so I am NOT sick, I had even dark attacks in my past and the bigguest back in my 2005 year was the begining of this journey with a strong electroshock treatment... I do not remember ANYTHING of this and my family usually is secretive is a black "time" for them they just do not say much
So a friend recommended me this site
after I ascended I noticed how people around me wanted to tell me nice things about me at work and I found out yesterday how good was I as librarian, I live at Montevideo - Uruguay just to the left of Buenos aires Argentina
Also I notices how the street lights of traffic turned to green when I arrived to one spot with light all my way work so it was funny
I hope here to find my place, I did not study anything about paranormal my sources told me to stay away from books they wanted to explain all to me and since many years they are doing so
I can work with energies and I can PUSH people further into the 5d so if you need a push let me know here
ok thats all for now
blessings Sun
Hi Sun,
I am Maly. It's very nice to meet you and thank you for your introductory and your helping hand. Love and Peace to you <3
Nice to meet you Sun. Hope u feel at home here. Blessings, Peace be with you.
Thanks Mandy and Maly
my true name is Lucia but I was not sure if to included here hehe
I had a small chat with some member here it was nice to find people just very similar to see life as a joy, I have bad experiences on most paranormal forums to find people thinking life on earth is to sufferonly.....
Love and blessings
I hope you feel welcomed. It a scary journey because many do not yet understand the divine and until now, the only place to put divinity was in a mental health box, be it bi- polar, autism, and such. Be safe and know that you are loved. Guess what? At the top of the Larres Trek on the way to Macchu Pichu is a Jesus with his head in a box. But more importantly, there is an inscribed rock wif a cross what says...Mira la grandeur of God...he is a God of forgiveness.
In Love and Light, Teosinte.
It sounds like you need to keep up any therapy and treatments you were having prior to 'ascension'. these kind of websites are not going to help you maintain a connection to your environment, which is the basis of genuine 'oneness', i.e. Social cohesion and unity. Mental breakdowns and brain infarctions / mild epilepsy are a PROBLEM of which your current thought processes are symptoms. None of it is an indication of your 'specialness' in the face of the vast universe. People exist who can help you - you will not find many of them here.
I understand what you say... but I am not sick.....
each time I had a mentall problem I started to feel the dark ones lurking in my shadows, and recently each time they attacked me the light beings started to cheer me up and now is 2 years since my last attack
I do take medication yes and I go to plenty of doctors to help me out, my doctor of the head sais he do not know why I got sick... I am NOT the negative kind person who usually is depressed
so I am pretty sure people here can help me out I am still a bit confused but slowly I am regaining strength....
hope the rest agrees... this sort of "wellcome" is what get me scared of most sites....
Love and blessings
Sun, this is a wonderful place/website to gain strength and support and insight from. You are amongst family. Have faith dear one, take my strength.
Mandy (again)
Thanks Mandy
I am learning lots here!!!!
Love and blessings
I have found NOTHING but Love and Vital information on this website. We are ALL connected.
~Love to YOU! ~Sweet William