people from galactic press
I want to know if you have any experience regarding extraterrestrial surgeries on humans to heal them
recently my boyfriend told me the tall blondes were "remaking" me because my body was destroyed by medications, junk food, and the matrix itself
so 2 nights ago they changed my stomach and this night my liber among some other "stuff
I am scared, things like peanuts, almonds, coke or even milk dont fit in me any more ZERO!!!!! but veggies are ok and water
I am lots of scared somehow I am happy too but some scared so any advices will be wellcomed.....
your doing something right . just keep being you and trust in the path for your highest good.
j m
People's diets and habits can shift enormously as a person clears their energy field, it's nothing to be scared of.
Its all good. They are helping you along with adjustments to you to help you ascend. We all need to make a decision about what we put in our bodies. Eating as organic as possible helps us raise our vibration. I suggest doing research on monsanto, gmo foods, hormones they feed animals that we end up with in our bodies.
Are you talking about your health? Do you know me? What about those other intellects in the matrix? Im not in your dimension.
Use the doctor program. I guess on your plane, that would mean. Go see a Dr if its regarding your health.
thats why its there. I have met a traveler that visited your plante, Sun Ra is his designation on your planet. Here it is his musical harmonies that all benefit. Zolatr out.