by Patricia Cota-Robles
February 21, 2016
As we moved into the full embrace of the Sun Cycle of Aquarius on January 18, 2016, we officially completed our transition from the Age of Pisces into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Age of Aquarius. During that Cosmic Moment, the Earth was bathed with the radiance of a rare Celestial alignment involving Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars. This alignment created a protective forcefield of Light around the Earth that paved the way for several events that helped to anchor within the Core of Purity in every single atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth higher frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Seventh Solar Aspect of Deity, which is the VIOLET FLAME OF GOD’S INFINITE PERFECTION. This is a higher frequency of Light than Humanity and the Earth have ever been able to withstand.
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A Message From Saint Germaine
The Earth is permeated with the Violet Flame.
Your bodies are permeated with the Violet Flame.
You are the God Within already though you know it not.
If you can relax and allow your heart to sing, you will hear a beautiful message that will guide you throughout the upcoming New Year.
Beneath all the layers of your mental and emotional bodies there is the light of Truth that you are what you seek. You must embrace your own Truth and learn to trust your self above all things.
Find your peaceful center deep inside your heart and all that you need will be given to you. This is the way of the Universe. It has come to pass that the Infinite Love and Light has grown inside of you. Even though your life may have been filled with challenges, you are on the right path. It is only the past that is clearing now. This is your past. All that is happening now has come from what you have created in the past. It needs to clear so that you can see more clearly through your new eyes and your new heart.
Trust your self to be a being of Love and Goodness. This is your True Nature. This is the time for you to remember and take steps to change your life in so many ways. If you trust in your self now, your future will be bright and full of surprises. Take time each day to go within and just listen to the Silence. This entire Universe was born from this Silence and so too will your new life be born from this Infinite Silence. Don’t worry about your old thoughts. They are changing now as the Violet Flame gets brighter.
When you are in doubt, simply remember the Violet Flame and surround your self with it each day. Do this as you emerge from the Silence each day. The Violet Flame is here to help you to Transmute, to Transform, and to Transcend. Say the words aloud:
I AM Saint Germaine! I AM! Blessings to each and everyone of you!
Help us to awaken as Sacred Women, warriors of Love, defenders of Life.
Joined with the spiritual strength of all of my sisters
I wrap the Earth in an intensely Violet Light
and I cleanse her of all of her wounds.
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