Preparing for the next Full Moon of Scorpio

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New Moon of Scorpio

Preparing for the next Full Moon of Scorpio

The next Full Moon of Scorpio is to be the greatest planetary/universal ascension period so far, and it involves most of the ascended extraterrestrial influences that are assisting this planet’s ascension. The preparations for this Full Moon are already underway and are very thorough and fundamental to this planet’s destiny.

The Avatar Dimensions are allowing for the all new planetary/universal ascension forces to be available and empowered as they are becoming established in the physical life of those who are choosing to be members of the destined ascended planetary/universal living creation and civilization organism.

This includes the integration of the Creator Avatar forces into the planetary kundalini which may be accessed to create and empower theNew Earth Original Living Creation and Civilization Organism. The planetary kundalini is already producing ascended life forces of great creative potentials to ascend and empower the planetary/universal life of unique and destined creation as the planetary nucleus of theAvatar Mother Universe.

The planetary kundalini is now most empowering in the Lake Titicaca Andean Region, and is also moving north through the Sierras, Cascades and Rockies to the northern regions. The planetary kundalini is the balancing and ascending energy that is available for accelerating both personal and planetary ascension, and group ascension work.
