Sun sextile Uranus
The Solar/Sirian Conjunction
The annual Solar/Sirian Conjunction is now occurring, and is the gateway of the New Earth Ascended Universal Life and Living.
As this conjunction continues through its exact alignment on July 4th, and
the heliacal rising of Sirius on July 25th, it is allowing the Universal
Ascended Life to enter and become the New Earth Ascended
Planetary/Universal Organism of Creation and Civilization.
This is eliminating all non-ascending dimensions and timelines , and establishing the Creator Avatar Race Planetary/Universal Destiny of the New Earth and New EarthStarNation.
The new Sirian Gateway openings since June, and new grid/freedom
The new Sirian Gateway openings since June, and new grid/freedom code activations since July 4 make this a more refined and powerful activation of our hearts and DNA.
Gatekeepers and Gridworkers, you may have noticed the new gateways opening up – both within Gaia and through the cosmic stargates via Solaris and Sirius since the July 4 activation of the Lemurian/Inner Earth grids.
The activation on July 4 unified the grids and gates in their multidimensional expression.
It created a purer experience of our Ascension, and a brand new energy emerging from Gaia herself (hence the quakes). The standing gate activation is an ancient trigger point for polarity shifts (geomagnetic shifts). These new gate openings thread the light of star systems in service into ancient crystalline structures placed here for the Ascension. This allows Gaia to express her ascended self, thin the veils, release freedom codes (Unity consciousness/Christed codes) and ultimately in our DNA – so we may experience the Ascension in form.
This new energy is our 2020 Gate already in progress, doubling the Christed Timeline energies each month as we approach the December 26 eclipse. It is important to remember this is happening NOW, as the collective timeline shift was a *done deal* since June 4. Even with the attempt to turn the Crystalline Corridor activation into something else on July 4, we have shown the power of the freedom codes, our collective service, and the strength of our embodiment as a unified force of Love. Gratitude to all who continue to disperse those codes and energies through the global grids.