The Solstice Energies & 2024 ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

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You have already begun to experience the energies of the upcoming solstice, and you will continue to receive as you move closer to the actual day, the actual event. We are noticing how much more you open up to the energies that are upon you when you have a big event to look forward to and to experience in real time. We have been teaming up with the Andromedans, the Pleiadians, and many others to deliver to you quite a beautiful cocktail of energies for the solstice. 

We want you to know that you are being catapulted into a higher frequency of energies, a higher level of consciousness with every waking moment and with every breath that you take there on Earth, and we invite you to recognize that you are doing this because you have decided that you wanted to explore consciousness in this very deliberate way. In other words, you wanted to be awake for the ascension, and you wanted to lead others through the experience of awakening their consciousness and ascending themselves to a higher dimension. What this means is, you’ve done all of this before. 

Of course, there were times on Earth when many people were celebrating a solstice, or an equinox, or a full moon, or an eclipse. There were many, many more percentage wise than there are today, and that is because people have let go of their connection to nature and have connected to other ways of exploring consciousness. Religions are a good example of this. They have been widespread across the planet, and there isn’t a real encouragement within most faiths to check in with what’s going on inside of you and to explore nature. There isn’t as much of an emphasis on the power of celestial events, and therefore, humanity has moved away from tapping in to all of the possibilities and all of the energies that are present at a time like the solstice.


Universal Human Creator Avatar Race New Moon of Sagittarius

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Universal Human Creator Avatar Race New

Moon of Sagittarius



This Universal Human Creator Avatar Race New Moon of Sagittarius on 12:22 with Mercury retrograde is continuing the Universal Human Creator Avatar Race Planetary/Galactic/Universal Ascension period that began when Sun entered Sagittarius through the Solstice and the Full Moon of Capricorn and the New Year of 2024 when Mercury goes direct.


This is the most significant ascension period so far with support from the Intergalactic Confederation, meta-universes, Nordics, and spiritual universes.


It is restructuring the entire planetary/galactic/universal Ascended Life and Living system

Something Big Is Happening & This is Your Time

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This is your time to shine. You all know that something big is happening there on planet Earth, and you know that you are in a very auspicious time in your evolution of consciousness. You know that more and more people are waking up every day, and you also know that the energies are very strong right now because of the solstice, the Christmas holiday, and the upcoming New Year. Those of you who are awake have an opportunity to be more of yourselves during these times and to inspire others. But most importantly, you have more guidance coming to you. 

You are more open at this time than you have ever been before. You are more sensitive at this time than you have ever been before. You have more ways to express yourselves than you have ever had before. The world is smaller than it has ever been before. Enjoy this time and shine your light, because it’s what you were created to do. You are becoming your higher selves, and that is happening regardless of whether you participate in it consciously. We recommend that you participate in it consciously and deliberately because you will get to enjoy the ride more if you do.