Beloved Friends
victorious, upright, unshakeable,
Lovers of True Power.
The "brass tracks" of what we are all apart of is this:
This sweet little Planet is the meeting ground
for what has been, and is now to be,
the Cosmic Climax of all Previous showdowns
in any galaxy, in any System
heretofore ever played out.
Hence the "big cats from both sides of the fence
are all present. This means you.
Be aware and understand that the "foul ball" aspects
of our One Family have provided the most wicked
weaponry that is meant to baffle and surprise us,
even the very "Elect,"
into bowing and giving them your attention,
more then just your observing attention.
The Freedom "side of the fence" is US.
We are here to keep doing the daily task
of constant Loving Kindness and Harmony
at all turns.
Remember the Movie "Avatar" when
all the forest animals showed up~ BINGO!
On Alert
Thank you, Yojman... blessings throughout the Victory
To your Mail
Hi beloved, i senrt you a letter. , Yoj
ready !
thank you brother Yojman - love it !
To Say the Least
Beloved Dawn Christine, My breath deepens and my spine turns to fire just hearing from you Sister, To say the least , you're Ready :) , , love U
Strength In My Heart
Dearest One,
I don't know you, but I KNOW you.... you have an important place in my heart. Thank you for expressing your personal power, sharing your strength. If needed, I will count on your presence in my heart and the loving voice of the Strong, assisting strength that I may need to see US through. I see it in your picture... discriminating grace! Mahalo Nui Loa!
Beautiful Heart of Wisdom...
Your strength is in all of us, I feel it like ripples in the ocean that follow and meld into one another. This journey is fabulous, breathtaking, exhilerating and filled with Love unending.
The strong feet of my Sacred Heart are permanently attached to My Greatness. No one, nor no thing shall every break us again. I go into everyday with more Love, more Joy and more Compassion. Thank you for your beautiful Heart of Wisdom and strength. Beautiful!
Love, Angel
Our each Other
Your Great Love and its blazing light pour into my presence and all else just rolls back. I have listened for You throughout the centuries,,,in all of the Halls. You have and you do enfold me in your Feathers. I am at comfort hearing your breath ~ knowing of your knowing. ... I am a Being of the rose Pink Flame, I Am Mother God embodied on earth the same .
Hey Rosey Angel Girl , I'm so gkad you (finally :):):) wrote to me. Tru;y glad.
I am , Yoj
it is in us all
i will never give up on my children
Your profound Beauty!
What beautiful strength you have.... we knew each other in Egypt!
ahhh yes
Egypt, oh dear Egypt...
too many stories untold
so many memories unfold
more to come
LOVE to be REconnecting
with the dots we each represent as stars
connecting by planets aligning
memories REactivated
JOY to the world, for WE have COME!
.., Your Love is boundless
.., Your Love is boundless and you never , ever have given up beloved.
your tenacity is famously known throughout the galaxies. Indeed.
glad you're here
haha- joyFULL i am!
that is wonderful to hear
joyFULL i am
even when the grund shakes
people run away in fear of uncertainty
for why would we want to know our futures?
for why should we WANT anything?
only be... be faithful... be HOPEfull
be joyous in knowing
you are never alone
and so many... oh so many
"have your back"