Blessed Morning,
Transiting an easy step closer of Individual Godself. Divine Mother knows each one so well as she so beautifully directs each to a higher place of seeing our own Being. From here womb one lives on into...... so She knows each and every one.
Pre-thoughts of any activity is simply curiosity for its own sake... and anticipation fun. But it is in the moment of connection to Source, loving support felt surrounding the wonder of self and desire to know It’s truth.
In the stillness and silence it is there... sometimes only found in the wee hours of the morning, after excited groups are calmly asleep.
Then She speaks... with whispers so clear, precise, and personal. Spoken through the ocean waves, the coquis frog, the wistle of the fisherman’s line thrown, the movements of a feral cat. And also Her Blessed Voice.
Glorious moment of discovering our finest power is not always what we imagine. One may think it is of the mind, yet in truth, may be in the Seat of Compassion. Mother can speak the true Being so we can with sure footing go forward with the new awareness and intent.
Find oneself in the stretching expanse of self., as only the Heart truly knows. And then trust your Being.
The glad one’s know, we are not letting masculine go..... for that great Will is also within Our Mother.
Grailheart Magi in One Light of Knowing...
miraculous L O V E !
miraculous L O V E !