Republicans Try to Scare America into Supporting Romney by Claiming Obama’s from Outer Space

Lia's picture



Republicans Try to Scare America into Supporting Romney by Claiming Obama’s from Outer Space


By: Jason Easley, Politicus USA, July 8th, 2012

Since the whole birth certificate thing didn’t pan out, Republicans are trying a new approach. RNC chairman Reince Preibus is claiming that Obama doesn’t live on Earth.


[Chairman Priebus says in the interview:]

“I don’t think people are begging for another four years of this misery, John. And that’s what they’re going to be thinking about in November. Do we want another four years of this stagnant job growth where the president that acts like he’s not living on Earth.”


I know you can’t say it out loud, Chairman Preibus, so you had to put it in code. What you were trying to tell us is that Barack Obama really isn’t “one of us.”


This is definitely taking the othering of President Obama to a whole new galaxy. Not only is Obama not like “real America,” because he was obviously born in Kenya, but he is not even like us earthlings. Obama is so out of touch that it is like he living on another planet. He just doesn’t see reality.


According to Preibus what the country really needs is someone who can connect with the everyday experiences of the American people like Mitt Romney.


What American hasn’t felt the financial insecurity sweep over them when their car elevator broke down? Mitt Romney is real America, real white, real rich, and real out of touch with people which is the new Republican way.


Having established in their minds that Obama is un-American, the Republican Party has moved on to declaring that Obama isn’t even a human being. I guess the Republican Party found us out. Democrats have been running an advanced race of socialist aliens for the presidency since 2000.


Republicans have tried to make America hate President Obama for four years based on his birth certificate and his race. Having failed at both, the GOP is now going the sci fi route.


When the best thing that Republicans can say about their candidate is that he lives on Earth, they think, the GOP has a lot of problems.

All Hail Barack Obama and his White House rotating among the moons of Jupiter, may our non-Earth residing overlord be blessed with a second term.




Guest's picture

im confused why would they try to get rid of obama? if they didnt like what he was doing then they would never put him into power or just kill him...disinfo i swear haha


Guest's picture

They are not trying to get rid of him. They are trying to incite conflict and division in the public. At the top level, it matters little who is actually prsesident. But scandals and outrage keep people distracted. It's ratcheting up quite a bit this year. 

Thank You

Julia Cosby's picture

 Thank You for this message

So are the Republicans admitting there is indeed life on other planets now? hmmm. Obama knows this world is the illusion and not the reality. President Obama is For "CHANGE" he is for unity and peace President Obama is the Light. He is preparing us for the "New Golden Age". 


Love & Light!!

The reason we posted this

Lia's picture

The reason we posted this as we found it funny, they are saying he is from Outer space... which asctually The TRUTH!! LOL.... All Our Love Shelly

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

I understand that you must

shelly's picture

I understand that you must think its funny I dont think they actually meant it seriousley it was more sacrcasm then anything. I have been following this site for sometime now and take the info from here very serious, I also follow politics very close and Im very much aware that Republican or Democrat doesnt matter the whole system is a double edged sword. Both of these and evey other politician including and especially Obama do not have the interest of the people at heart.They are the corrupt Cabal that needs to be restrained from hurting us any further, again its disapointing to see attention to this matter, I thought the people who represent this site were above this, guess I was wrong, very sad indeed

Saying every politician

will's picture

Saying every politician doesn't have the interest of the people at heart is the same kind of black and white thinking that has kept Humanity stuck in duality. Another thing that has kept them stuck is too much seriousness, it just creates more drama and turns molehills into mountains. Enlightenment has much more to do with lightening up, laughter is a wonderful way to raise one's vibrations.

Thank you

Camp's picture

I understand why you posted this, it's news.  I so see the humor in the article, especially since it's gone MSM.  I think it can only help disclosure.  Thank you for your humor and joy in all that is happening.  The Shellys of the world just have to be loved more and given the chance to grow.  Keep it up.


I would like to know where

shelly's picture

I would like to know where you came to that conclusion? He is a dictator and that is the only change he wants. If this site is a political back door to gain votes, errr! Please stay off the politics and do what you do best and I thought that was give and recieve love relay messages not promote candidates. This is the first article that has thrown my energy for a spin since Im reading here. Please focus your energy and I will mine to stay on the track we come here for, humor is supposed to make people laugh and as you can tell Im not and Im sure Im not alone, again share peace and love not political advice or opinions. This site is not for that

it is sad to see this brainwashing, on this site

rsolor's picture

W.T.F. i at times sense the dark animal domination instinct vibes on this site, for there are many here who are not able to stomach this kind of misinformation, and fear porn. i hope the editors here would see it in their sense of moral fiber to not allow this brainwashing mind control agenda on this site for it is too dark, and it is NOT LOVE MANIFESTIONS IN ACTION.

blessings to all of us for we are all one

yes, you are a Democrat , no

shelly's picture

yes, you are a Democrat , no doubt! you can speak your mind and when someone questions or disagrees its dark! No, you had opened a door that was judging others. Stop being a do as I say not as I do'er. for the Record I am neither because I believe in FREEDOM and neither knows the meaning of that. I disagree with your opinion has nothing to do with me being dark as I surely am not. You represnt this site and with this artticle you have been ofensive, why cant you see that?

Please calm yourself. We

will's picture

Please calm yourself. We found this article to be rather humorous, it's not meant to be taken so seriously.

I still have a hard time

Guest's picture

I still have a hard time believing that he is a white knight. I just feel he can and should be doing more than he is. I mean he is the PRESIDENT OF THE UUNITED STATES OF AMERICA, he is not living up to why he is in the position he is. I know he is here to bring us into pur new era of reality but he sure isnt showing it.. i keep my faith and i know and feel that everything is proceeding as planned.
With love and light!!

Got'ta Love It

Yojman's picture

Hey you precious GFP, Galactic Love Reporters, mucho mahalo for getting this one up and "out there." This is as good as it gets maties! , ~ And Yes, I knew Barak our Now—President, a time-ago on Antares, at the University of Cosmo-Politico, before his post grad scholarship to Sirius B to study the complexities of backward living on Earth School, ~ My advise to the shaken ones is, 1) Relax and Stand in the Light of Your own Knowing-ness.  2) Smile your Inner and outer smile when anything of "contrary to you" info comes your way. 3) Ask yourself what am I going to be like when the real big news of mind control... etc. comes to my attention? In other words ?? Do you really think this is a reason to not smile, and be ruffled ?? Do You ?? ,

   ..... Thanks again ,,, FUNNY Stuff!