Lia's picture


Dear Friends,

The massacre in Colorado is sending shock waves through our global community. This is symptom of the deepest wounds of the masculine brought to the surface by the influence of pluto. It is a tragic bid for power from a place of deep dysfunction and wounding. As a global community we are all responsible for holding as compassionate a container we can for the healing of this deep wound. The container includes the intention and willingness to do what you can to heal your own relationship to the masculine.

Fear is never the answer. Judgment, blame and negative reaction is also not useful.


What can you do?


Sit in a quiet place and contemplate your own masculine energy. Put your hand over your solar plexus area just above your navel. This is the seat of your masculine dynamic center. Say hello to that part of you that is masculine, the quality that is directive, active, focused and intentional. Send love to your masculine side through your solar plexus. Send compassion, forgiveness and light. Fill yourself up with these qualities and then send this healing energy out into the world to all the wounded masculine with the intention for healing.


We will talk more about the wounded masculine in the August forecast. It is a huge topic for our times and the greatest challenge we have right now.





More Balanced Newspaper Front Page Reporting

Reiki Doc's picture

My Dear Lena,


I read with interest your post about addressing the Divine Masculine that led to this horrific act.

Our Orange County Register Newspaper front page reported the tragedy in large font, bold print headlines. The article took up three quarters of the front page.

However, I could not help but notice the quarter of the page immediately following it. There was an article about a couple who met while working for the CIA, and how they quit that life in order to be more present for their family. It was hopeful, and in direct contrast with the horror. 

I saw it as a glimmer of hope, a turning away from our industrial-military complex-defined society and news, and more of the freedom that we discuss on this website The Galactic Free Press.

Although nothing can take away what was lost in this event, it is my hope that the silver lining will be the turning toward Truth and Light in our media outlets and their reporting in general.


Who says 'The News' must always be about the bad things that happen in our country?


Love and Light and Namaste,

Reiki Doc

This event was staged.  No

Guest's picture

This event was staged.  No ambulances, 2000 dollars worth of artilery on this guy etc.

Just another attempt to sieze second amendment rights.


He was probably a mind control subject.

More Balanced Newspaper Front Page Reporting

Reiki Doc's picture

My Dear Lena,


I read with interest your post about addressing the Divine Masculine that led to this horrific act.

Our Orange County Register Newspaper front page reported the tragedy in large font, bold print headlines. The article took up three quarters of the front page.

However, I could not help but notice the quarter of the page immediately following it. There was an article about a couple who met while working for the CIA, and how they quit that life in order to be more present for their family. It was hopeful, and in direct contrast with the horror. 

I saw it as a glimmer of hope, a turning away from our industrial-military complex-defined society and news, and more of the freedom that we discuss on this website The Galactic Free Press.

Although nothing can take away what was lost in this event, it is my hope that the silver lining will be the turning toward Truth and Light in our media outlets and their reporting in general.


Who says 'The News' must always be about the bad things that happen in our country?


Love and Light and Namaste,

Reiki Doc