No one can deny that there’s a great deal going on these days. I think it’s critical that we stay calm, centered and focused on light and love because everything that shows up now has a purpose.
It probably isn’t in our best interest to give the perceived chaos around us additional power by dwelling on it. The time is ripe for us to be the beautiful children of God that we are, unafraid and standing in our truth, as One.
A reader writes in that she sees no way that this “Manchurian Candidate” acted alone, referring to the young and heavily armed man in Aurora, Colorado, now famous for his remorseless murders.
She points out the over $20,000 in equipment that he was able to acquire, the mysterious phone call he took in the theater before opening fire and the way he stood by his car utterly unaffected, telling police to check his apartment for bombs. Her concerns are that all this screams false-flag operation and that next week NATO will be taking a vote as to whether the U.S. will have all firearms taken away. It feels like a buildup to Fascist takeover to her.
I happen to agree with this reader but it may also be possible that in the big picture, this kind of event also fits in with the Divine Plan in determining where each of us is in terms of consciousness and how we respond.
We can recognize it as a manipulation by the cabal to the detriment of humanity, but right now I feel that absolutely everything they put their hand to will turn against them. We are awake enough and we have enough currently invisible help to get through this without falling further into the pit of despair.
My feeling is that the cabal designed this operation in no small part to generate negative human emotion. There are still many beings here who feed on such things, apparently, and they’re being starved as we open our hearts and live in accordance with the heart’s decrees.
There’s a lot of love here now and, the way I see it, events like this, even though they were planned to serve the dark really do just the opposite. Compassion will arise. Truths will emerge from these investigations that will prove embarrassing to say the least. But that’s just my intuitive hit. Who actually knows for sure?
My strongest feeling on this is that we really must remain in our hearts, no matter what shows up. This is all illusion, anyways. We’re given a choice every day in what we pay attention to, subscribe to. I would much rather let this kind of density go than give it more power by contemplating it. I have great compassion for all those directly involved, even the perpetrators.
Love and Light…
Mind Control
I am gladd to hear your words as that is the exact same thing I thought and feel. Only thing we can do is send love and light out to all involved. Love the Illusion Part. More and more I feel less attached to 3D.
I completely agree. The best
I completely agree. The best we can do is send love to the situation and all involved and not feed it any negative energy.
Yes Yes Yes !~
Yes Yes Yes !~
Yes i agree
...and if you will forgive me for quoting the Bible, that ancient book that has been so manipulated...
When Joseph's brothers who had sold him into slavery came to ancient Egypt for grain during the famine, and they finally recognized him and felt afraid, Joseph said to them, "It's ok, don't be afraid. You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good!"
And I think that is how all the cabal acts will eventually play out, that they mean it for evil purposes but eventually all will see that there was a higher purpose, who knows what? To show the world what is really happening? To help people realize and awaken? To build a structure that will help us all someday, as it did in the Joseph story? To call down the powers of heaven even more strongly to help us? To provide evidence of just who needs to be found and contained? There are so many things it could mean.
I will leave it to those who know more than I do to deal with the cabal. I've seen enough of them already and don't know how to help.
But I do know that they thrive on attention and they want to be oh-so-important. Yes, they DO feed on that, they feed themselves on people's fears. It helps them ignore their own fears and not deal with them. And yes, no matter how they posture and preen, they are afraid and they always have been.
I want to do more than BELIEVE that you are here, our earth allies and those of many forms helping us... I want to KNOW it and cease my fearfulness. I know some very brave people, here and in the world, and I want to be brave. I have been brave before. I can do it again...
Without a Doubt
With out a Doubt this young man was / is a pawn of the sinister force.
The efficient thing for all of us to do is—as is well stated in this Posr Suzzane!
"There is a lot of Love [embodied] out there. This is the Big Moment of the Biggest Time ever known anywhere. Let's all use our faculties Wisely , , Bless everything.
Without a Doubt
Once, when I was young and unemployed, they offered me a job in "PsyOps" but they didn't tell me what they wanted me to do. I declined. It was scary even so.
There are many ways they contact people and they go after the people who are vulnerable. Like this young man.
And now we won't hear much about him and won't know what they are doing to "de-program" him. So let's do send this young man love, he really needs our help.
Where did a kid that lives in a such a meager apt, come up with this kind of funding and what's behind him warning the cops about his place being booby traped??
I know many that just talk shit, but I also know that no one at this stage of this game is going to un-loose most of the westerners of their wepons without having to kill them.
I went to see Dark Knight Rising after the CO. inscident and the old fella in from of me got up, and I saw his piece in a brown holster under his hanging out shirt.
Good luck Cabal you're going down, you last and final attempt to rule us is near.
Wow, you went to see the movie and the guy in front of you was carrying? Maybe they are not hoping to take the guns away - maybe they are hoping to get us so scared we use them on each other...
I won't see that movie even if it comes on Netflix!!! LOL
The Boomerang Effect
Send out the illusion of Fear and it comes back as Love. That's how Norway handled it and that's the way to go. Love, Love, Love . . .
The Boomerang Effect
Yes, beautiful!
I hope that works also for my own individual fears...
P.S. "Dr. Moe", I am also "Dr. Faye" ... EdD in Institutional Management, but also lots of psychology classes and conferences...
but I can't use my skills anymore so my degree is kinda useless, unless it becomes useful when the shift completes...
Fear & Journaling
Dear Dr Faye, it is highly unlikely that everything you did to achieve that distinction is "useless". It helped shape who you are and what you've become today in terms of Ascension Pursuits and Spiritual Growth.
I journal my fears - which leads to acceptance - which often leads to sobbing - which then leads to emotional release - which then leads back to Love. I can work through most fears in less than 1/2 hour, at least get enough perspective to calm down.
Because, my dear psych friend, what we accept is released, by us no less - We do hold that key, in spite of our disbelief. Just a reminder that what we resist - persists.
Please give your head a shake and get back to loving who you are, fears and all, then teach everybody you know how you did it. That's what I'm doing here - sharing what I've learned through personal experience.
This is how I get through. Hope it helps you.
Love from Dr Moe - "Maurice"