The manuscript of survival – part 172
•July 24, 2012 •
As the times passes and the lessons and challenges only seem to mount in number and intensity, many will have a hard time keeping the focus. We understand this well, as you have all gone through so much alteration and altercations already, and you might feel less than disposed towards working ever harder.
When will we have a much longed for break, you will think, and when will we be finished with all of this hard toil? We wish we could say that from this day forward, you will rest in bliss and harmony, but alas, that is not yet the case. We do not think this will come as a surprise to any of you, but still, we think you all need some extra encouragement at this point. Let us just say that you have more than overwhelmed us all by your tenacity and your willingness to give your heart and soul to this process, and the results from all of your hard work is astounding indeed. However, as these results so far may seem less than tangible to you all, and the only outcome so far seems to be exhaustion and fatigue, we think you need another dosage of peptalk from us all. Not to pull the wool over your eyes in any way, just to help you see above this sea of discomfort and unease that you seem to swim in at the moment.
As we were saying, many of you will have hard time seeing any results from all of your efforts, but we can see them, and they are glorious indeed. To you, they might seem small and insignificant, if visible at all, but to us, they signal the victory of a battle that was started a long time ago, and that has been fought in so many ways and on so many levels, but now is in its finishing stages. Let us explain.
You are all warriors, and in more ways than you mayhaps see yourselves as. You are warriors of the light, and you have joined forces with all of those other beings currently working and fighting so hard to raise the level of energies on your little planet, a planet that has been held captive in the lower vibrational ranges, in order for a few dark beings to keep you all back. They have been very successful in doing just that, but now, you have all, by your communal efforts, managed to raise the level of energy enough to ensure a total shift in the whole atmosphere if you will on your planet of abode. This has been a long and tough struggle, and for many, the battle scars are almost uncountable, but you can all wear those scars with pride, as they show that you have given it all in this fight for the reappearance of light on this little blue globe. And with it, you can also claim to be a part of the victorious army, an army composed of people just like you, all carrying their individual load in this great exodus towards the higher spheres. You have all given all that you carry inside of you to this battle, and as such, even the sides you consider to be your darkest parts have taken part in this epic battle. In other words, you have taken your duality and laid it across the great chasm that divided your world from the rest of creation, and by giving up your duality, you have in fact fused your world tight to the rest of us, and thereby managed to expunge your past.
In other words, you have all managed to make yourselves whole again, as you have managed to connect the two halves you have been cut into previously and help them to connect back into a seamless whole. And with you, so also your whole world, as you are but a fragment of a whole, and once you as a fragment heals, so to the whole. We know this will throw many into confusion, but let us just say that you are so much more powerful than you have hitherto seen, and your actions so much more important too, as this is not only a personal journey for each and every one of you, it is also a journey for us all, as you by your actions are healing old wounds that have been painful to us all.
It will not seem like that to you at the moment, as you are still suffering trough the completion of this healing process, but trust us when we say that the pains from this coming back together as one-process will soon dissipate, and the feeling of wholeness will start to seep through in so many ways. So rejoice dear ones, you have become whole again, and with you, so have we all, and we salute you as the greatest warriors ever seen, because you have all gone across that great chasm inside and you have managed to close that rift where you were once torn asunder by those with ill will. They cannot control you any more, as they are powerless against your wholeness. And remember, by your actions, thousands upon thousands of other souls will find the courage to do the same. They have also stared into that abyss for ages, but now, they find that strength they have inside to take a leap into the unknown. Some will falter at the last instant, and they will not be able to trust their strength enough to give themselves the push they need to reach the other side. But for every one who literally make themselves fall short of their own strength, there are thousands who will be able to close that gap inside that they have feared for so many lifetimes, and they will be able to join you. And so the wounds will heal, and you will be complete, and so too us. For we are your brethren, just as you are ours, and together, we will celebrat the victory of re-union and singleness, and we will do so for eternity.
Perfect Timing
Thanks so much for the encouragement. I was rather low this morning and this just pulled me right back up. As is said, perfect timing. Love and Light to all