1111 Gate Activation Complete, Heavens' Doors Wide Open, JUST JUMP~

Lia's picture

Healings,Self-Love and The Angelic presence in your own Life


I felt drawn to write, a little on my findings and experiences of a gradual process of discovery.

I have worked and studied many healing methodolgies an used varying tecniques over many years.  The topic and findings I have discovered through self development and working with many types of clients through teaching Students, to working on people's bodies and within their Auric field has been such a revelation to my work also with the Angelic Realms.

We often are not aware of how we Think........   Thought from one moment to another and how our inner dialogue can affect our lives.  The Universe does not differentiate negatives to positve so if we are constantly telling ourselves, how awful, or I am not good, oh I don't feel well.............

This always happens to me.............................   I am tired.....................................................


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Love Letters~ Captains Log~ A Love Story Unfolding~






















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Hank the Cat for Senate? Vote the Humans Out! LOL


Third party kitty? "Running with the message of 'vote the humans out', Hank the cat secured an impressive third place in the battle for the U.S. Senate seat in Virginia after receiving nearly 7,000 votes. The nine-year-old Maine Coon from Springfield found himself in the election spotlight as part of a spoof campaign run by his owner manager Matthew O'Leary." via DailyMail. Watch the video and find out what John Iadarola and Lisa Ferguson think on TYT University!

What do you think about Hank the Cat's bid for the VA senate seat? Do mock campaigns like this help to spread the idea that maybe we should consider third party candidates? Would you vote for a cat? Let us know what you think down below!

Find out more here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2236314/Hank-cat-comes-race-U-S-Senat...

And if you liked this video, PLEASE "Like" it as well! :)

Subscribe to TYT U for more videos: http://tinyurl.com/9o8kpf4

Follow us on twitter!!!

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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Connections


Meditation is a vital key

Connecting with your guides and angels and most importantly, your higher self are strengthened through a regular meditation practice. Within each of you is this amazing storehouse of wisdom and knowledge and it is readily available, however you must practice in order to understand and trust that this is so. When you first began to walk, you did not get up and run and be perfect at it right away. You fell and stumbled and finally you made it with a few bumps and bruises along the way. But, you did not give up until you mastered that skill and you still work at it this day. You must practice.


As you practice connecting and learn to trust in what you sense and feel, you will find that you can learn supremely important information about life, the universe and all that is. You can experience a heightened awareness and experience some profound insights into knowledge and understanding the mysteries of life, the spirit and the divine.



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Connections by Suzi ~ December 21st, A Different Experience for Everyone~ A Perspective


 Connections by Suzi


I can hardly believe that I last wrote a column in early October. This year really has gone by fast and it feels like it’s accelerating. So much has happened since then that I feel like a different person.  The conference alone changed me. I want to say it enhanced my ability to love and be loved, and my heart is full of that energy still.

For all the folks who are having trouble accessing their guides or feeling that anyone is even present around them, I have a suggestion. Let the childlike aspect of who you are come out to play. Imagination is far more powerful a manifesting tool than many humans realize, and, as I’ve mentioned before, this work can be seen as sacred play.

What would one of your guides look like? An angel with wings and a brilliant green robe? An animal ally? An ancestor? An elemental? A dragon?  Conjure it and don’t be afraid to create what feels right to you. By doing so, we establish a connection to our guidance with intention. What do you imagine that guide would say to you? It’s just play. No one gets hurt or embarrassed. Play a little each day and you may just find that the time you take to do this becomes your most loved.


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Important Information for Current Moments ~Love Letters to HU=manity=Home~


~Captains Log" Stardate = Now~ Long Edition~


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THE NRG OF THE.11/22-12

I am blown away as 11/22/2012 hour gets closer. My chakra system feels.alive and.perfect, yet, I feel so sick, so exhausted and it makes me giggle. All feelings of sickies are subsiding as I have recognize these symptoms as.what.I call bacon drippings...The leftovers one.dorst.know what to do with......all negative stuff coming to surface preparing for ASCENSION......YAY, I AM

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The Crystal Palace Within Hyperspace ( Ascension Gateways 12/12/12 And 21/12/12 )


Uploaded on 17 November 2012 by MagentaPixie2012 The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine speak through Magenta Pixie – The Crystal Palace Within Hyperspace ( Ascension Gateways 12/12/12 and 21/12/12 ) Music by Kevin Macleod of Incomputeach
All images by Stock Xchng Video edited by Catzmagick Productions


Thanks Lucas


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The Morning Blessing 11.22.12



The Morning Blessing

From my family to yours -- Happy Thanksgiving! 



In my country today is Thanksgiving Day, a time when family and friends gather together to acknowledge the many blessings that are present in our lives. The tradition dates back to the early days of our country when our ancestors celebrated their survival in a new land. They had built homes in the wilderness, had raised enough crops to keep them alive during the long coming winter, and were at peace with their Indian neighbors. They had followed their vision, beaten the odds and it was time to celebrate!


I would like to take a pause today and express my deepest gratitude for each of my Morning Blessings subscribers. I am blessed to have your encouragement and support as I endeavor to bring forth a creation and passion that fills me with purpose. Thank you for your endless faith in me as a vessel for the counsel and grace of Spirit's words. Know that my heart swells with devotion for each one of you on this day of celebrating my bountiful blessings.


A few years ago these blessings started out as something to send my students, then Spirit whispered to me that more could benefit and showed me how to set everything up so that they could reach people far and wide. Today the list of subscribers is as long as my arm! And it was all so simple! I am in awe of the Absolute when I think what Spirit accomplishes daily through us as we each align with thoughts of unity, health, peace, prosperity, creativity, joy and enlightenment. Wow!  When we do that we become the great and balancing power of harmony that has come to Earth. How grateful I am to be a part of that; a part of you.


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Heavenletter #4381 Comparing the Banyan Tree, November 22, 2012


Heavenletter #4381 Comparing the Banyan Tree, November 22, 2012 

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Fran Zepeda - Sananda - Hold the Light and Go Forth - November 21, 2012


Sananda ~ Hold the Light and Go Forth ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ November 21, 2012



Hello, my dear Beings of Light, holders of Truth. This day marks one of many that herald a new era. You have entered a place of peace in your hearts and it is reflected outward for many to see and feel in a palpable way. Abide by your deep desire for Peace and it shall be so.

You are forging a new life on Earth, dear ones, and no one can tell you differently. Take stock of your progress, for it is immense. Your dreams and meditations have expanded the capacity of your world to hold more Light and to hold more Love and you are sparkling like jewels and glistening like new growth of vegetation after a cleansing rainfall.

The time is nigh for you to dream bigger and go deeper in your meditations to enjoy the New Earth that is enfolding Now. Yes, dear ones, Now. For you are co-creating it and it is magnificent to see.

Hold forth your banners of Truth, dear ones, for you have reached your destination of High ideals and implementation of them in your daily lives. Much is waiting to still come to fruition but rest assured that you have reached a point of no return. The Light has returned to its glory of long ago and is building as we speak.

You are the ones that have made this possible and so much more awaits your eyes to see and your hearts to sense. Imagine a lotus flower blossoming in time-lapse photography. See it in your hearts and see it in others’ hearts and everywhere on Earth. That is what the opening of your hearts look like as we view you.


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Cease-fire between Israel and Hamas prevents ground war


Los Angeles Times By Jeffrey Fleishman and Reem Abdellatif November 21, 2012, 11:42 a.m.

Gaza City

A panoramic view of Gaza City at dusk. (Mohammed Saber / EPA / November 21, 2012)

CAIRO -- Hamas and Israel agreed to a cease-fire that took effect Wednesday evening following a week of intense diplomacy to stop rocket fire and airstrikes that have pounded the Gaza Strip and Israel and raised fears of plunging the region into a wider war.

The truce began at 9 p.m. local time and appeared at least initially to be taking hold.

The deal was announced in Cairo by Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohamed Amr and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who flew to the region Tuesday night as hopes for a truce remained elusive amid heavy artillery exchanges.


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Arcturians message for 21st nov 12


Greetings beloved ones, we are the Arcturians and we come in support of ALL at this time. Much is changing and shifting and the human vehicle is now responding to the higher energies. It is the response of the human vehicle that we guide further upon for you have been taught that the only way to achieve your ascension is through your spiritual awakening and this in itself is distortion. The human vehicle is your “housing” for this your human life experience and as such is a vital piece of the puzzle. For those who are concentrating solely on the spiritual aspect the human vehicle may now be responding to the heightened energies in a variety of ways.

The human vehicle has been upgraded many times in human “history” but never to the extent that is possible during this your transition period. For the human vehicle is changing from cellular level outwards and as these changes begin to take place and you begin to anchor these changes then how you perceive the world and how you intake nutrition into the human vehicle will also change. It is these changes that many are suffering with and we are here to help clear the veils of the teachings of distortion.


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Update from Messages from Matthew~ Suzy Ward~ Marvelous happenings is on the way



No Israel-Palestine war; effects of high vibrations on bodies, relief measures; US presidential election; vibratory alignment; Earth regaining balance; civilizations help others by request; ET assistance on and off-planet; prayer; effects of false information; giving thanks

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. You are physically and emotionally feeling the effects of energy surges more so than seeing their remarkable results. We are feeling and seeing the grand forward thrusts the surges have given the planet and most of its residents: Gaia, Earth’s soul, is joyous about her planetary body’s nearness to the threshold of fourth density; hope for better times is being restored within people whose living circumstances are desperate; and newly awakened souls are sparkling all over Earth.


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Irma Kaye Sawyer ~ Cosmic Weather ~ Sun In Sagittarius (11.21) And Stargate Stories Around The Campfire



Hello friends,

Whew. What a short, strange trip it’s been from the 11:11 Stargate until now. It’s hard to believe that it’s only been nine days (as of this writing.) So much transformation in such little time!


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Happy Birthday Rain, We Love YOU!!!


Council Meeting Preparing for Love BOMB


Happy Portal day!!!


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Trust: Our Connection to Faith vs Belief


          EDEN Evolve Your Soul  





The following is wisdom I received during meditation from one of my Guides as I asked about Trust, a word I keep hearing during these changing times.  I’m sure like many people, I’ve been trying to trust all of the changes I’ve been feeling as we move through 2012.  Following this conversation I had a deep but extremely expansive feeling in my heart I could not explain, as if I could truly for the first time in my life feel my connection to everything.   I encourage you to read this from a place of the heart.  Allow your energy body, your highest self, to integrate this simple but beautiful teaching.  I believe it contains powerful activations for your heart space — or as my Guide states, our true center point for creation.


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Cobra Update~ Important Eleventh Gate Activation Update (Re-Hearter)


The time for eleventh gate activation is fast approaching. The response to my call to be a part of this has not yet been as we have hoped. The eleventh gate is the completion point for the duality-based reality and thus a very important planetary activation so I would ask as many people as possible to participate.

The Youtube video for this activation is here:


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~ Space Weather Update~ 4 M Class Flares in a ROW~ Incoming Energy


SOLAR WIND: A medium-speed (~425 km/s) stream of solar wind is buffeting Earth's magnetic field. The solar wind is not blowing hard enough to ignite a full-fledged geomagnetic storm, but it is stirring up some beautiful auroras around the Arctic Circle. Check the realtime aurora gallery for latest images.

M-CLASS SOLAR FLARES: The magnetic canopy of big sunspot AR1618 is crackling with M-class solar flares. This image taken by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the extreme ultraviolet flash from one of them, an M1.6-class flare on Nov. 20th at 1928 UT:

This eruption, and another one like it about 7 hours earlier, might have propelled faint coronal mass ejections (CMEs) toward Earth. If so, the impacts would likely commence on Nov. 23rd, with a chance of high-latitude geomagnetic storms following their arrival. Stay tuned for updates. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


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All is your choice~by Ron Head November 21, 2012



You find yourselves today one month of time, as you have constructed it, prior to the day to which you have chosen to attach a supreme importance.  And because you have done this, this date will have focused upon it the energies of vast changes which are congruent with the passing from this age into the next.  Your focus and your intention are drawing to you infinite energy, light, love, and the power of Creation.

To the extent which you will have transcended time on that date, your perception of the world in which you live will take a quantum leap forward.  To the extent which you hold on to your past comfortable and safe ways of seeing, nothing may appear to change.  There is nothing wrong with that.  All is your choice.  There are, after all, billions of you yet, who have no idea, consciously, that your world has changed.

And it has changed, make no mistake.  As much as human kind would love for change to remain in its future, change never ceases.  Your world has changed.  What remains is for your perception of it to change, as well.  This will happen.  It will happen because of the vast amounts of love in which you have become immersed.  It will happen because of the work that is being done with you by your guides and angels.  But mostly it will happen because you have decided that it will happen.


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We had a gem and mineral show in the lounge here, and it was quite wonderful to be with all those lovely rocks. But when I came back the chat room was empty. These things happen.

But I want to tell you, love,

love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love

and more love

and more and more love

and love for everybody and love love love love and




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SaLuSa ~ 11/21/2012 The Light is Beaming On the Planet


SaLuSa ~ 11/21/2012


You have a saying “that time waits for no man” and it is so, as those who are still slumbering are leaving themselves much to understand. It starts with those who do not believe that there is a God, yet blame God for what takes place in the world. We wish that they could see that everyone has been given freewill, and with it you have created exactly what you are experiencing. It would be easy for us to intervene, but in so doing we would take away your chance to see what your actions have brought about. Many still talk of extracting justice as they call it by attacking and destroying another group. They are seemingly unaware or deliberately overlooking the anger and hatred it causes. How many wars does it take for Man to realise that they are non-productive in achieving peace or a lasting settlement. The lesson never seems to be learnt that peace comes with accepting that you are all One, and living in harmony and love for all life.



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Sophia Love~ 11.22.12 Global Activation Meditation


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Sananda ~ Hold the Light and Go Forth ~ through Fran Zepeda ~




Hello, my dear Beings of Light, holders of Truth. This day marks one of many that herald a new era. You have entered a place of Peace in your hearts and it is reflected outward for many to see and feel in a palpable way. Abide by your deep desire for Peace and it shall be so.

You are forging a new life on Earth, dear ones, and no one can tell you differently. Take stock of your progress, for it is immense. Your dreams and meditations have expanded the capacity of your world to hold more Light and to hold more Love and you are sparkling like jewels and glistening like new growth of vegetation after a cleansing rainfall.

The time is nigh for you to dream bigger and go deeper in your meditations to enjoy the New Earth that is enfolding Now. Yes, dear ones, Now. For you are co-creating it and it is magnificent to see.

Hold forth your banners of Truth, dear ones, for you have reached your destination of High ideals and implementation of them in your daily lives. Much is waiting to still come to fruition but rest assured that you have reached a point of no return. The Light has returned to its glory of long ago and is building as we speak.


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ONENESS The Unified Whole – 22 November 2012


Uploaded on 19 November 2012 by heliohah111 Continue reading 


Thanks Lucas


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Decree -11th Gateway of Mastery



Decree -11th Gateway of Mastery – 22 November 2012

The decree is being shared to help individuals to actualize the 11:11 Gateway on November 22nd, 2012.

Blessings and Love for an amazing experience that will hold the energies for December 21st, 2012


I awake on November 22nd, 2012,

To allow the revelation of My Light,

To be Fully Actualized Within me.

I have traveled far and wide,

To places distant and within my reach,

To find the parts of me that have been lost.

The 11th Gateway represents all that I AM,

My travels,

My experiences,

My paths with many.

I embrace who I AM,

And experience all that I ever thought I could be,

In this moment of arrival,

As I walk through the Gateway of 11:11.

All that I lost,

Are truly elements that I was,

All that I embrace,

Now become

All that I AM.

The pathway of awakening,

Is taking me to a deeper level of essence;

I see healing in all that I AM,

And Ever Will Be.

I rejoice with others,

I sing gleefully,

I dance with all essences of the Divine.

The 11th Gateway is now opening,

For me to fully accept,

The parts of me,

That I have found.

I deeply embrace the TRUE Me,

The essences of times gone by,

As the remembrance of My Divine Being,

Is now flowing through Me.

I walk with Beauty,

I exhibit the Grace,

Of Swans swimming ever so lightly,

As I now Am the Divine Being

I have been trying to Become.

I feel the changes,

I allow them to flow through me,

I express my joy,

As now I walk with great dignity;

I have endured,

I have learned,

I have expressed,

I have shared.

Now I am honored with the Light of the Master I AM,

I flow with the colors of the rainbow,

I embrace the Divine,

I share,

My Love,

My Wisdom,

My Grace,

My Joy,

My Purity,

My Knowledge,

As the Peace of God,

Is fully manifest

Within the Divine Being I have Become.

I AM that I AM that I AM

Written by Rev. Christine Melereissee
Walking Terra Christa/http://walkingterrachrista.com


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The Golden Flow of the Now Moment


Inspiration From Kristopher Raphael

“To be in the now moment means that you release all of the problems, all of the worries, and you bring the full of yourself to here and now.  And within that now moment, your now moment allows your source to flow through you into your life.” The Oracle

In The FlowThe now moment is infinitely small, yet infinitely big. In its smallness, it contains nothing. Yet, the moment of the now contains everything. Because the now moment contains nothing, to be in the now, you must let everything go and empty.


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Indonesia’s Mount Lokon volcano shaken by double eruptions


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 11/22/12

November 22, 2012 – INDONESIA – Mount Lokon, one of the most active volcanos in Indonesia, erupted twice Wednesday morning. The eruptions from the volcano were less than one hour apart and were confirmed by the Mahawu Volcano Observation monitoring post chief, Farid Ruskanda Bina. An ash cloud was expelled 1200 meters into the air. Residents were warned to be on alert and observe the 2.5 mile exclusion zone established around the volcano.

 –The Extinction Protocol



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~ Gratitude Prayer~



Good Morning Love~ Thank You for The Miracles Today, Thank You for The Joy, Thank You for The Magical Synchronostic Events, Thank You for My Every thought,  spoken words and actions serving Love and The Greater Good of All In All Moments.

I Surrender and Trust Love In Every Moment and I am a Full Participant in my Life in Service to Love and Unity!






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Heaven is Within, Happy Ascension Day Brilliant Repost for Today's Energies


Now the Truth is Revealing itself....
     A Heart Melting in the Glow of Grace 

Heaven an awakened dream manifesting before our eyes...Just a Fantasy
most believed by the old controllers of the game... Now is Real and is
coming in.... as the New Stage of creation.... A Garden of Eden Now all
may play....and re-member each as Divinity and Magical Celestial
beings....The Truth of Real Love will burst forth this treasury...this
Love gift for all of Humanity.... Eternity becomes the new Name of the
game and death will no longer exist as it now is in the Dual
reality....Heaven is a state of HEART in which you see...pleasure and
perfection inside of ones being...True freedom and Living Life
spiritually. ..The Highest Possible outcome is being called from within
our inner beings...as the Old story ends....and a smooth transition
has been requested for a Supreme Divine plan which is this....All
Karma[ego/mind] and Negativity is to be forgiven with Grace and
Forgiveness. ..This is the Law of Love and of Light...Humans must
realize that they have all come here by contract all are Angels in
Disguise...and everyone came to earth for this Grand opportunity. ..all
must wake up and see this has all been just a game, a Dream...of
Duality and Seperation.. ..Now ALL of it is be FORGIVEN...Earth is a

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Meredith Murphy ~ The Divine Openings Of Creation Are In Pivotal Alignment ~


22 November 2012


Message from the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light -

The Divine Openings of Creation are in pivotal alignment.

You are realizing wave upon wave of epic legends and heart-felt aspirations being seeded within the causal plane of reality.  The gestation energies of Creation, of Prime Creator, flowing through the Great Central Sun and into the Milky Way Galaxy are opening Earth and all within this stream of light to new expressions of being.  

It is a time of times!

Living within this true knowing you are alive and crackling!  The sparkling of your new synapses interfacing with your new chakra system, connecting to the nearly completing and humming energies flowing through the crystalline Earth grid and in Gaia’s body are becoming the prominent expression of form.


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~ JUMP IN~ ThanksGiving Love Party!~


Higher Love Incoming, 1111 Gate Activation~ JUST JUMP!



Joys of Love and Gratitude are Pouring into All Portals Across the Planet!


You can Join us Live Here at this Link:




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Tension mounts: Chile shaken by 7 moderate quakes in 24 hours


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 11/22/12


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The Prayer Coming True


To read the Prayer http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/morning-gratitude-prayer-its-time


~Happy Thank Love Day~ Love WINS!~



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Published on Nov 22, 2012 by paradoxman316

I haven't used one of the TUT's messages in a good while; but what Mike Dooley said this morning is an appropriate place to begin. Mike wrote: "Two of the most powerful words in the English language for bringing about change, Ron, are 'thank you' ... Especially when offered before the change even occurs and everything still looks pretty much like it did yesterday. You'll have to think of something to say afterwards on your own." Indeed, Mike, those words are powerful, and an excellent place to begin as we in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving Day. I'm sure I'll think of something to say.



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Special Meditation at 3:11 am Pacific Time


GFP NOTE: We are meeting in TinyChat now



and will have a special meditation at 3:11 am pacific time. Please remember that we are also gathering later today, at 11:11 am pacific time. The meditation for this event can occur at any time within this 24 hour period. The message below is from Cobra.


The time for eleventh gate activation is fast approaching. The eleventh gate is the completion point for the duality-based reality and thus a very important planetary activation so I would ask as many people as possible to participate.

The Youtube video for this activation is here:


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Heart Song for November 22nd 2012


The Heart Song for November 22nd is WHEN THE SAINTS GO MARCHING sung by Louis Armstrong. 


Love Nageeta




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Latest Earthquake Activity - November 22, 2012


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

10-degree map showing recent earthquakes


All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.


November 22



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Deeply Awake-The Now Moment




By Magartha

           Right now you have an amazing opportunity to step out of your head and step into your heart to Live as Full Co-creative Partner with Source Consciousness --</p>
<p>Are  you up for it?http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/c7.0.403.403/p403x403/3784..." height="403" width="403">  

 Woke from my weird jumbly sleep with one thought needing to be savored, maybe examined a little. I told my guides and angels that I want to remember, start remembering, what it is I am learning at night. I rarely come back with pictures or movies. I instead come back with physical changes, lots of memories of lights in my body, and I come back with a word or two. Today it was “the now moment”, and having been shown, I think, how this present moment, now moment, thing works. These words and phrases, they seem to me to be symbols for a great package of information that has just been delivered, like the “subject” line of an email.


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M-class solar flares erupts from volatile region on the Sun


Source: The Extinction Protocol - 11/22/12


November 21, 2012 – SUN - The magnetic canopy of big sunspot AR1618 is crackling with M-class solar flares. This image taken by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the extreme ultraviolet flash from one of them, an M1.6-class flare on Nov. 20th at 1928 UT: This eruption, and another one like it about 7 hours earlier, might have propelled faint coronal mass ejections (CMEs) toward Earth. If so, the impacts would likely commence on Nov. 23rd, with a chance of high-latitude geomagnetic storms following their arrival. –Space Weather


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U.S. Troops In Afghanistan Celebrate Thanksgiving


Huffington Post By DEB RIECHMANN 11/22/12 08:41 AM ET EST

Us Troops Thanksgiving Afghanistan

U.S. soldiers pray before eating a Thanksgiving meal at a dining hall at the U.S.-led coalition base in Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday, Nov. 22, 2012. The dining hall at the U.S.-led coalition base in the Afghan capital served up mac-and-cheese along with traditional Thanksgiving Day fixings. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq)

KABUL, Afghanistan -- It was Army Sgt. Keith Wells' first Thanksgiving Day away from his family and despite a cornucopia of food provided for the troops, his taste buds were craving his wife's macaroni and cheese back home.

"My wife's a foodie – you know the Food Network, cooking shows. Everything she makes is golden," Wells of Charlotte, N.C., said Thursday at a large international military base in the Afghan capital, Kabul.


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Thanksgiving parade brings cheer to storm-hit NYC


Boston.com By TOM HAYS Associated Press /  November 22, 2012

                                   The Kermit The Frog balloon makes its way down New York's Central Park West in celebration of the 86th annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade,Thursday, Nov 22, 2012. (AP Photo/ Louis Lanzano)

The Kermit The Frog balloon makes its way down New York's Central Park West in celebration of the 86th annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade,Thursday, Nov 22, 2012. (AP Photo/ Louis Lanzano)

NEW YORK (AP) — The annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade kicked off in New York on Thursday, putting a festive mood in the air in a city still coping with the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy.


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The Codes of Light for the Galactic Time Shift Initiates the Formulas for the Living Earth



Judith in Denver and Sean in Salmon Arm 5:30 am PST

The Galactic Time Lords are telling me that there is a shift in the dimensions of time.

As we were speaking this morning I felt the connection to the Galactic Time Lords and the Laws of Time.
We open now to the Infinite Wisdom of the Universal Oneness.

I heard the statement that there is a shift in the dimensions of time. With open hearts, for the highest and best for our understanding of these changing times, I open to receive any message from the Galactic Time Lords.


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Embracing Cycles: Death, Re-Birth, Growth


            EDEN Evolve Your Soul   





Over the past 2 years I’ve had the opportunity to sit in ceremony with jungle Shamans, also known as the Curanderos, deep in the Amazon jungle.  The trek to get there took a few days of travel between big planes, little prop planes, buses, and motorized boats. Deep in the heart of the Peruvian jungle the nightly ceremony we do is not for the faint-hearted; but it is life changing. Our ceremony work involves moving through death, journeying between worlds, seeing the deepest parts of yourself, and going far beyond what I ever thought reality to be.

One of the first lessons I received formed the foundation for an intense period of transition that followed, and ultimately my life.  You can apply this to any point in your life, be it a relationship, a career, a life change, or any other milestone.  I hope it helps you wherever you may be…


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meet and greet with star family



we had a meet and greet case today  with 15 to 20 star people whose energy is similar to moldovite stone-cystal.

22nd november at abt 12 noon while we were chanting with singingbawl in a very quite forest like area, my wife has seen with her 3rd eye, 15 to 20 star people appeared near by us and stood there for a litle while. She told me that they were in spiritform and emotionless light beings. Before she had chance to learn about their purpose of visit they disappeared again. she said their energy signature was very similar to moldovite crystal. we wondered abt their visit :) we were honored by their visit most definately. but why they stayed very short and why did they not say a word to us, that we dont know.. so tonight i read this message -manuscript of survival 226.. there it is said meet and greet events :)

i hope next time they stay enough time for us to give them a big hug.


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2MIN News November 22, 2012: MAGNETIC STORM WATCH - Nov.23-25


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The manuscript of survival ~ part 226


Aisha North

The days are becoming short for many of you, but the nights are not only lengthening, they are also intensifying. We have touched upon this subject before, but let us elaborate a little bit on it. You see, the nights are when you are doing the hard work, and for many, that will be very apparent indeed by the way you feel whenever you wake up from this rather disturbed ”sleep” in the mornings. You will feel more than a little wrung out, and for many, it will take a long time to literally pull yourselves together to get ready to face another day in this physical body. So what do you do on all of these nightly forays into the unknown? Let us just give you a few examples, as we know there are many an inquisitive mind ready for some explanation into this.


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A Basket of Gratitude for Every Day Thanks


                                Here to Help  



Sometimes by reaching into our hearts, we can refill our basket of gratitude.
Published on November 21, 2012  by Rita Watson 



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Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ Sampling Everything ~


~ 22 November 2012

November is building into a crescendo of creative focus, the sustenance of an empowered, prepared human being.  The chaos in the world around you has been testing your focus, testing your choice of Love or Fear.  When an initiate encounters fear, it is a matter of will.  Will denotes choice, will you or won’t you?  Are you ‘strong’ or ‘weak’ in the face of fear? Strong and weak have many definitions.  Blessed Being, you are Prepared for fear when you Know your internal capability.  It is the illusion of the world around you, the chaos seeking its harmony, the external creation of what is within.  Your power is your ability to Love in all moments.


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Visionkeeper ~ Feeling Thanksful! ~ 22 November 2012


(picture by www.favim.com)

Happy Thanksgiving to all.  I wanted to thank you all for being a part of One World Rising. This past year has been such an incredible journey and having this space for me to come to and enjoy it with others has been a great joy. Thank you all!

I am thankful for all of my readers.

I am thankful for my ability to write.

I am thankful for being alive at this time.

I am thankful for being awake and aware.

I am thankful for finding my heart and opening it.

I am thankful for my connection to spirit.

I am thankful for my mind and my love of challenge.

I am thankful for my beautiful son.


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