We all know what the tech evolution has done to our children in terms of physical activity. Long gone are the days when children took their play out of the house given that these days it is common to find many watching TV and playing video games in laptops, gaming machines among others.
Now, while tech advancements are very much welcome it’s about time we go back to the drawing board in a bid to encourage outdoor activities among kids.
This is especially colossal for parents but perhaps a highlight of some of the benefits of encouraging children to go outside and spend time in nature right from when they are young.
1. Nature Reduces Stress
You might be surprised but children just like adults can actually experience stressful situations. Lots of times on those computers, TV, Video games can actually strain them out. It has been scientifically proven that exposing ourselves to natural habitats can relieve stress to many-this also applies to kids as well. By nature we do not mean you need to start going out mountaineering or something of that sort. Even a nature walk can do the magic.