Life Advancer

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This Is How Emotions Cause Pain in Different Body Parts

How Emotions Cause Pain in Different Body Parts

We’re all aware of the way emotions such as anger, or sadness, or joy makes us feel, it’s assumed that these emotions are universal and we all feel the same way, right?

New research has actually found that scientifically, emotions that are felt are consistent in each individual, regardless of other influencers such as age or gender.

Dr. Susanne Babbel published an article [1] in Psychology Today exploring the connections between emotional stress, trauma and physical pain. She discusses in her article how chronic pain – which can be defined as a prolonged debilitating pain – may be caused by emotional and stress issues just as much as it may be caused by physical issues. Experts within this field have noted that traumatic events may have a significant impact on the development of pain – with around 15-30% of patients who are suffering from chronic pain, also being diagnosed with PTSD.

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Debunking the Myths and Misconceptions of Naturopathy

Naturopathy is becoming an increasingly popular form of alternative therapy. Many people are now turning to natural remedies for a wide range of ailments and conditions.

However, some Australians still have preconceived ideas on herbalism and naturopathy. Fear of the unknown has shaped public perception and this has been further perpetuated by the mainstream media.

Naturopathy is unscientific.

The main criticism against natural medicine is that it is unfounded. This couldn’t be further from the truth. There have been many medical studies on the healing effects of natural ingredients and supplements. Similar to modern medicine, naturopathy is based on scientific research. However, unlike western methods, naturotherapy adopts a more holistic approach to healing.  Head Naturopath at the Pinnacle Health Clinic, William Shannon explains that natural treatments enhance the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

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These Three Common Weeds in Your Backyard Are Actually Powerful Healing Herbs!

When you take a stroll in your backyard you most likely reprimand yourself for not weeding this week, but did you consider that those pesky weeds might have some beneficial properties and make your gardening life less of an uphill struggle?

Stop weeding immediately, and start seeing these ferocious plants for what they really are, powerful healing herbs. There are three common kinds of therapeutic herbs that can be found almost everywhere, particularly during their respective seasons, and are often mistaken as just weeds.

Let’s take a look at these three plants and why you should avoid zapping them with weed killer and start cultivating them and using their incredible properties:

Rosa Rugosa

AKA Rugosa Rose, Japanese Rose and Beach Rose, or the wild rose, Rosa Rugosa grows literally everywhere, it cannot be stopped. Found in your backyard, on the side of the road, on the beach and all over wild fields, the Rosa Rugosa’s petals and fruit (rosehips) can be used as a mild sedative, antiseptic, antiparasitic, and anti-inflammatory, as well as supporting the heart, lowering cholesterol and improve circulation.

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5 Reasons Why Your Kid Should Spend Time in Nature

We all know what the tech evolution has done to our children in terms of physical activity. Long gone are the days when children took their play out of the house given that these days it is common to find many watching TV and playing video games in laptops, gaming machines among others.

Now, while tech advancements are very much welcome it’s about time we go back to the drawing board in a bid to encourage outdoor activities among kids.

This is especially colossal for parents but perhaps a highlight of some of the benefits of encouraging children to go outside and spend time in nature right from when they are young.

1. Nature Reduces Stress

You might be surprised but children just like adults can actually experience stressful situations. Lots of times on those computers, TV, Video games can actually strain them out. It has been scientifically proven that exposing ourselves to natural habitats can relieve stress to many-this also applies to kids as well. By nature we do not mean you need to start going out mountaineering or something of that sort. Even a nature walk can do the magic.

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How Your Lifestyle Affects Your DNA & How to Create a Healthy Legacy with Nature‏

“Place your hands into soil to feel grounded. Wade in water to feel emotionally healed. Fill your lungs with fresh air to feel mentally clear. Raise your face to the heat of the sun and connect with that fire to feel your own immense power.” (Victoria Erickson)


Did you know that your lifestyle affects your DNA? In fact, our DNA is being altered all the time by environment, lifestyle and traumatic events, and our choices will have an impact on future generations.

The latest scientific findings about how our genes are affected by lifestyle choices, the environment where we spend most of our time and also traumatic experiences in life. All these factors determine not only longevity, ageing, general health and well-being, but also leave a detrimental or beneficial legacy for our children and grandchildren.

Scientists at the University of Cambridge have discovered the biological mechanism for this effect, revealing that genetic faults caused by trauma, poor lifestyle or environmental stress can be passed down to future generations.

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Organic vs Conventional Eating – Infographic

types of food you consume


Thinking about the types of food you consume can make huge difference in your health and lifestyle.

Organic food is not only more nutritious but it can actually save you money in the long run, when you factor in healthcare cost over the years. have created this infographic from several recent health articles and authoritative sources to help you eat healthier. There are plenty of reasons to eat organic foods and people seem to be catching on. Organic foods are the fastest growing and most profitable segment of American agriculture.

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Here Is Why You Should Practice Walking Barefoot Outdoors

We are born without shoes, we play as a child without shoes, and whenever we get the opportunity to throw off our shoes and free our feet we do. But with so much of our time spent inside, it makes you wonder… when was the last time you walked barefoot outside?

Touching and interacting with the Earth is a part of being happy and healthy, it’s completely true. To walk barefoot on the Earth allows you to directly connect with the ground, it’s an action known literally as grounding.

Every human being is electrical, the human body uses voltage to send messages from one part of the body to the other and is made up of 60 percent water. And the Earth is a natural conductor of electricity. The match is simple. The Earth conducts electricity through a negative ionic charge, while your body produces and conducts positive electricity, that if left alone, can harm you. So by “grounding” yourself you balance out your electrical charge.

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5 Gut Instincts You Should Always Pay Attention To

That funny tingling in your tummy, a quick urge to do something, that squeaky little voice ringing in your head!

All of you would have experienced such feelings some or the other time in your life. And that is what precisely you would call a gut feeling. While instincts are natural, these are not exactly your thoughts. These can be considered as ne among the thumb rules of your survival.

Here are 5 such instincts that you should never ignore in your life!

1. “Something is not correct with my body” or “I don’t feel well”!

Your body gives your cues, every now and then. And, the signals are clear indicators of how it feels at a particular moment. Listening to your body is one of the first lessons taught in a yoga class. While a feeling of not being good is an indicator that your physical balance has be thrown off, it also, at times, points fingers at your psychic energy levels. You will experience these kind of feelings if you are in a place surrounded by the wrong energy people.

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The Season Of Rebirth Is Upon Us: How to Become a New You

With summer right around the corner, it is time to shed off the old you, and let the new you get some fresh air.

But after all of these false starts, how can one just reinvent themselves in one short season? Easy. There are several things you can do that will make you a happier, healthier individual, and now is the best time to start.

1. Learn Something New

Summer is the best time to travel as thousands of people are out of school and want to enjoy the warmer months. Travel the world and learn a new culture, language, or even just a new hobby. There is so much to explore in our world; you have endless opportunities to make yourself a worldier person.

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8 Surprising Yet Amazing Ways to Use Aloe Vera

Many of us have that vivid idea that aloe vera is medicinal or useful in some way but little do we know that the plant is very powerful in fighting lots of diseases and conditions. It’s time we opened up our minds as we take a peek at some of the uses that could be accrued from this plant.

1. Food Preservation

We all know that organic food goes bad faster but did you know that aloe vera can be used to counter the decay process? It does this by minimizing bacteria activity. Never let your food go bad again given that you need to do is add a thin layer of edible aloe vera on top of your food and you are good to go.

2. Whitening teeth and Preventing bad Odor

If you are looking for an efficient way to whiten your teeth or fight conditions like gum diseases then aloe vera should be the number one choice. Research has proven that it is quite as effective as those over the counter mouth washes yet it is organic and naturally occurring!


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