Another letting go.

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For many years I have tried to figure out a way to help those less fortunate and 2 weeks ago I found a possible way to fund the project. For some reason though it seemed to not jell as it normally would which made me sit back and think. Then last week my angel didn't see me although I did talk to him. I have been restless and doing a lot of meditation which helped but today I woke up and just didn't feel right. Anyway, I went to work and took a break. While looking at the sky I saw a plane flying with chemtrails but amazingly they were disappearing right before my eyes within yards. I went inside and later had read a blog speaking about trying to manifest a particular thing or situation vs. manifesting with everyone. I suddenly realized that was exactly what I had been doing-so 3D. I think/hope it was the end of my trust issues and need for perfection as suddenly a sense of relief washed over me. I went outside again a little later and saw another plane also seeming to spread chemtrails although it was a bit high. Sitting there watching it went behind a cloud and Never Came Out! I waited quite a while and watched the clouds themself slowly thin out. I got the message and I am ready to Ascend and belief it is very close to disclosure or that is what it felt. An interesting and revealing day for me. Kind of felt like an onion peeling away the layers of myself. Maybe an artichoke-they are much better to eat and a fresh one sounds really good!