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Unknown Light Artsist



I AM Presence - The God Presence

We have an individualized Presence of God - the Mighty I AM Presence - as part of our very Nature and Being. As embodied individuals, we are the outer expression of that God Self in form. It is our unique and immortal True Identity, yet a sharing of the Allness of the ONE GOD is maintained

~✡ Christ Presence ✡~

The Holy Christ Presence — also known as the Higher Mental Body, Holy Christ Self, Higher Self, or the Guardian Angel — is the Divine Mind that is aware of the Perfection of the God Presence, but is also aware of the imperfections and requirements of the outer self. This Christ Mind does not accept any imperfection of the outer human self, but remains Pure and Perfect. The Holy Christ Presence is endowed with the Discriminating Intelligence to act in the outer self - Directing and Governing the amounts of Light, Life, and Love released into the outer body forms. It has been described as a "Step-down Transformer" with the ability to act in the lower human realms. This form is of a lower vibratory rate than the Electronic Body of the God Presence, and is composed of the Light Substance of the Buddhic Octave

~✡ Threefold Flame ✡~

The Threefold Flame is the Flame of Life anchored in the secret chamber of the Heart in the Sons and Daughters of God and the children of God. The Sacred Trinity of Power, Wisdom, and Love, that is the Manifestation of the Sacred Fire, is only one-sixteenth of an inch high within the average human heart. It is made up of a Blue Plume, a Yellow Plume and a Pink Plume of Radiant God-Charged Electronic Light. Each Plume is a manifest Focus of God Qualities. The Blue Plume of Spiritual Power relates to Faith, Good Will and the Divine Intent. The Yellow Plume of Divine Wisdom relates to Illumination, to the right use of Knowledge, and to the expansion of the Intelligence of the Godhead into the chalice of the heart and mind. The Pink Plume of Divine Love provides the Qualities of Mercy, Compassion, Justice, and Creativity. The Threefold Flame is the Sun Center and Source of Life to the physical body. The expansion of a person's Threefold Flame brings him closer to his own eternal Freedom in the Ascension. When we speak of the Presence of God "within" each one, we are referring to the Glorious Victorious Threefold Flame of Eternal Truth within

~✡ Electronic Body ✡~

The Electronic Body is the Immortal Body which the I AM Presence — a Divine Spirit — uses as one of Its Vehicles of Expression. This Electronic Body has Divine Purity and Structure, and forever remains "Eternally Youthful, Beautiful, Strong, Perfect, and Free from every conceivable limitation. In this Body, Individuals can and do function wherever they choose in the universe, for in It there are no barriers of time, place, space, nor condition." Beloved Jesus referred to this Body when He spoke of the Seamless Robe or the Bridal Garment of the Spirit. No imperfection can ever be recorded in or upon It, for It is composed of Pure Electronic Light. Saint Germain has stated that: "Every human being sometime, somewhere must raise the outer or atomic structure into the Imperishable, Electronic Body, where no imperfection exists." (The Magic Presence, by Godfre Ray King, 1974 - 4th edition, pages 63 - 66, 87)

~✡ Name of God: "I AM" ✡~

For thousands of years the inner understanding of the Name of God and the Creative Words — "I AM" — had been restricted to the Retreats of the Great Brotherhood of Light and given only after a three year probation. However because of the urgency of the hour and the urgent need for humanity to have greater Assistance, the Dispensation was granted Saint Germain for this Teaching to be given to the outer world. In The "I AM" Discourses, Saint Germain explained that the Words "I AM" release the full Power of God in Action. They are the first expression of every self-conscious Being. "I AM" is the purest and highest Principle of Life, of the Individualized God Presence, of the Universal Intelligence that is ever endeavoring to bring forth the Manifestation of the Original Pristine State of the God Source.


Ascended Masters Teachings

Ascended Master Teachings as given through Their Anointed Representatives

Research Material:
Ascended Masters- Who are they?
Ascension Research Center

The Temple of The Presence

Sharing Love note:

In honoring a vision that had been humbly received. In this vision was re-given an ancient text, translated into three languages. Which is a contract that had to be signed in love & trust, and so the 'Ascended Master Teachings' is here for all to share in love & trust that we honor their timeless wisdom and uphold it original designation 'Our Divine Creator' divine light working through 'Ascended Masters. Anointed Representatives Galactic Free Press- File Archival The Ascended Master Teachings.


"When we awaken a Master Ascends within."
