The Astral Realm

will's picture

The astral realm can be a rather complicated place, and as such it has many different names. It's called 4d, the mental realm, the void, limbo, purgatory, and it's where all the religious heaven/hells "exist". Some people also call it the etheric realm, though that's a term we often use for 5D. Some people call it the "spirit realm", though I'm hesitant to call it that as well because the astral can be completely devoid of Spirit.

The astral realm can be anything you believe, your preconceptions influence it enormously. You want to see shining cities of light, you'll see that, if you want to see hellish realms, you can see that too. If you approach the astral with fear, it can become a nightmare. Your own thoughts are projected onto the astral, kind of like a movie screen. If you've ever had a lucid dream, this is exactly what's happening. You're in your own little part of the astral realm, and you can make it into whatever you choose.

This may seem very appealing, but astral experience is ultimately empty. It's just playing with illusions. It's largely an imitation of the physical realm, but with even less substance. It can be a huge distraction on the path back to Source, and people often get very caught up in the astral realm. Many types of spirituality actually focus upon working with the astral realm, and these are ones we recommend being very cautious with.

There are many who believe they've reached 5D, the Celestial Realm, but never actually raise above the upper astral. They have these preconceptions of what 5D is supposed to look like, and the astral realm becomes those preconceptions. It's nothing more than building up fantasies, but for the person who really doesn't understand 5D, they don't know any better. This is what has happened with many of the channelers and spiritual teachers at the moment.

The inability to get past the astral realm is what keeps people trapped in the cycle of reincarnation. If Consciousness doesn't raise up to 5D, the illusion of separation remains and the being doesn't return to God, at least from their limited perception. They get another chance to learn the lessons they missed in the previous incarnation.

5D is like nothing you've ever seen, it's beyond the sequential physical experience. It's not something you see, smell, taste, hear, or touch. It's beyond the senses, beyond space and time. It's a completely mind-blowing feeling of Oneness. 5D is Pure Light. If it's anything like the physical realm, it's not 5D.

The mind cannot raise above the upper astral, as the mind itself is an astral entity. Consciousness can go anywhere, but the mind cannot get to 5D. You cannot think or believe yourself to 5D, this is why we put so much emphasis on going beyond the mind. This is why the whole practice of meditation focuses upon stilling the mind, so the Being can witness something More.

5D doesn't create memories either, 5D is either part of your Present Moment or you're missing it. You many create memories about 5D, but they're always pale reflections of the Reality. In fact, even memories of the physical realm are very limited since your perception is so limited. You see only a teeny tiny part of what's really happening, and on top of that your mind interprets that tiny part into a mental knowing to create a memory. It's just a one-sided story a long ways removed from the fullness of the actual experience. There's a repository of memories in the upper astral called the Akashic Records and I wouldn't go looking for Higher Truth there. Entertainment maybe, but for the Truth of God, you've got to raise above the astral entirely.

Then there's the astral entities, mental creations that have taken on a "life" of their own. Religions often call these entities demons, though there's also a few religions who worship an entity or entities as "god" or "gods". Because people are trapped within their own minds, these beings can appear to be quite powerful, but it's a trick. They only have the power that you give them, especially through fear. That kind of misguided energy is a tasty snack for an astral entity, and it's those emotions that sustain them. If you ever have trouble with an astral entity, you always have Angels with you that can help you in clearing. Simply ask for their assistance.

To someone who's consciousness has barely risen above the physical realm, the astral can seem like freedom. For a prisoner who's lived in a tiny cage their whole life, I'm sure a bigger cage does feel like freedom. True freedom doesn't exist in the physical realm, nor does it exist in the astral. Freedom is Love equal God equal the Core of Your Being. Freedom is a 5D understanding, and you carry that Connection with you everywhere you are. You have only to expand your Consciousness beyond on the mental limits you hold on to.


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