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Noeticka's picture

I would like to know if the prosperity funds discussed on this site are directly related to the newly emerging Bitcoin currency? I would like to know how the Archangels feel about this because we need to prepare for the impending collapse of the current economy and the underground reports I am hearing about Bitcoins and sound very promising. Many Blessings and loving light to all.

dreamer's picture
The concept of money

This is my opinion only. I have not heard in first person from Angels. Money has run it's course as an item of exchange of energy. Fiat money is something created out of nothing with no representitave backing. This is the us dollar. It used to be backed by silver and gold. Those times are long gone. Voltaire said that fiat money shall always return to it's intrinsic value, nothing. So, now we as a group of beings might have to look at what is of value other than money. A skill like shoe maker or a talent like singing may be traded for ones supper depending upon the quality of the work. It may be quite hard to define value in this. Yet, it is where humans came from and it is likely where we are going. Money in the hands of honest people serves well. We see how money created power and this would be the best reason for it to go away completely. To replace it with another similar god is another effort to repeat the process. The concept of money is a 3rd dimentional concept. Our home is moving out of that place to higher vibrations. The changes are more than evident. What seems to be chaos and fear over this inevetable change are the last crys of holding on to the past. The old saying is, "don't let the wake drive your boat". When I was a child I had no money to speak of. A few kind neighbors would give me a nickle. I was rich until the candy store exchanged my nickle for 25 pieces of candy. Ok, not many folks recall 5 pieces of candy for a penny. But, that is the way it was when I was young and dirt was new. My point is that my happyness did not depend upon money. Parents kept me fed, watered, clothed and safe to the best of their abilitys. I can envision a new way of life where nobody has to go without. Real abundance is all around us. It just doesn't live in marble mansions yet. Consider abundance of a wheat seed. Plant one seed and care for it for 3 months and it gives you back 25 times what you put into the ground. We have to remove all monsanto seed to make this happen. Hybred seed is dead. This too is an abomination. Feeding the world is not the issue. Nor is the housing an issue. All the materials are already here to construct what is required. As long as fairness aspects are paid close attention to. Nobody goes hungry, nobody is without a home, everyone has value. A long winded way of stating Love is the answer to everything.  It is time for every individual soul to realize this perfection. Those who fight and scream in fear, see not the ways of a Loving humanity. There are many individuals with vision who demonstrate Love their entire life through. More of this please. Here in this place you may find the Angels we have been waiting on are us.

thomasinmn's picture
well put dreamer  

well put dreamer


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