- ~ Our Next Galactic Free Press Update~
- Finding Atlantis
- Animal Planet- Body Found-Mermaids.mp4
- The False Rapture Debunked
- ~Its Raining Rainbows of Sunshine Across Planet Earth=Heart~
- Ufo seen on Eve of july 9th AS PROMISED
- UFO over 2012 Olympics. Raw Footage. July 28th, 2012
- Red Triangle UFO Filmed over Bristol (Video)
- CBS Finally Beginning To Turn?
- Loving Immortal Star Beings from other Worlds - The Truth about Disclosure and ETs
- Heavenletter #4266 Your Only Choice, July 30, 2012
- Natures Answer to Treating Infections
- Blossom Goodchild – 30 July 2012 Love Love Love
- Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 30 July 2012
- Source Energy pt 1/4: The Sun and Ascension
- Jennifer Hoffman – The Energies Of August – 30 July 2012
- NorthPoint Astrology Journal: Your Guide To Planetary Energies For 30 July To 5 August 2012
- What will happen in 2013?
- 2012 Ascension - Pineal Detox - Activating the Pineal Gland - How to see Angels and Star Beings
- Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 30 July 2012
- Poof for July 29, 2012: A Promise Is a Promise
- Steve Beckow ~ Clarification On Disclosure Rumors And Evidence ~
- Another New Crop Circle
- Lloyds chief admits industry is in deep crisis
- Newspaper review: 'Feel-good' factor of London 2012
- The Return Of The Light Masters
- Examiner.com Reports on UFO at Olympics
- Control: The Human Obsession
- UFO Filmed over New Mexico. July 26th, 2012.
- ~Return of the Light Masters Part 2 and 3~
- London 2012 Corporate Ticket-Holders No Show, What Do They Know? Probe as Rows of Seats Unused at SOLD OUT Games Events
- Should I Stay or Should I Go?
- Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/29/12 ‘Planet Terra’
- my own personal disclosure
- Occult Symbolism at the 2012 Opening Ceremony Explained
- China keeps up block on Bloomberg website
- clifford stone and retrieval
- Presenting SAS Thoughts – Another Point Of View, Certainly – On Perhaps What Is The Real Truth Of Our Present Seeming Rush To Disclosure.
- Montague Keen You Are about to Achieve Why You Came Here
- Michael and Amsa ~ through Ron Head
- Healing Poem for those in vow of Service
- Angela Peregoff – The Week ahead: 07.30.2012
- Creator leaves messages of love everywhere
- 'Horseshoe' UFO Filmed over South Korea (Video)
- UFO Sighting | Busan, South Korea | 07/26/2012
- Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Knowledge
- 100s protest pension overhaul in Rome
- GSK whistleblower says Glaxo Marketing VP 'Sir' Andrew Witty was deeply involved in massive criminal cover-up
- It's ok if you feel confused!
- Lucas - Seeing The Divine Vastness Of Being And Living Unconditional Love - 30 July 2012
- Animal Planet- Body Found-Mermaids.mp4
- Miracle Man
- US government ran chemical experiments on military veterans under operations MKUltra, Bluebird and Artichoke
- Three Lights in the Sky Exact Location Unknown USA July 26th, 2012
- Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ - Published in Federal Gov't Journal
- Geithner on LIBOR: 'We Were Aware'
- MPs tell Barclays to stop fundraising for Mitt Romney
- Libor Scandal: Who's to Blame?
- Storm looming in eurozone as Spain economy falters
- Yuan decline worries China
- Where are we going and Why?
- RBS drawn into Libor scandal as banks learn scale of review
- Paranormal investigators gather at Kecksburg UFO crash site
- Will Kim Jong Un’s leadership be music to U.S. ears?
- Aisha North A time of confusion
- UFO Over Olympics Opening Ceremony: A Classic Flying Saucer -->
- Hong Kong Protests China Patriotism Propaganda Classes
- Awesome UFO Sighting May 20th 2012 Stouffville Ontario Canada
- Movie Star Thomas Jane Tweets About UFO Conference
- The truth is north of the border: UFO sightings in Canada reach record high of THREE a day
- Celestial Trends for August 2012 – from Karyl Jackson – Does this ever resonate with me! Don’t miss reading this, friends
- 2MIN News July 30, 2012
- A Blimp or a glowing UFO above the opening ceremony of the London Olympics??
- Current TV – Jennifer Granholm – The War Room – What’s Working: Food Bank Brings 17 Million Pounds Of Produce To Hungry Families – 30 July 2012
- SYBRA OF SIRIUS. “Detach, Dream And Delete.” By, AuroRa Le. July 30, 2012.
- Patricia Liles: August Blue Moons and Astrological Forecast
- Oracle Report ~ Monday July 30 2012
- Our Olympic Galactic Friends Now Appearing in Mainstream Media
- For the Illumi-not-so-more-ati: Tex Richman LOL
- For the Illumi-not-so-more-ati: Tex Richman LOL
- A message from Saint Germain and the Arcturians ~~
- A Special Message from Mike Quinsey: SaLuSa ~ July 30, 2012
- ~Space Weather Update~ Incoming CME~
- UFO Outside my Porch. California. July 27th, 2012.
Greetings Love Beings, We are getting Closer and Closer to Our Divine Decree's Manifestation. We Have Several Sources Now on the Same Page which is How all of this Is Unfolding through Synchronocity. All DIvine Events are Inevitbale no matter what day they Occur. They Will Occur! We will Have More about this In our Next Udpdate. Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies
~ Our Next Galactic Free Press Update~
Greetings Love Beings, We will Not have a daily update today as we are currently dealing with all the incoming energies and information about our current moments. We are processing this all and will report this to you in our Next Update for Monday July 30th, 2012. We have many Exciting events getting ready to manifest. We can share this Truth with you as We feel this along side many of You who are also feeling this. We Love You, We are In this Together! Trust Love Everyone, for this is Who You Really Are!
Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies
Amazing Awakening Sessions Available
Heal with the Whole Truth:
Galactic Truth Report:
Animal Planet- Body Found-Mermaids.mp4
This is some thing that will take you aback and think out of the box,,
Animal Planet- Body Found-Mermaids.mp4
The False Rapture Debunked
Free Spirit debunks the idea of a false rapture where holographic Gods will come to trick humans into being taken by aliens. Understanding why some humans will disappear from 3D as they become ready to ascend into the 5D and beyond. Thoughts on free will, self redemption and forgiveness, the uselessness of judgement and why there will not be a final Judgement Day. We all create our own realities and choose our own destinies.
Ufo seen on Eve of july 9th AS PROMISED
i can't remember where i read it. but one of these posts declared "step 3" would be a mass decloaking on the eve of july 9th. this would indicate that the plans are intact to those on the ground and step 4 would be next. i forget what step 4 was. all i know that i looked out my window the eve of july 9th, and low and behold there was a UFO dropping out of a cloud. it was long and thin and shiny and nipped in and out of a cloud, gradually becoming smaller and fainter in the distance. UFO's have communicated with me before when i asked them to reveal themselves in clouds. BUT NEVER LIKE THIS. this was a bonified, classic, UFO sighting.... AS PROMISED in the date and time outlined in the blog post. i have a picture and there is question that it is a UFO.
SO, why i am writing this now???? after several weeks????? because i think that this august 4th date will ALSO be for real. as the july 9th date was. GET READY PEEPS our world is gonna rock august 4th !!!!! : )
UFO over 2012 Olympics. Raw Footage. July 28th, 2012
Published on Jul 28, 2012 by UltraUfoChannel
No description available.
Source: YouTube.com
Red Triangle UFO Filmed over Bristol (Video)
By Tom Rose|
July 28, 2012 01:45 PM EDT
The infamous "Triangle" UFO has been spotted once again over the night skies of England, but this time with a twist. More traditional red running lights are now part of the mystique, but no less spooky.
What is this thing?
The craft has been seen before, mostly over the UK, and even a few times in the daylight. But it never fails to excite the imagination of both believers and non-believers alike.
Is it alien? Man-made?
Most commenters are willing to concede it's a very unusual unidentified flying object because of its unique, almost impossibly aerodynamic shape and evenly spaced, triangulated light formations.
Loving Immortal Star Beings from other Worlds - The Truth about Disclosure and ETs
Author Free Spirit of www.awakening2012.co.uk speaks about how he is a Visitor to this world - from a collective of Star Beings from a higher-dimensional world of profound love. The true disclosure - aliens are loving - there are no bad aliens - and the Star Beings have ascension ships equipped with immortalization chambers. How I have been transformed by their love and wisdom - they come at this time to gift love and understanding to those open to receive. Preparing for life beyond the Earth.. Ascension through the Solar Portals.
Heavenletter #4266 Your Only Choice, July 30, 2012
God said:
Compassion is understanding. It is not pity. See beyond pity. Pity is a small thing. It contracts your vision. Pity itself is pitiful. It is too small. Pity sees within an encompassed space. It is too narrow. It is isolated. Your vision is to expand. Your consciousness is to expand. You have to see greater than pitiful.
Pity takes a small part of a person’s life and examines it as if under a microscope. Better to take a telescope, beloveds, and see further. It is a pity to pity anyone. Certainly, your attention is not to be squandered on only one aspect of a seeming another when there is so many more dimensions to see.
There is courage to see. There is a Greatness to see. There is far more than the physical to see. No one is limited to his body, his age, or any so-called incapacity.
A human being is always far more than he appears. Appearances are appearances. Better to look at Truth. The Truth is that every human being, no matter in what shape his life is in, is a shining light. He may not know it, yet you, you, My beloveds, have to know it, and it is the shining light that you are to see. No one on Earth lacks this light. The light is easier to see in some than in others, yet you are to seek that light in everyone. No one has to show you his light. You have to see it, for it is there.
Natures Answer to Treating Infections
Natures Answer to Treating Infections
Guest writer for Wake Up World
One of the biggest challenges to our health comes from microorganisms that cause disease. From the Common Cold to Candida, Sinus infection to UTI, yeast, fungus, bacteria, and viral infections affect us all. With increased use of antibiotic drugs, new “superbugs” such as MRSA (methicillin resistant staph aureus) and C. Difficle are rampant in hospitals and nursing homes, and there are no new drugs that easily treat them.
Blossom Goodchild – 30 July 2012 Love Love Love
Blossom Goodchild – 30 July 2012
Ladies and Gentleman …
whose hearts are so eager to have something full proof taking place … I am driven to send out this letter just to remind you of a few things that The Federation Of Light have been speaking to us about … because I FEEL it is important.
There are a few channellings going around at the moment that rang alarm bells for me the minute my heart clapped eyes on them.
Before reading … take some deep breaths and ask your soul to let you know whether or not a particular message is coming from LOVE … ONLY LOVE.
Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 30 July 2012
Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 30 July 2012
Beloved Ones,
As the days flow one into the other, there is a freshness of energy that permeates all. This is a time of reconnecting to the Being that you truly are within and with intention, bringing the inner out into your World around you. All the answers that you seek reside within your holiest of holies, the sacred space within your heart. There are many distractions that come to seduce you from your path and it is important that you be in touch with your own power and your own part of the Divine Plan. What is right for another may not be right for you so we counsel that you be true to yourselves.
Jennifer Hoffman – The Energies Of August – 30 July 2012
Jennifer Hoffman – The Energies Of August – 30 July 2012
I was beginning to wonder if I was going to be able to write about August, if I’d still be standing, breathing, thinking or conscious. Some of what we experienced in July was quite powerful, exhausting, taking us to the edge of our internal abyss to let us see just how far we can be pushed so we can know how far we have come. Think about everything you have gone through since the late 1990s (or before). How much better do you understand these experiences now, how much more deeply do you relate to them and more much more quickly do you learn, heal, grow and allow them to help you transform?
NorthPoint Astrology Journal: Your Guide To Planetary Energies For 30 July To 5 August 2012
Pam Younghans – NorthPoint Astrology Journal: Your Guide To Planetary Energies For 30 July To 5 August 2012 – 30 July 2012
Photo: This M-6 class solar flare on July 28 released a coronal mass ejection (CME) that is expected to reach Earth’s atmosphere on July 31. (Photo from SpaceWeather.com)
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have an astrology appointment with me on August 24 or 25, and have not yet done so,please re-send me your birth information by email. My recent computer meltdown took with it my chart database and email archives. Thank you!
THE FULL MOON on Wednesday (8:28pm PDT) is our primary astrological event this week. At the time of the lunation, Uranus is sextile the Moon and trine the Sun, providing the inspiration, insights and courage we are needing to make best use of this creative energy.
Uranus also promotes our listening to the voice of our own higher knowing, rather than following the dictates or advice that may be offered by others, even if that advice is well-meaning. Under this influence, we may feel a bit impatient with old ways and old solutions — which assists us in being open to the new.
What will happen in 2013?
Ascension Teacher and author Free Spirit of www.ascension2012.org.uk speaks about his predictions for 2013. What happens after the Galactic Alignment, how the Solar Flares transmute our bodies, and facilitate bodily ascensions - and how the energies of Source are facilitating a major karmic healing crisis within humanity. How to ascend out of your karma and what awaits you when you do. What will happen in this dimension in 2013 and beyond. Understanding matter transmutation as a process of Source alignment. Hawai'i as my last port of call before Ascension..
2012 Ascension - Pineal Detox - Activating the Pineal Gland - How to see Angels and Star Beings
Free Spirit speaks about the Pineal Gland, how to activate it, what toxins to avoid, how to cleanse the Pineal, the role of love and forgiveness in the Process - and what you can see once the Pineal Gland is working. Becoming aware in dreams, learning how to leave the body and visit the Astral Planes - and the importance of living in Truth and ending ones relationship with the energy of lie.. www.awakening2012.co.uk
Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 30 July 2012
Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 30 July 2012
Dear Ones as you are learning from a number of sources, the point has been reached when Divine instructions have been given that action shall be taken without delay to announce our presence. We have shown extreme patience and given your leaders plenty of opportunity to take the steps called for to release you from the control of the Illuminati. We know that they too are also like many people in fear of them, but that has to be put aside to allow the truth to come out. The Olympics is the window that is being given world attention, and we cannot think of a better way to make it known. Time is fast running away and we must be given the opportunity to make ourselves known to you.
Poof for July 29, 2012: A Promise Is a Promise
Note: Song lyrics to “Promised Land” below Poof’s message.
July 29, 2012 | RMN
Greetings and Salutations:
Not much I will say, in a public forum. Work is done and it’s all over but the shouting. The skies have been rumbling and the weather forecasts rain on all the crops. A harvest for the world, as it were. Reagan’s appointee can finally take a much needed vacation from the labors and I can go sit my butt on a nice beach and drink umbrella drinks…and never speak of this change over [ever?] again. It’ll make into the history books, called “After the World moved On” or “Before the World moved On” . . . depending on your taste. Leading up to it is [a] recent article that lets you see, the secret’s put. Now the real work begins.
Steve Beckow ~ Clarification On Disclosure Rumors And Evidence ~
Already reports and comments are coming in that suggest that people believe that the 2012 Scenario has said that Disclosure will happen on August 5, 2012.
No, that’s not something we said.
What we’ve said here is that there’s evidence (not conclusive evidence, but suggestive evidence) that the divine deadline before which the galactics have to honor the freewill choices of Earth’s governments will pass on August 4, 2012.
If this evidence is a true predictor, it doesn’t bind the galactics to disclosing on August 5.
No one here, and perhaps not even the galactics themselves, know when Disclosure will happen. You’ve seen that a shooting in Denver can potentially put back the plans for Disclosure by removing President Obama from Washington.
When you are Babies, you are in a Brainwave of Delta Consciousness, which is the same or equal to, God Consciousness. This is where you return to in your sleeping state. Currently, when you go to sleep at night, you are back into and Immersed in Love, which is who you are. Where there is no more separation, and where you have not isolated yourself from the Truth of your Being, which is connected into the One. You are just immersed in Atoms, of Pure Love Energy, the Oneness Energy. This state is what you are returning too, in a Waking state [Your Awakening into True Reality], which is the same as FULL CONSCIOUSNESS.
Gamma brainwaves are at 32-64 cycles per second, this is the maximum stress the being can handle and eventually results in death. It’s like a being attempting to work 3 jobs a day, 36 hours in a day, and fries the brain, IN THIS STATE WITHIN YOUR ILLUSION, YOU MOVED SO FAR FROM THE TRUTH OF YOUR BEING, YOU STRESS OUT AND DIE.
Another New Crop Circle
Allington, Nr All Cannings, Wiltshire. Reported 29th July
Farmer does not want anyone visiting this formation.
Lloyds chief admits industry is in deep crisis
Lloyds banking Group set aside another £700m to deal with compensation claims for mis-selling insurance products yesterday, while the chief executive admitted the industry is in deep crisis.
The banking giant that owns HBOS, the merged Halifax and Bank of Scotland business that collapsed in the financial crisis and was rescued by Lloyds, fell to a half-year loss of £439m and predicted further trouble.
It also revealed it has received subpoenas from governments as part of an investigation into a global interest-rate rigging scandal. "Certain parts of the group have received subpoenas and requests for information from certain government agencies and are co-operating with their investigations," the bank said.
Lloyds said it could not yet say what its exposure to the Libor inquiries could be.
The extra £700m for mis-selling of payment protection insurance comes on top of the £3.2bn it first set aside to deal with the problem and the £375m provision it made in the first half of the year. That takes its total exposure, so far, to £4.275bn. Other banks are expected to make similar moves in the coming days.
Newspaper review: 'Feel-good' factor of London 2012
The Mail on Sunday seems surprised at the excitement that has been generated by the opening ceremony, and the first day of action, at the London Olympics.
It says the mood is euphoric but that the notion of the UK contemplating "the feel-good factor" would have seemed a "tasteless joke" a month ago.
The Sunday Times suggests the Olympics should be seen as a rallying call.
It says the UK needs to lay aside recent dark episodes and let itself be "galvanised" by the Games.
Cavendish's Cycling roadrace
Examiner.com Reports on UFO at Olympics
Today, Examiner published two stories about the UFO at the Olympics opening ceremonies. You can read them at the links below.
UFO over London Olympics: Enhanced video shows flying saucer
UFO appears over London Olympics opening ceremony
Control: The Human Obsession
Hi there,
The current, and perhaps most insidious, issue we are working on eliminating is control. For those of you who listen to Heavenly Blessings and Hour with an Angel you will know this is a subject Ascended Master St. Germaine and Archangel Michael have been bringing forth for examination. But truth be told, the whole of the Council of Love is clamoring, as is the Company of Heaven, for this issue to be brought front and center, examined, loved and released once and for all. Once and for all - for all of the human collective and for All.
UFO Filmed over New Mexico. July 26th, 2012.
Published on Jul 27, 2012 by UltraUfoChannel
Filmed over Magdalena, New Mexico. United States on July 26th, 2012.
London 2012 Corporate Ticket-Holders No Show, What Do They Know? Probe as Rows of Seats Unused at SOLD OUT Games Events
'Hundreds of privileged ticket-holders failed to turn up to watch the world's top swimmers despite the heats being completely "sold out" to the public.
The investigation will centre on London 2012 corporate ticket-holders, sponsors and members of the Olympics organising 'family' who failed to occupy their allotted poolside spots. Large pockets of unused seats were also obvious at the beach volleyball on Horse Guards Parade, the dressage at Greenwich Park, gymnastics at the O2 and the tennis at Wimbledon.
Organisers LOCOG will now identify who had rights to the individual seats and find out why they hadn’t showed up.'
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/29/12 ‘Planet Terra’
Terra is the name given to your world that many of us here on our side of the veil use to refer to your planet, what you refer to as Earth. We have named your planet Terra, for it has many subtle and hidden meanings within this name. Terra sounds a lot like the word terror, does it not, dear ones? And it is terror that many of you have experienced here on many different levels for many eons. War is terror, death has been terror too, and even love sometimes can be quite terrifying for some of you. There are many different stages and levels of terror and fear, and each of you has gone through an initiation, if you will, of all of these differing levels of your education and advancement in this universe. That's what your road trip, your field trip to Terra has been all about in the largest sense, in the greater picture, for without the education that you have been blessed with here in this oftentimes frightening world, you could not have evolved as quickly, as sharply, as strongly, as wisely, as seasoned, as committed and determined as you have emerged from all of these lessons and experiences here on ‘Terror’.
my own personal disclosure
I just feel it necessary to disclose to you that I have panic attacks, and have had for many years. So sometimes when I express fear, it is a function of my brain-waves and the chemicals in my brain being out of whack. I can sometimes recognize these when I am in them, and sometimes it is too overwhelming to recognize.
I say this to you so that others will not be dragged into or disturbed by my fear, which may be the ego dying as I have been told, but may also be that my brain is trying to evolve to meet the challenges ahead of us... and in doing so, sometimes it just "freaks out."
Thank you for your patience with me.
Occult Symbolism at the 2012 Opening Ceremony Explained
Here is an article for those who know what I was talking about in my previous post about Occult Symbolism..., as well as those who do NOT HAVE EYES to see the obvious in front of their face. http://shiftfrequency.com/illuminati-occult-symbolism-in-the-2012-london... Then this article as well: http://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2012/07/28/fun-with-the-illuminati-how-m... Much Love... Shannon
China keeps up block on Bloomberg website
Beijing: Bloomberg's news website remains blocked by China’s state censors a full month after it detailed the riches amassed by the family of Xi Jinping, the man who is expected to be the country’s next president.
Although periodic outages of foreign media websites in China are common, the month-long total blackout of Bloomberg is an unusually harsh response, highlighting the extent to which its coverage angered the government.
Beijing has tried to apply pressure in other ways, too. In the weeks since the article was published, people believed to be state security agents have tailed some Bloomberg employees; Chinese bankers and financial regulators have cancelled previously arranged meetings with Matthew Winkler, Bloomberg’s editor-in-chief; and Chinese investigators have visited local investment banks to see if they shared any information with Bloomberg, according to people with knowledge of these incidents.
clifford stone and retrieval
Again, the comments obviously disabled for a reason.
If any of you know, even , Cliff, if you will, of the 57 races discovered(and i had heard this on the radio a while back as well as read Dr.Micheal Wolf's book, "Catchers of Heaven", which describes similar accounts as yours.) do we have a definite list of race types?
And is 'Blue Hedgehog' amongst them? Ok, I think you know where Im going here, folks, some of you that have had no life....
=:-O '
YEAH, looking for proof of a relative....BECAUSE I know WEVE been here...
..and the ship design(I know some think its fake) of the vid near Vancouver...dam near a match for a sketch of a photo I drew over 10 years ago. Flat back of the ship and all. I dont think the video is fake, but i do think it is edited 'in post' somewhat.
Not to mention the flyover the LI Expressway last year about this timeframe when I walked 30 miles to get home from the VA because the busses stopped running. I was followed the entire time and greeted post sunrise by what appears to be one of the ships I helped engineer nearly 40 years ago in Centauri space, when I was amongst our space bretheren.
I dont mean to keep repeating history, but not all of you know, and Id like to know what the GOVT DOES know and are keeping secret. If you can find it, the GREATIA treaty from 54 original text would be nice.
Presenting SAS Thoughts – Another Point Of View, Certainly – On Perhaps What Is The Real Truth Of Our Present Seeming Rush To Disclosure.
Jean Haines – Presenting SAS Thoughts – Another Point Of View, Certainly – On Perhaps What Is The ‘Real’ Truth Of Our Present Seeming ‘Rush To Disclosure.’ – 29 July 2012
(Lucas : I will post this article by a friend of mine Jean Haines as an other view on things. I might be so people see things in an other light. The whole disclosure issue was today also on Drake’s Vital Weekend Update bormbarded by Lady Dragon as Cobra had said it would be for sure not for October 2012. I am sorry to say there is lots said and stated that is conflicting. I urge you to use your own discernment and know with your own heart what is and what is not true to you. It can be others truth nor yours. But even so it is a truth. We will learn in time things in duality are not of interest anymore. Being the one who is right or is wrong does not exist. There IS only. Read all with an open mind but know what you feel is your truth and if that resonates with you stick for sure to it. Love and Light, Lucas)
When SaS shared thoughts with me yesterday, trying to make sense of all the info/disinfo that seems to be going around the internet surrounding the Olympics and Disclosure, I immediately felt we needed to get these insights out to you all. Clearly, we are presenting a different view on what we’ve been reading and seeing, but I sense SaS’s insights and guides are ‘spot on’ – and ultimately will prove to be correct. In fact, I think we clearly have been invited to convey this information to you to try to give you another viewpoint for your discernment. Read on – and, once again, my thanks to SaS for this very ‘real’ contribution to our own thought processes as we attempt to discern ‘truth’.
I have an opinion that I would like to share with all of you and I am inviting all of you to discuss this issue thoroughly for it would seem that there are those of our race who would lead us astray and those who, in their innocence and ignorance, might empower them.
Here is a photograph, distributed by Kauilapele, of the space craft witnesses say was hovering above the Olympic Stadium in London. (Lucas correction: Kauilapele distributed no picture just copied one from the video that already was earlier posted before his story was posted on his blog.)
Montague Keen You Are about to Achieve Why You Came Here
Montague Keen ~ 29 July 2012
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ He mentions below about the Rituals from the Olympics! In Truth the Light trumped all of their illusions for these events, All has and is worked[ing] in the Favor of the Light and Will Continue. All Our Love The Earth Allies
It is exciting, my dear, that so many from all over your world are connecting with you at this most auspicious time. This is as it was planned before you returned to Earth; that together, you would restore your planet to the light of truth and justice. You chose to enter different countries and races, knowing without doubt, that one day you would all come together, recognise each other, and work together to awaken those who are lost in the control system, frightened to think for themselves.
2012 is the year that the Transformation must, and will, happen. You will overcome the obstacles which the Cabal will put in your way. Look at them as stepping stones. The Cabal will not go easily. They like their way of life, in control of planet Earth. Some of them may even try to embrace the Light, but most will be defiant to the end.
Michael and Amsa ~ through Ron Head
Michael and Amsa ~ through Ron Head
Michael We bring you today a new visitor to these conversations. May I please introduce Master Amsa. Amsa is also known to you as Lao-Tse, and has had several other lives upon your planet.
Good day, dear friends. If you are reading this, I assure you we have known each other at one time or another. Michael has asked me to address you today for two reasons. First, I am always direct and to the point, and second, I know from experience what it is like to be where you are today.
You are going through massive changes. In addition to all of the things which I and others have had to undergo, you are also having to change your entire physical bodies. This is no small task, yet you are doing it. Yes, it is true that you are receiving infinite light and love from our Creator, and you are being sent love and aid from literally everywhere in the Universe; but it is also true that this would not be happening but for what you have managed to do for yourselves.
Healing Poem for those in vow of Service
~ All is provided for in the time of need ~
Have faith child of the universe,
as the forms of the Earth transform,
as money dies and love is born,
we won’t allow for you to be torn
by the currents of the world.
You are precious,
spark of divine essence,
angel of presence
brave spirit in embodiment
during a time of turbulence,
you shine.
that we uphold your breath
with filaments of stars...
that we prepare your bed
with silk sheets and flowers...
You will never be hungry nor alone
Angela Peregoff – The Week ahead: 07.30.2012
The Week ahead: 07.30.2012
What amazing fireworks energy we have been experiencing this month! Many more of us are stepping into the rocky, unpredictable territory of evolutionary ascension and the lessons that will lead to a higher realm of existence. For the past few weeks I have witnessed individuals being called out by their own Soul essence in an effort to get the personality and the spirit aligned in current time. It seems no one is exempt from donning their Lightbody codes and so quite a few are dealing with scary, confusing, uncomfortable, stressful, and at times unpredictable situations. If you are witnessing or participating in a life experience that is less-than-calm rest assured that you are not alone.
Creator leaves messages of love everywhere
Creator leaves messages of love everywhere
This spring when I moved to my new house I had to build a garage, as I couldn’t make it through a long, snowy winter without one. When I was younger maybe, but shoveling my car out of snow banks everyday now seemed a bit overwhelming to me. Just before the builders left, the white stone was delivered to go down in the ditch for the excess water to run through into the drain. As I stood there looking at this big pile of small white stones I couldn’t help but notice there on the very top of the pile lay a perfect heart-shaped stone. A good sign in my book. Of course I saved it as a remembrance. Creator leaves us little messages everywhere if we just look. Like the picture above, even nature’s flowers speak to us of hearts and love and how to live the perfect life of harmony.
'Horseshoe' UFO Filmed over South Korea (Video)
By Tom Rose
July 27, 2012 12:00 AM EDT
A weird, horseshoe-shaped UFO was spotted and videotaped in the skies over Busan, South Korea which seems to be the first of its kind.
The unidentified flying object is traveling at a very fast clip, probably meaning it's not any kind of weather balloon. The original, raw feed segment shows the object pitching and yawing through the air, as if it was being piloted.
The second half of the video is a zoomed-in closeup, which does show more detail, but doesn't help to explain exactly what the object really is.
What at first look seems to be the classic saucer-shaped type of UFO, is revealed to have a strange cleft in its center, giving the object its horseshoe shaping.
UFO Sighting | Busan, South Korea | 07/26/2012
Published on Jul 26, 2012 by xxxdonutzxxx
UFO | OVNI | НЛО | Busan, South Korea | July 26, 2012 | 26.07.2012 | 07/26/2012 | © xxxdonutzxxx - all rights reserved
Source: YouTube.com.
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Knowledge
30 July 2012
Knowledge is all around you
Trust you will be guided to the knowledge that you seek when you are ready to seek it. It can come in many forms such as a book, class, or course, to a teacher, a revelation or an inspiration. Attune to the energy of your heart and you will know what is best and right for you at this time. Your guides and angels also have great wisdom and knowledge that can help you on your way. Invite them into your life each day and ask what they would like to share with this day. Then, be open to those opportunities and synchronicities that help you find what you seek to know, learn and discover.
100s protest pension overhaul in Rome
Thu Jul 26, 2012
10:36PM GMT
Protesters march with flags and placards during the CGIL, CISL, and UIL strike (file photo).
The protesters gathered in front of the ancient Pantheon in the city centre to voice their opposition to the increase in the minimum pension age, AFP reported on Thursday.
To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.
GSK whistleblower says Glaxo Marketing VP 'Sir' Andrew Witty was deeply involved in massive criminal cover-up
Friday, July 27, 2012
by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
(NaturalNews) The recent landmark ruling against drug giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), which as we recently reported led to a massive criminal fine of more than $3 billion and a guilty plea by the company of committing felony crimes.
(http://www.naturalnews.com/036499_Glaxo_whistleblower_bribery.html), was followed by an apology from GSK Vice President of Marketing "Sir" Andrew Witty for the company's "past" failures. But according to whistleblower Gregory Thorpe, the apology is meaningless, as Witty had been working for GSK during the years when the company was proven to have been engaged in illegal activity, and was more than likely involved in it.
To read the rest of this story, visit Natural News.
It's ok if you feel confused!
It's ok if you feel confused!
And it's ok if you feel you don't know what to believe in anymore.
This is happening as the last walls of illusion fall.
Many used to fasten some sort of seat belt when thigs got challenging, thus these same seatbelt were nothing but illusionary programs.
It has been said over and over that ALL had to be let go in order to step into the New energies of Love. If one did not do this in advance one finds itself into what is felt like a storm right now.
This "storm" is nothing but the Change. And no Change can happen by holding on to old believe systems, no matter how hard you try, you'll hit a wall over and over from now on.
Thus the only way of bringing this wall down is by literally letting it go.
If you feel confused and project this confusion onto others the best thing that can happen is that your confusion becomes frustration and frustration becomes anger, and guilt.
Lucas - Seeing The Divine Vastness Of Being And Living Unconditional Love - 30 July 2012
I was out of my usual self.
I was called to see within.
I was being confronted with my hearts teachings.
I was there to learn my worlds fictional status of duality.
I was knowing something incomprehensibly beautiful.
I was feeling love equals multiplying creation and manifesting 100o fold.
I was seeing no obstacles, boundaries and walls anymore.
I was seeing The Divine Vastness Of Being.
I was living unconditional love.
Love and Light,
(c) 2012 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with thehttp://www.lucas2012Infos.wordpress.com blog mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.
Animal Planet- Body Found-Mermaids.mp4
Published on Jun 6, 2012 by disthon
No description available.
Source: YouTube.com
Miracle Man
There is no Miracle Max. I wish there was. He gave hope and belief to a small, desperate group of people. Their faith in the power of Max carried them through and they accomplished the impossible.
There is nothing more potent than belief. The difference between success and failure is in the first case you know you’ll succeed and in the second you only hope. For the next two weeks we’ll see this played out again and again. There is only one Gold Medal.
We have entered the Miracle Business. It is time. We are One Force and our intent is everything. We cannot pretend any longer to not be afraid, we must be truly fearless.
We’ve been duped into believing we have no power. Yet you are the most powerful force in the Universe. You. There have been false flags and terrorist attacks and catastrophes in our history, carried out by those who understand the power of intent; successful because we didn’t.
We do now. A quick search on the internet will demonstrate how past acts of war and atrocity were planned and announced years before they happened. The same is true right now. These horrific plans continue. We can stop them. We are seven billion strong, and we now know the secret.
See the Olympics proceed without incident, and relentlessly persist in this vision. They began with a potent meditation and reports from England are that there continues to be a general feeling of good will and happiness there. They are feeling our love. You did that. A single focus of love when the games began has risen up a nation. We need to keep it up. We are here to rise up a planet.
US government ran chemical experiments on military veterans under operations MKUltra, Bluebird and Artichoke
Thursday, July 26, 2012 by: J. D. Heyes
(NaturalNews) The United States, for its warts, has achieved much in its short 230-plus year history. It is a benevolent world superpower, for the most part, that serves as a beacon of hope and freedom for an increasingly oppressed world, even as it serves as a guardian against tyranny for as many as half of the world's nearly seven billion people.
But a few chapters in our history - slavery, oppression of the Native American tribes, causes of the civil rights movement, and moments of unconstitutionality on the part of our elected leaders - serve as more than simple blemishes on an otherwise admirable record of defending liberty and freedom. One such stain is the way we've treated some of our nation's military veterans.
To read the rest of this story, visit Natural News.
Three Lights in the Sky Exact Location Unknown USA July 26th, 2012
Published on Jul 28, 2012 by UltraUfoChannel
No description available.
Source: YouTube.com.
Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ - Published in Federal Gov't Journal
The Wall Street Journal
July 24, 2012, 8:44 a.m. EDT
NEW YORK, July 24, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Harvard University researchers' review of fluoride/brain studies concludes "our results support the possibility of adverse effects of fluoride exposures on children's neurodevelopment." It was published online July 20 in Environmental Health Perspectives, a US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences' journal (1), reports the NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF)
"The children in high fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ than those who lived in low fluoride areas," write Choi et al.
To read the rest of this story, visit Market Watch.
Geithner on LIBOR: 'We Were Aware'
Published on Jul 25, 2012 by WSJDigitalNetwork
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner testifies before the House Financial Services Committee on LIBOR and risks to the U.S. economy. Sudeep Reddy reports on Markets Hub.
Source: YouTube.com.
MPs tell Barclays to stop fundraising for Mitt Romney
- Wednesday 25 July 2012 13.27 EDT
Bank at centre of Libor-setting scandal says it is non-partisan and donations are made by employees in a personal capacity
Mitt Romney is in the UK for a fundraising dinner and to attend the Olympics. Photograph: James Glover/Reuters
Libor Scandal: Who's to Blame?
Published on Jul 27, 2012 by WSJDigitalNetwork
Barclays' finance chief is investigated as the Libor scandal widens. David Weidner has details, and insights into what Treasury Secretary Geithner's testimony says about who is really to blame in this mess. Photo: Getty Images.
Storm looming in eurozone as Spain economy falters
Wed Jul 25, 2012
5:48PM GMTFile photo shows a euro coin with the Spanish national flag in the background.
Spain’s worsening economic crisis and fears that the cash-strapped country might need a bailout that the eurozone can barely afford have caused a violent economic storm in European financial markets.
Fears soared high after the interest rate on Spain’s debt bonds climbed to a record high of 7.39 on Monday causing the euro to take a nosedive versus the US dollar and China’s Yuan, a recent report by Radio France Internationale (RFI) said.To read the rest of this story, visit PressTV.ir.
Yuan decline worries China
Published: 13:19 July 30, 2012
Centralbank concerned too much devaluation could destabilize domestic markets
Shanghai: Market forces are mostly to blame for the yuan’s unprecedented fall against the dollar in recent months, market participants say, with Chinese regulators now busy propping up the currency, marking a major reversal in approach as the country’s economic growth slows.
The yuan has fallen 1.4 per cent against the US dollar this year and touched 10-month lows, its first period of extended weakness since China’s landmark de-pegging of the currency in July 2005.
To read the rest of this story, visit Gulf News.
Where are we going and Why?
Where are we going and Why?
These days of the Olimpics Opening I watched our fb walls and our posts. Many show massonic symbols that seem to have shown up during the Opening. I feel the need to say something about this.
HUmanity's awakening has started at a mental level, as we were used to use our mind and we only trusted our mind to get any new information. With our mind we first found out we were not free as we thought. We used logic.
With our mind and logic we started to find proves about who and how kept us slaves, and to find ways to change this state, how to rebel, fight, run free.
In that awakening stage many came to the surface that did all they could, even by risking their lives, to share with us the truth tey found. Many did loose their earth lives. They did an enourmous job for all, and we must be deeply gratefull for their Service.
RBS drawn into Libor scandal as banks learn scale of review
GFP Note: RBS stands for Royal Bank of Scotland.
By Angela Monaghan, and Harry Wilson
6:45AM BST 30 Jul 2012
The man charged by the Government with conducting an independent review into the Libor rigging scandal, which has already cost Barclays £290m in fines, will on Monday outline the scale of the inquiry.
Martin Wheatley, head of financial conduct at the Financial Services Authority Photo: Bloomberg News
Paranormal investigators gather at Kecksburg UFO crash site
July 28, 2012By: Roger Marsh
Will Kim Jong Un’s leadership be music to U.S. ears?
July 27th, 2012
12:51 PM ET
By Brian P. Klein, Special to CNNEditor’s note: Brian P. Klein is an economic consultant and former U.S. diplomat. The views expressed are his own.
Disney characters dancing on stage, women wearing short skirts, and a country's new leader making speeches, smiling, and glad-handing military officers. In most places around the world, that’s nothing unusual. But for North Korea, it marks a sea change in image if not quite reality.
Aisha North A time of confusion
A time of confusion
•July 30, 2012 •
I was at my sitting at my computer as usual this morning, opening up to see if there was a message coming through. There was, but I quickly realized that this was not from The constant companions, and I broke off and “retuned” myself to connect with my source. This time, I managed to connect with The constant companions, and they gave me an interesting message I wanted to share with you because I think we all need to be extra careful in the time ahead regarding the information we are given, no matter what source it comes from. Here is what they said to me:
“There are many others out there trying to hijack the already opened channels, and this was one of them, so better be prepared for more of this in the future. Stay with the ones you know, and use discernment whenever someone else barges in your door.
Published on Jul 30, 2012 by paradoxman316
I'm sure most people that connect with my daily videos are aware of all that is being said might happen at the Olympics in London. There have been warnings and promises. Which will happen? As always with things like this, there is timeline 1 and timeline 2. More and more I am convinced that both timelines are playing out to some degree, depending on where you may stand (perspective) and at what frequency you vibrate. I have no idea how worlds can separate like an amoeba, but that is the image some have portrayed. One thing is different for me this time as opposed to other times of great expectation: I am not emotionally attached. I simply know that good things are happening and hidden things will continue to manifest for those that choose the vibration of love. Whatever happens out of the ordinary, Love wins!
UFO Over Olympics Opening Ceremony: A Classic Flying Saucer -->
By Lee Speigel Posted: 07/29/2012 5:02 pm
Updated: 07/30/2012 1:33 amThis unusual disc-shaped UFO was captured on video above the London Olympics opening ceremony.Talk about an uninvited guest at the Olympics.
Friday night's spectacular pyrotechnics display of the most watched opening ceremony in summer Olympics history attracted more than the eyes of over 40 million people. A clearly seen unidentified flying object was videotaped making its way over London's Olympic stadium, reports Examiner.com.
To read the rest of this story and see the videos, visit Huff Post.
Hong Kong Protests China Patriotism Propaganda Classes
07/29/12 07:44 AM ETA protester holds a placard during a march in a downtown street in Hong Kong Sunday, July 29, 2012 to protest the upcoming introduction in schools of Chinese patriotism classes that they fear will lead to brainwashing. (AP Photo/Vincent Yu)HONG KONG -- Tens of thousands including teachers and parents pushing strollers took to Hong Kong streets Sunday to protest the upcoming introduction of Chinese patriotism classes they fear will lead to brainwashing, the latest sign of growing discomfort over Beijing's influence in the semiautonomous territory.
Students and pro-democracy activists were among those who marched to the Hong Kong government's headquarters to protest the new curriculum, which authorities are encouraging schools to begin using when classes resume in September.
Awesome UFO Sighting May 20th 2012 Stouffville Ontario Canada
Published on May 21, 2012 by cachestream
On May 20th 2012 five of us witnessed what we feel was a UFO sighting. It was definitely not an airplane, helicopter, comet, meteor, asteroid, flares, fireworks, balloon, fighter jets or anything else that I've seen before. There were no engine noises - totally silent. I have no idea what it was, but I know what it wasn't. We saw two extremely bright red lights coming from the north of where we live. They moved in unison, as if attached to something larger, they headed southwards, turned to the west, and the disappeared - just like someone dimmed the lights and then turned them off. Two minutes later it (or another set of 2 lights) appeared where the 1st set came from and did the exact same thing - fly south, then west, then just disappeared. Two additional people in our neighbourhood saw the exact same thing - in total, 6 adults & an 11 year old. This is the video of the 2nd occurrence. My camera date and time stamped it May 20th 2012 8:38pm EST. The only thing I did to the video was use a software tool to remove and smooth out the background noise. You decide for yourself what this is.
Movie Star Thomas Jane Tweets About UFO Conference
By Alejandro Rojas
Posted: 07/21/2012 1:30 pm
Thomas Jane
Another celebrity UFO tweet has hit the twittersphere. Last October several stars tweeted about UFO sightings, however this paranormal tweet comes from Thomas Jane and is regarding an upcoming UFO conference in Las Vegas. I am particularly excited about this tweet because I am hosting the conference.
Tom tweets:
The truth is north of the border: UFO sightings in Canada reach record high of THREE a day
By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 01:10 EST, 27 July 2012
UPDATED: 05:26 EST, 27 July 2012'The 2011 Canadian UFO Survey" has declared a near record high of 986 UFO sightings in 2011.
Getty ImagesSixty-five years after the infamous Roswell incident, it seems that aliens have finally discovered Canada. UFO sightings north of the border reached a near record high last year, with the group Ufology Research reporting 986 sightings across Canada, or almost three per day.
Celestial Trends for August 2012 – from Karyl Jackson – Does this ever resonate with me! Don’t miss reading this, friends
Celestial Trends for August 2012 – from Karyl Jackson – Does this ever resonate with me! Don’t miss reading this, friends! ~J
August 2012 Overview
August is universally a FOUR* month,
(*in numerology terms). FOUR requires a great amount of effort to plan, organize and accomplish the multitude of tasks tossed into the month. August begins 31 days of action-packed events, as the Full Moon that occurs on August 1st becomes a key to the major shifts occurring in August. August brings us the series of Lunar shifts that give us the unique Blue Moon event at the end of the month. This series consists of the August 1st Full Moon, New Moon on August 17th, and the second Full Moon (Blue Moon) on August 31st. This series of events shift the order from the Full Moon occurring first in the month, with the New Moon in mid month, which has been occurring for the last 18 months. Shifting to the New Moon first, followed by the Full Moon begins in September, giving us new beginnings to herald in the breakthrough and freedom slated for this time. August will feel as thought there are action-oriented deadlines occurring every day in order to reach the Blue Moon with all of the boxes checked and tasks accomplished. The marathon events of August will be behind us as a huge mountain of impossible tasks will have moved many elements out of our life. Clearing the decks has been the purpose and requirement to be accomplished by the August 31st Blue Moon at 8 Virgo/8 Pisces.
A Blimp or a glowing UFO above the opening ceremony of the London Olympics??
Published on Jul 28, 2012 by c0nsp1racynutj0b
This object hovering above the Olympic stadium appears in a video of Sky News and Telegraph.
Current TV – Jennifer Granholm – The War Room – What’s Working: Food Bank Brings 17 Million Pounds Of Produce To Hungry Families – 30 July 2012
Thanks Lucas
SYBRA OF SIRIUS. “Detach, Dream And Delete.” By, AuroRa Le. July 30, 2012.
~ Brethren of the Stars and honored Earthkeepers, I am Sybra the Elder, of Sirius. I speak with you today not only in representation of The Council of the Venus Ray, but as a voice for The Elders of the Sirian-Pleiadian Alliance; so as we might share with you our common perspective regarding the current trends to which we see your thoughts wandering, these few days past. Please allow us to share our own perspective on the matter.
~ The information you absorb is no different than the food and drink you ingest on a daily basis. Whilst the foods’ intent is to nourish you and make the body strong, so too the data you choose has an immediate effect on the vitality of your heart, mind and spirit. Please be advised to select your reading and listening material with the same precise care you exercise when purchasing groceries for your family. Because changes in your energetic body are not often as readily apparent as they are within your physical vessel, it is easy and quite understandable that you would not associate these two things as actually being one and the same. Therefore, we wish to caution you to please exhibit meticulous discernment when deciding which information you shall hold as truth and which to set aside as non-resonant.
Patricia Liles: August Blue Moons and Astrological Forecast
- Aquarius Full Moon
Full Moon In Aquarius Sun in Leo ~ Moon in Aquarius at 10º
August 1, 2012 at 9:28 PM MDT
Oracle Report ~ Monday July 30 2012
Oracle Report ~ Monday July 30 2012
Oracle Report | Gibbous Moon Phase: Moon in Capricorn
Most often I discuss the need to “ground” ourselves firmly with the planet, but today we need to take to the air – the atmosphere of the planet. This is because the ground is rocky and the energy of the last “Turning Point” is jarring, not smooth. This energy will bring out the worst in some and they will act ugly. Power issues and manipulativeness are enhanced. Some will act like spoiled children. It’s a tidal wave of emotion that can leave us emotionally swamped.
Our Olympic Galactic Friends Now Appearing in Mainstream Media
By Dave Schmidt
My first thought when I saw the YouTube video of the UFO appearance was astonishment. It looked like the classic “flying saucer” UFO.
But, as so many of us have experienced disappointments, I began to think it was just a blimp with the light reflecting off the stadium. How could this be so obvious, so out in the open. Yet no news coverage, no videos from cell phone cameras and no twitter tweets flying around the world.
Last night I talked with Stephen Cook who, as we remember, was PR Manager for the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Australia. He explained why none of those reportings from individuals could have happened in London on Friday… the only people at the Olympic venue were inside the stadium, due to strict security procedures. So there were no crowds of people wandering around outside. The only people allowed into the Olympic Park would have been official ticketholders, Games staff and volunteers working that night. As well, the TV broadcast is heavily controlled; only those images that the Olympic broadcaster wants to go out to the public end up as part of the official telecast…and every image is copyrighted to the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
For the Illumi-not-so-more-ati: Tex Richman LOL
This scene from the Muppet's Movie (2011) is classic--be sure to look at the faces of the actors and the Muppets for how ridiculous Tex Richman's attitude about money really is.
For the Illumi-not-so-more-ati: Tex Richman LOL
This scene from the Muppet's Movie (2011) is classic--be sure to look at the faces of the actors and the Muppets for how ridiculous Tex Richman's attitude about money really is.
A Special Message from Mike Quinsey: SaLuSa ~ July 30, 2012
A Special Message from Mike Quinsey: SaLuSa ~ July 30, 2012
By Mike Quinsey – July 30, 2012
Dear Friends,
I feel that I should give my views as to what I feel about Disclosure as referred to in SaLuSa’s message of today the 30th. July.
It should answer questions that are being asked, and hopefully give out more Light through a better understanding of what is behind these events.
~Space Weather Update~ Incoming CME~
MARTIAN TRIANGLE: On the same night Curiosity lands on Mars, a "Martian Triangle" will appear in sunset skies of Earth. The first-magnitude apparition on August 5th gives space fans something to do while they wait for news from the Red Planet. [video] [story]
INCOMING CME, WEAK IMPACT EXPECTED: A coronal mass ejection (CME) produced by Saturday's M6-class flare is heading toward Earth. According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the cloud could deliver a glancing blow to our planet's magnetic field on July 31st around 1500 UT (+/- 7 hours). Click to view the animated forecast track:
This is a slow-moving CME. The cloud's low speed (382 km/s estimated) combined with its glancing trajectory suggests a weak impact is in the offing. Nevertheless, polar geomagnetic storms are possible when the cloud arrives. Aurora alerts: text, voice.
UFO Outside my Porch. California. July 27th, 2012.
Published on Jul 28, 2012 by UltraUfoChannel
Stockton, California
Source: YouTube.com