The Dangers of Spiritual Elitism

will's picture

While this isn't true for everyone, there's a kind of elitism fairly common in spiritual groups. Some people have this illusion that they know so much more than everyone else, and this makes them "better". There's these loaded terms like "awakened" and "enlightened", and while these terms do mean something, the people who like to brag about being such are usually neither awakened nor enlightened. They've only taken the first few steps down that path. The ego likes to compare itself to others to gain a false sense of self-worth, and when they look at the sleeping masses they believe they're so much better.

I tell you a baker who does his work with love and joy, who has true respect for others and shares his happiness, this person is doing God's Work. This person can easily be doing far more to help humanity raise up out of fear than a person who's read a hundred spiritual books and pays thousands of dollars to attend the "best" spiritual retreats and conferences. Without the essential inner work, that stuff does nothing by itself, and can actually build up just as many illusions as it dissolves. Pay very close attention, you may be releasing one illusion only to replace it with another.

There a number of spiritual groups that on the surface say they're all about love, equality, and everyone stepping into their divinity, yet when you dig a little deeper you may notice the way they behave, and what they're really telling people is something else entirely. What I consider to be the epitome of spiritual elitism is something that has nothing to do with Spirit, it's your basic authoritarianism.

There's tons of spiritual groups that revolve around some central authority figure who's supposed to tell everyone what the truth is. They'll make all sorts of predictions for the future, and try to tell you how to live your life. It's probably the standard way of doing things in spiritual groups, yet it's very much the old paradigm. It's how businesses and government are run, it's an ignorant and dangerous thing. It encourages people to search for truth outside of themselves, which continues the old religious ways of doing things. If you think I'm a bit hypocritical for saying these things, that's good, it means you're understanding what's being said here.

Our goal at the Galactic Free Press is two-fold, though both goals feed into each other. We want to break down illusions, and we want to assist people in finding Truth within. You are your own authority, unless you are foolish enough to give that away to someone else. Nobody is better or worse than another, and when you stop judging yourself based upon others, then you'll be free to really be Yourself. We are all aspects of God, not one more important than the other. That's not how God works, that's not what God Is, and you are in no way separate from God.


The Galactic Free Press
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Thank You

IndigoDream432's picture

Really resonates, thank you for sharing.

Also noting a kind of vibrational elitism; where certain spaces on the vibrational continuum are shunned and even attacked. Not sure how this perspective works toward healing through wholeness and integration. I know in my own healing journey, the more I listen too, acknowledge and allow my more wounded parts, the easier time I have of getting my aspects to work together. Slicing and dicing only made for greater separation and resistance.

Anyhow, nice article, thanks again.

Very nice!

homefocus's picture

SPIRITUAL ELITISM...Great article, thanks.

Some groups seem so sincere, real...I feel it can be difficult to tell at times. I go with my heart and it usually works well, but once in a while, I still get a bit confused and I do enjoy sharing with other like-minded people. I READ AND WATCH SOME OF THE POSTS BY CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AND SOMETIMES FEEL ILL WHEN I SEE THE ELITIST, ARROGANT VERBAGE! 

Are there any groups that have truly checked out others to see if they're on the level? Maybe even have insightful information on fraudulent individuals or groups? 




I do realize that there may be cases of the pot calling the kettle black, but worth a shout!


GLR Wes Annac's picture

Great article, Will! I couldn't agree more. The best voice is found within, and even though we can help each other along the way, to focus on one person who thinks they're 'more enlightened' than the rest of us is to give our sacred power away. We're our own guides/gurus/teachers.

Much Love :)

Emancipate ourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds!

So true!

joyseeker's picture

Your short paragraphs shout a perfect message.  Many people are becoming "spiritual" but are just changing one non-working belief system for following another non-working belief system.  There are a number of these spiritual "gurus" here in Los Angeles.  One in particular has a following and evangelistic followers, and I stay far away from them.  Spiritual growth is from within -- if you follow someone else's path or direction, you are losing your individual path.  I love channeled Abraham's material because they present an understanding and doable techniques, not any dogma.


star528's picture

Thank you for such a clear message about our tendency to idolize, separate, and diminish ourselves -- and I accept even that!

I know another way now., but I haven't fully integrated that way  - maybe never will.  Having grown up with a belief in authoritarian righteousness, I still find myself setting people up (especially "spiritual teachers") as being on a higher level than myself.  It is still shocking to me when I find out that these spiritual teachers have moments (and maybe days?) of egoism, separatism , personality issues -- themselves.  Staying "right sized" (whatever that means) is something the "little I " cannot do.  Being centered in Spirit takes practice and some vigilance - and most of all, a letting go.  That has been my experience, and tomorrow it will be different.  I'm here and willing. . . .