Earths Mightiest Heroes by SophiaLove

glr_Andrea's picture


by GLR SophiaLove

  We have experienced Unity.  With one heart we spoke for the very first time – intentionally.  This is a time to bask in it.  The feelings of excitement, anticipation and joy were palpable from every corner of the planet.  On World Liberation Day, at the moment of the full moon, we felt our oneness.  We thought as one and linked hearts on purpose.  We became for a moment what we are – we are One. Our language is Love; our method, Agape.
There was a movie released simultaneously this weekend; The Avengers – Earths Mightiest Heroes.  There are many reasons for this timing, yet in one of them we are stating truth in a very big way.  This was a blockbuster.  We are Earths Mightiest – our hearts are changing everything.  We have begun to experience the power of Unity.

The moment we joined there was a sort of jolt, and then a very gentle yet definitive force.  Our light encompassed the earth, and could be seen. In that state, the dark moved on.  It was a sort of edging out, a quiet push, no physical force was necessary.  It is a fact that light extinguishes the dark.

Where does the dark go?  To a place where the light is not so bright, perhaps where some are burnt out or not yet turned on.  The dark is not wrong it just cannot be seen where there is this much light.

We have seen the light that we are.  This is our dream.  Just as we have dreamed obedience, subservience and polarity we now see love.  In the film this weekend, the heroes are leading separate lives until one purpose joins them.  If they don’t unite the world will remain under the stronghold of one who sees control and dominance as the way to success.  Neither he nor they realize the full extent of their power until this happens.  It is played out in a spectacular way – the film has already set box office records.

We have made a decision and the illusion of polarity no longer fits.  Since we are creative, imaginative and brilliant, we’ve even made a movie about it.  We can watch ourselves unify and shift.  This is the greatest show on earth and we are doing a spectacular job!

Afterglow is important.  This has been a shared excursion, our “first time” as One.  We’ll do it again, it’s inevitable, it was just too delicious not to.

We know now who we are.  We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.




Are Superhero Movies the Right Vehicle for our Intent?

heartflame's picture

I totally get the use of this particular movie's storyline in support of it's ability to in some way objectify our mission as lightbearers together in overcoming our separation and practicing Unity, with stunning results. I personally have watched almost every superhero movie, because I was weaned on Superman and Batman,etc. comic books as a young child growing up in the 50's and early 60's. By fifth grade, I was done with comics and moving on to other things, like James Bond!:) . But heh! when they came out with my favorite superheroes on the big screen and such incredible special effects, I was enthralled! I haven't seen the Avengers yet, and I may still do so, but I am leaning towards finally boycotting it personally, in order to be truer to my own God-Presence.


Ever since, oh, about the first Batman movie, I have noticed the increasingly dark and very "adult" feel to the superhero genre in general over the years. In "Iron Man", with Tony Stark coming across as a self-aggrandizing megalomaniac, and a gleeful war industrialist, as well as a blantant womanizer, I began to feel that a bright line of Light had been crossed. I felt out of alignment with my inner Being's guidance, though no word was spoken to me. I was simply being observed.


I have watched many movies since then, including superhero movies, that I knew innately were not of ascended consciousness quality, yet watched anyway. I discovered that it is hard not to watch them, when others around us suggest them and we see it as a way to bond with them rather than create disharmony. By refusing to watch them and setting ourselves upon some standard "above" them, we are guaranteed to get their negative attention. The other thing I noticed is that often times, even dark movies have given me some useful and uplifting insight into Life and our predicament.


Yet, still, I am nagged by these type of movies and particularly bothered by the superhero type, for the debilatating effect I see them have on young children, boys in particular, my children in particular! And, even as an adult, I wonder what grief allowing theses images into my mind causes me, though I try to see some useful lesson in it all. At the heart of it, I cannot see how these movies are helping us to envision the world of Love and Peace we want, steeped as they are in violence.

Despite the "good" the superheroes seek to do, they lower themselves to the level of those they see as "evil" and perpetuate the duality-struggle, that we now know, metaphysically, binds us to this world, until we renounce it finally and forever.


I am glad the article was presented, and I take it in the good way  it was intended. I am also glad it gave me the opportunity to air my inner thoughts that are nagging me again at this time, and hope my ruminations spark conversation about what we as lightbearers should do in Unity to best represent our hopes and dreams in this regard. For the sake of the children, and the big children too! I hope I decide to refrain from seeing the movie, for my own path, regardless what others decide to do. It will not be easy to do this, being a movie lover and comic book lover, and one who has been steeped in duality and the "good/evil struggle" for eons. Now is my time to shine. I want to go home. I am at peace with the choices of all others and I am even over feeling superior to them anymore. I know I was where they were, just yesterday and perhaps will be again tommorrow, so I need not crow about my mastery. But still, we all have an appointment with destiny someday. "To be, or not to be", over our third dimensional lessons, once and forever.