Link to Today's Newsletter:
Greetings Love Beings, We are Indeed in Acceleration and with so many awakening now, We will be moving into 5d Quickly this Year! Exciting Energies Continue in Intensity! Drop the programmed Ego and JUMP INTO JOY!
Today's Ground Crew Message ~Elevation of frequencies is hitting the Earth, it is with great pleasure that noted a huge number of being waking up now. New awakenings will propel movement forward. Love on the move to Heaven.
Love The Earth Allies
Link to The 5D Room For Fun, Laughter, Joy True Family Connections and Support Upon Your Path, This Room Stays open on a 24 Hour Basis
We are currently over 2000$ Behind in our Funding Goal for this Month!!! With 10 days Left! Thank You for sharing and Keeping us Going. Without Your support the Press Could Not be here! We work in Complete Service 24 Hours a Day for Humanity and The Truth. If everyone shared a simple 5$ or 10$, We could make this goal quickly! Thank You for Honoring Us and Our Service!
Total funding Needs 4000$
Total for Jan 1978$
Quoted from Today's Earth Ally Message" Greetings Love Beings, 2014~ This Is the Year Truth Becomes ALIVE.
The Whole of Humanity has been ignited in the New Earth Energies which actually began December 21st, 2012. All Must Now if they have not already get onto the path Home Into the Light. There are no more choices left now except Home into the Light. Mother Earth=Heart is Now Existing In 5d Frequencies and so will All on her. The New Earth Truly Has Been Born.
As a result A Natural Part of Evolution is Unfolding On this Planet and we cannot go back. Creation is in Motion in a Big way. Humanity is Now On The Path from fear to LOVE as the old paradigm of fear is crumbling below them. How they experience this event unfolding depends on them. However, this is Inevitable On this Planet . The lower vibrations are dissolving below the Powerful Grid of Light which has been activated On this Planet. Those who are Already In Full Consciousness are On this Grid holding the Space until Everyone Is Connected to it On this Planet.
Once you Love yourself, the Door Opens and You are OUT OF THE BOX and connected to this Grid. An ego/mind cannot understand what Real Love is, so it cannot step out of the box, Only The Real Being Can. The Energy of Love is the Strongest, and comes from within.... Love thyself, translates into Love Everywhere Present. "