~Elevation of frequencies is hitting the Earth~

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, We are Indeed in Acceleration and with so many awakening now, We will be moving into 5d Quickly this Year! Exciting Energies Continue in Intensity! Drop the programmed Ego and JUMP INTO JOY!

Today's Ground Crew Message ~Elevation of frequencies is hitting the Earth, it is with great pleasure that noted a huge number of being waking up now.  New awakenings will propel movement forward.  Love on the move to Heaven.

Love The Earth Allies

Link to The 5D Room For Fun, Laughter, Joy True Family Connections and Support Upon Your Path, This Room Stays open on a 24 Hour Basis


We are currently over 2000$ Behind in our Funding Goal for this Month!!! With 10 days Left! Thank You for sharing and Keeping us Going. Without Your support the Press Could Not be here! We work in Complete Service 24 Hours a Day for Humanity and The Truth. If everyone shared a simple 5$ or 10$, We could make this goal quickly! Thank You for Honoring Us and Our Service!


Total funding Needs 4000$

Total for Jan 1978$

Quoted from Today's Earth Ally Message" Greetings Love Beings, 2014~ This Is the Year Truth Becomes ALIVE.

The Whole of Humanity has been ignited in the New Earth Energies which actually began December 21st, 2012. All Must Now if they have not already get onto the path Home Into the Light. There are no more choices left now except Home into the Light. Mother Earth=Heart is Now Existing In 5d Frequencies and so will All on her. The New Earth Truly Has Been Born.

 As a result A Natural Part of Evolution is Unfolding On this Planet and we cannot go back. Creation is in Motion in a Big way. Humanity is Now On The Path from fear to LOVE as the old paradigm of fear is crumbling below them. How they experience this event unfolding depends on them. However, this is Inevitable On this Planet . The lower vibrations are dissolving below the Powerful Grid of Light which has been activated On this Planet. Those who are Already In Full Consciousness are On this Grid holding the Space until Everyone Is Connected to it On this Planet.

Once you Love yourself, the Door Opens and You are OUT OF THE BOX and connected to this Grid. An ego/mind cannot understand what Real Love is, so it cannot step out of the box, Only The Real Being Can. The Energy of Love is the Strongest, and comes from within.... Love thyself, translates into Love Everywhere Present. "

Table of Contents

Important Message ~ The Only Choice Remaining Is The Path Of Light~



Greetings Love Beings, 2014~ This Is the Year Truth Becomes ALIVE.

The Whole of Humanity has been ignited in the New Earth Energies which actually began December 21st, 2012. All Must Now if they have not already get onto the path Home Into the Light. There are no more choices left now except Home into the Light. Mother Earth=Heart is Now Existing In 5d Frequencies and so will All on her. The New Earth Truly Has Been Born.


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The Creator Writings ~ Why?


By: Jennifer Farley, 01/21/2014


Do you realize why you chose to come to this Earth-plane? You came to have fun! Being ‘enlightened’ does not always have to be mundane, even or quiet. Laugh; take joy in the bodies you inhabit, smile, play! ~ Creator



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Mooji ~ The Lens of the Absolute

Video Link


Published on Jan 20, 2014


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John Smallman ~ Jesus ~ Your awakening from the illusion, from the unreality in which you have apparently been immersed for eons is imminent!


By: John Smallman, 01/21/2014


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OSHO ~ FUCK - The magical word

Video Link

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OSHO: Nobody Teaches You About Hate

Video Link


OSHO: Nobody Teaches You About Hate:

Excerpts from an OSHO Talk
Love and Hate - Two Sides of the Same Coin

These are the ways they have spoiled your authenticity about love.
It is because nobody has been teaching you about hate; hence, hate has remained pure, unadulterated. Nobody has bothered about you, nobody has told you how to hate, whom to hate. Because hate has been left untouched by your parents, teachers, and priests, it has a purity, a sincerity. When a man hates you, you can trust that he hates you.

This video is available for translation as part of the
OSHO TALKS Video Translation Project.


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The Oracle Report for Tuesday, January 21, 2014


By: Oraclereport.com, 01/21/2014

Disseminating Moon Phase: communicate, share, introspect, teach, learn


Moon: Virgo/Libra


Ruling Mahavidya: Kali


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~Receiving Dream Messages from your Future Self~




We have said the part of you that knows how to navigate time and space works with you to create the highest and best futures that benefit yourself and others. For our purposes here we will call this your future self because this aspect of your consciousness often ventures into future times to visit the field of potentials extending from your present moment. Your future self speaks to you of these potentials when you are in a certain state of subconscious listening, most often in dream states.

Now we will discuss in more detail these exchanges with your future self and how you may have experienced them in the past.

‘Premonition Dreams’ Alert us to Needed Course Corrections

One way you may have experienced the download of this information from your future self is through what you may call a “prophetic dream.” This is a dream where you witness an event that has not yet manifested in your present reality at the time of the dream, but that does eventually occur in a future time. This future time may be the next day, the next week or months or years down the road. Most often, this event in crystallizing in the near future. Seemingly prophetic dreams often happen as the timeframe approaches when the incident occurs and there is still time to make a course correction. That is when you receive a dream state where you actually experience the event that is about to unfold.


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Free Juicing Recipes! The LIFESAVER Green Vegetable Juice

Video Link

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Love, Appreciation and Gratitude are Keys to the New Time



In transitioning from one reality to another, it's important to complete with your present reality before moving to a new one. The process of completion involves holding in your mind the blessings you have received in your present reality. Express gratitude for all that has been: for the experiences, the learning opportunities and the sharing. Affirm to yourself everything happened perfectly and all is now complete.


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Garlic: It’s not just for vampires anymore! by Learning Herbs


2. Garlic on my feet.
Yes, you read right. Here’s what I do: I crush a few garlic cloves, put them in a little jar or bowl, and cover it just so in olive oil.

In about a half hour, I rub the oil on my feet. I do this on my kids as well when they have a bad cough or they have a chest cold. For me, I also put the garlic pieces between my toes (but not for kids).


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The amazing saga of a teenager who ran away from chemotherapy and beat cancer naturally Monday, January 20, 2014 by: Paul Fassa


(NaturalNews) Remember the story of a 16-year-boy who ran away from his Massachusetts home in 1994 to avoid chemotherapy? His name was Billy Best, and his story was a nationwide sensation while he was in hiding.

Now, he is very healthy and cancer-free, back home working in a local health food store, consulting parents of children who are pushed into chemo and participating in medical school seminars on patient choice.

He continues to be interviewed by alternative news sites whenever a story breaks on families having to become fugitives for refusing chemo and radiation on their children. Now, he also has a book out, as told to writer Linda Conti.


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~Spirit of Joy: Happiness is a Skill Worth Practicing~



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~Space Weather Update~False Aura's, SOLAR SECTOR BOUNDARY CROSSING


SOLAR SECTOR BOUNDARY CROSSING: High-latitude auroras are possible on Jan. 21st when Earth crosses through a fold in the heliospheric current sheet. This is called a "solar sector boundary crossing," and NOAA forecasters estimate a 25% chance of polar geomagnetic storms when it occurs. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


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Newsletter from the Collective of Guides 1/20/14 :Spirit Guides



Dear Ones,


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Choose Peace




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Now Is The Time ~ Ophelia



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Celia Fenn: The Bridge Crossing to a New Reality



Image by Jean Luc Bozzoli at www.eyewithin.com


Image by Jean Luc Bozzoli at http://www.eyewithin.com


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~The Anointing of The Garden of Eden!~


I think this morning, more than any morning ever before this one, I sit at this computer filled with an overwhelming reverence that just seeps from my pores out to you.  The internal work you had to do, the struggles you have overcome, the intense bravery it has taken for you to dare to live a truth beyond the box of limitations.  Thru it all, Here you are.  In joy, in excitement, in Hope.


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Suzanne Lie ~ Gaia Greetings 3

Video Link


Published on Jan 13, 2014


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Gloria Wendroff ~ The Heaven Letters – Life Says: “Come Out And Play.”



Gloria Wendroff – 21 January 2014


HeavenlettersGod said:

Believe in yourself more than you believe in doubting yourself. You may have been so quick to doubt and so slow to believe in yourself or any direction or anything at all. Will you not be an advocate of yourself, a friend of yourself, a good influence on yourself? What are you waiting for? Some day? Someone? A flash of lightning from the sky? Be your own champion. If you have been shilly-shallying along, pick up your pace now. Go for it.

If you have been delaying yourself from joy in life, take a giant step. Whatever the world does, however it may seem that the world holds you back, you are the one holding yourself back or moving yourself forward. In good fortune or in what you see as bad fortune, you are the diviner of your own life. Perhaps you listen too much to the world. Perhaps you fear the world and prefer to stay in your own safe corner and, so, you deflect life. Perhaps you hide from it. Perhaps you would rather defer from life than to progress in it.

Good grief, you are a Child of God.

If you have been sitting around, get up! Get up now! If you have thought you have to gear up for battle, now gear yourself up for joy. Don’t miss out on joy. If you erroneously think you must tremble in joy, then tremble in a joy that shakes you in laughter. What are you waiting for?

You are already a survivor. Keep on. The worst is behind you. Lagging is behind you. The best is yet to come is truthful. Face front. Get out of the corner and sally forth. Be your own hero. Cease being your own shadow afraid to come out into the sunlight. Let the energy of the sun be your guide. Get out of that chair you have been sitting in. Get up and meet life. Life, like the sun, knocks on the door or peeks in the window. Life says: “Come out and play.”

Ultimately, what you are afraid of is yourself. Certainly, it’s time that you set the past aside. Leave your corner and be a leader. Certainly, lead yourself across the horizon. There is no telling how many others you will bring with you. If someone can cross the world barriers, so can you. Even landmines outside your door do not keep you stalled. Somersault outside your door. All the landmines are imaginary anyway. Certainly, they are not real. Your idea of danger is real in that your idea of danger makes it real. Your fear of something makes it real.

Now is the time when you must stop tip-toeing around in life. Safety is not to be your ambition any more than fear is.

Come, let’s go out into the sunshine and make merry. Today is the day of your life. No longer are you to be secluded from life. Whether you are a recluse or a public official, shake hands with life. Clap your hand on life’s shoulder, and be a life-long companion and champion.

You are in the middle of life. Life is like a recipe given to you. What you make of the recipe is up to you. Use the ingredients. Put them together. If your cake comes out flat, so what? Try again.

See where life takes you and see how you can encourage your life.

Don’t be at a stalemate with life. Life is not a wait-and-see game. You are to make something of life. You blossom your life or you restrain your life. Well, which is it?



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Wes Annac ~ Free-Flowing Unitive Consciousness – Part 1/3



Wes Annac – 21 January 2014



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Laura Bruno ~ About The Trigger Word “Entitlement”



Laura Bruno - 21 January, 2014



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John Smallman ~ Jesus – Your Awakening From The Illusion, From The Unreality In Which You Have Apparently Been Immersed For Eons Is Imminent!



John Smallman  – 21 January 2014


john-blog-pics-0135There is only the ONE!  You all know that, even if many of you have trouble accessing that knowledge, that deep innerknowing. God, our Father, the Source of all that exists and in which all is contained, just IS.  And the Source is infinite, limitless, without boundaries – there is no beyond, there is only within, which has neither beginning nor end, it just IS, ALWAYS, EVERYWHERE.  It is inevitable, unavoidable, constantly supportive of all that exists in loving acceptance, never judging, just embracing and enfolding in the eternal field of LOVE.

There is absolutely nothing you need do or can do to be worthy, let alone moreworthy in the sight of God.  He created you perfect and obviously you could not possibly improve on that, therefore stop reasoning, puzzling, wondering, doubting, and generally trying to make yourselves acceptable to God, because He created you like unto Himself, infinitely and eternally acceptable.  All that He creates is like unto Himself because all is within Him.  Just open your hearts to receive the abundance of Love in which you are at all times enveloped and release the doubts, worries, and anxieties that you allow to plague you, and then, once more, know that you are eternally divinely loved and cared for.

It is time to awaken from the dream, the nightmare, the illusion that has brought you so much unnecessary pain and suffering.  You chose to undergo the experience of separation by building an imaginary state that excluded God.  It could only be imaginary, unreal, because without God, truly separated from Him, there is nothing – no consciousness, no awareness, no life, no Love – and that is beyond all the bounds of possibility.  You are all permanently safe and secured in the loving arms of your Father, and that is what unchangeable means.

Love is eternal, unchangeable.  Life is an aspect of Love, as is consciousness, as is awareness, as is wakefulness, the state to which you are returning.  You never left it, but you did close your eyes and pretend to leave, and you are about to open them and discover that you are still just where you were when you closed them, at Home in the arms of your Father.  The bliss of knowing who You are, who You truly are is about to eliminate forever the endless pain and suffering in which the illusion has seemingly enshrouded you for so many eons.  You have collectively chosen to awaken and discard the illusion, and that is what is to happen – your awakening from the illusion, from the unreality in which you have apparently been immersed for eons is imminent!

The brilliance of what awaits you is ineffable.  Your emergence into the bright Light of Reality cannot be delayed any longer.  You need to wake up from the dream into the awe-inspiring wonder of Reality, your true and only Home, otherwise known by humanity as: Heaven, Paradise, the Garden of Eden, Nirvana, Shambhala, and myriad other names.  And, It is within You, always.  To awaken is to uncover your real identity as One with Source, in a state of infinitely flowing peace and harmony, where individual wills are united with the One Will and recognize themselves as essential undifferentiated aspects of that One Will.  And that recognition brings joy, utter and absolute joy, a knowing that surpasses all you have ever known, a wisdom beyond conceivability, and a peace that exalts and discloses an infinite possibility of creative opportunities with which you can engage.  Think of all the arts available to man that add beauty and wonder to your environment; they are as nothing compared to the possibilities awaiting you when you awaken.

Limitation is of the illusion, a state in which difficulty and impracticality appear to impede and hinder nearly all your creative ventures no matter how inspiring and desirable they may appear to be.  Many of you do obtain satisfaction, sometimes amazing satisfaction, from overcoming difficulties, issues, problems, conflicts, and reversals as you strive to achieve the goals that others have set you, or that you have set for yourselves.  But suppose that the energy you used in doing so could instead be put wholeheartedly into your creative and artistic concepts – can you imagine how much more fulfilling that would be?

Striving and struggling have themselves become creative ventures for you, dimming your awareness of, your faint and distant memories of Reality.  You greatly honor those who succeed, especially where many others have tried and failed – and that is kind, compassionate, and generous – but it is also raising pain, suffering, and desolation to the point of being the purpose of the exercise during which they were experienced.  And much more attention tends to be focused on the suffering and indomitability that these determined ones have demonstrated rather than on what they have actually achieved.

To wage war successfully these “virtues” must be encouraged and honored, as they have been for eons.  But war itself is and never can be a success, as your worldly history demonstrates very clearly, time and time again.

The illusion encourages suffering and pretends to reward it.  But in truth those who are honored are quickly forgotten unless they continue to strive towards further achievements; and their rewards are very frequently severe bodily damage that further limits and restricts them as they tread their human life paths.  And, as forgotten heroes, they find themselves with much time to reflect on the roles that they have played, frequently discovering that they had not been fully true to themselves even though they had done their utmost to please those who commanded or directed them, and had done their best to support and protect those “on their team or their side.”  Some rise above this realization and learn to serve humanity, but many are overwhelmed with bitterness and an intense sense that their lives have been an unrelieved series of calamitous failures.  This, of course, is not the case.  Every human life, no matter how unconscionable and evil it may appear to have been has, in the long run, brought about essential changes in your thinking and in your beliefs.

All your human cultures, races, philosophies, religions, and other organizations – political, business, or social – hold divisive beliefs and values which they then uphold, encourage, persuade, and indeed attempt to enforce upon you, demanding that you embrace attitudes and behaviors that “supposedly” are for the ultimate good of all. They are not, purely because they are divisive.  You are all only too well aware of the maxim “divide and conquer,” and yet, when it is used for that specific purpose, no one seems to notice . . . until it is too late.  It is an insidious form of betrayal that has been used time and time again on a basically unsuspecting or unaware majority by an unelected elite whose constant and unchanging intent is to maintain or increase their power over humanity.

No more.  Collectively you have chosen to awaken from the illusion, and that is terrifying those who would control you, hence the ever-increasing attempts to introduce more new laws to further restrict the rights of the individual (“divide and conquer”) in the interests of maintaining the security of the nation from terrorist attacks which, unless forcefully prevented, are about to destroy it.  And fear has been so enthusiastically encouraged by all forms of advertising that many do feel threatened, unsafe, and would support almost any measure that is proclaimed to protect them from these intensely perceived but unreal threats.

You are all sovereign beings created in Love for an eternity of ecstatic joy, and those who would continue to support and maintain the illusion are doing their utmost to prevent you from becoming aware of your changeless divine heritage and destiny. Go within, ask for help and for Love from those who are watching over you constantly in the spiritual realms, and then open yourselves to receive it.  Release all your doubts and anxieties, they are totally without basis or foundation, because you are all divine beings whose awakening is assured.  To believe otherwise is to embrace and support the illusion and all the fears and anxieties that it promotes.

Let go, surrender to the Truth of God’s endless and unremitting Love for you as you go within daily to your safe haven, your inner sanctum, where the “Peace that passeth all understanding” awaits you as you prepare to awaken into the bright Light of Reality.

Your loving brother, Jesus.



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Dana Mrkich ~ Success and Failure – 21 January 2014



Dana Mrkick - 21 January, 2014

Dana Colour Pic NewYour Soul, your Greater Self, whatever name you choose to call it, has very different concepts of success and failure than your Ego.

Integrity and truth are two of the major driving forces behind the wheel of your Soul, and as long as you are aligned with those things your Soul sees success where others may see failure.

Likewise, when you are aligned with your Ego and doing something for the sake of status or external pressure, your Soul can feel sad even while the world is applauding your success.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2014



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Dana Mrkich ~ 2014: From The Mud Comes The Lotus Flower – 21 January 2014



Dana Mrkich - 21 January, 2014

Dana Colour Pic NewA video version of this will be posted….once we get a Cicada free day! They’re singing their song here in Sydney, Australia every day, all day. On the positive side they represent rebirth and renewal!
If 2013 was the year of walking through mud, 2014 is the year we emerge like a Lotus Flower in bloom.  Our whole energy field is awakening and coming to life. Light is being shone onto every aspect of us. Every inch of our Sub-Conscious carpet is being lifted off us so that we can see what is underneath. The veil that has been covering our Super-Conscious is being pulled back so that we can see what is truly within and all around us.
You can see why we have been guided and called year after year to clear our ‘stuff’. On some level we have known that there was a time waiting for us when the renovation crew were coming, complete with their removal trucks, garbage bags and heavy-duty cleaning gear. If you are up to your neck in dust as it is, can you imagine what you’d be dealing with right now if you hadn’t done all that clearing ahead of time?
We knew they were also coming with interior stylists who would, once our home was relatively clean, start overhauling our residence with a good upgrade and show us home highlights that we had no idea existed: “Did you know if we take down this wall here, it will give you a whole new, expanded living area?”  “If you put a few shelves in here you can double your available space.”  “Let’s add some pink here and green there, now feel the difference!”
The interior stylists are frequencies of light, entering our Earth’s energy field, as well as our collective and personal energy fields, activating everything they touch to awaken, to remember, to expand, to rise to match the frequency that is our new ‘home’.
We can fear the idea that there is yet more ‘hidden to be revealed’ but whereas our past personal inner revelations were more of the difficult kind to confront, now we are confronting amazing, brilliant, creative, wise, intelligent, intuitive, compassionate aspects of ourselves that we have never before connected to as fully as we will.
Yes, some of what we’re feeling and discovering right now doesn’t feel great – especially on the collective field level – but it sure beats being in denial and illusion. Awareness creates the opportunity for empowerment and conscious action.  Awareness calls us to accept a greater responsibility for that which we are choosing to create and participate in whether on a personal, community or global level.
We will be discovering and called to embody powerful, exciting aspects of ourselves this year that we have not previously allowed to emerge or be fully expressed. We can be just as scared of the potential of our Light and Power, as we have been in the past to look at our pain and wounds.  Don’t be afraid of your Light, your Power or your Emergence. When the interior stylist nudges you to do something quite out of your comfort zone, (like the experience I recently had with the Emergence of my Red Self), and you’re freaking out a bit but something inside is jumping up and down saying ooh this feels good..…do it.
You may feel at times like you’re undergoing a complete identity re-construction and in some ways you are, although in truth you are just opening to more of who you really are – and more of who you have always been. Many of us have thought of our Higher Self or Greater Self or Soul as being something outside of us, or separate to us. Yet it is not. This is YOU. The YOU looking out through your eyes right now is your Soul, is your Greater Self, only we have had so much of ourselves covered, hidden and influenced by all kinds of filters and lenses we found it difficult to connect to our own self as being, well, our own self!
Now, we are going to feel ourselves embodying more and more of who we really are and receiving our identity from our greater, whole truth, rather than as before receiving our identity from that which covered and influenced us.  Those influences were important of course, but now we are learning to integrate them and put them in their proper place rather than taking them on board as our primary identity. Exciting times…as always!
(c) Dana Mrkich 2014

Dana Mrkich is an Energy Intuitive who offers empowering Soul Sessions to clients all over the world. She is the Author of A New Chapter, Creator of E-course Create a Life you Love and an inspirational teacher, writer and speaker. For more info, please visit her website, or for regular energy updates join her onFacebook or follow her on Twitter.



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S0 News January 21, 2014: Weather & Spaceweather Report

Video Link


Published on Jan 21, 2014


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~Message to The Ground Crew~ Love On the Move to Heaven


Elevation of frequencies is hitting the Earth, it is with great pleasure that noted a huge number of being waking up now.  New awakenings will propel movement forward.  Love on the move to Heaven.

Love The Earth Allies


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5D Session Free Tarot Card Readings



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Big Sugar Controls Politicians, Sickens People, Drains the Treasury, and Promotes the Pharma/Medico/Industrial Complex


By: Ann Kreilkamp, 01/20/2014


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The Astrology of February 2014 - Fast Forward

Video Link


By: Carl Boudreau, 01/20/2014


In February, the desire for change at the grassroots level intensifies. The speed at which personal values and attitudes are transformed accelerates. The acceleration can be very disorienting.

Expect a little more confusion in interpersonal communications, especially with Mercury retrograde most of the month. But it won't be just Mercury retrograde. The planets are targeting our minds with transformative energy and it could very well affect the way our mind works. Trying to use your mind while the planets are working on it could cause "issues."


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Goldenlight: 20 Things I’ve learned in the last year since I’ve awoken to the truth




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The Next Stage of Human Evolution: Evolving from Me to We to a New Whole


What lies beyond our current stage of human evolution?


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Scientists Discover Amazing Anti-Cancer Effects Of Pumpkin! by Herbs Info


Scientists Discover Anti-Cancer Effects Of Pumpkin

Greetings all! Amazing reports to share from the world of science today: Scientists in China have recently discovered that cucurmosin, a substance extracted from the sarcocarp (fleshy part) of pumpkin, had a strong inhibitory effect on hepatoma “HepG2″ (a type of liver cancer) cells in both cell culture and animal studies. [1]


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When Ego Gets In The Way (Almine)


HI Everyone,

Almine Video Here,

About The Ego Getting IN the Way

Tara Grace



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~Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2014~







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Earthquake Report for 01/20/2014




39 earthquakes


    2.5 10km SSW of Westmorland, California 2014-01-20 11:40:08 UTC-08:00 2.9 km

    5.0 56km S of Yap, Micronesia 2014-01-20 09:33:53 UTC-08:00 35.1 km

    5.2 60km S of Yap, Micronesia 2014-01-20 07:33:13 UTC-08:00 24.2 km

    2.7 23km NNE of Snyder, Texas 2014-01-20 07:04:38 UTC-08:00 3.1 km


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The Light Collective: On Waves of Light We Come


Bluedragonjournal.com, By: Elizabeth Ayres Escher, 01/20/2014

Granite Peak

Photo: Granite Peak, Central Cascades (www.nwhiker.net)


The Light Collective: On Waves of Light We Come



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Sarah Womer ~ Vibrate On The Level You Want To Exist On

Video Link


OhMyBlog, By: Sarah Womer, 01/20/2014


I was watching Spirit Sciences on YouTube- if you haven’t yet seen any of their videos, I highly recommend them to watch- it is important information put in a clear and concise manner so anyone can grasp some of the more nuanced and esoteric topics of spirituality.


There was an episode on dimensions that briefly discussed our ability to travel between parallel dimensions and universes by simply changing the state of our harmonic vibrations into disharmonic or more harmonic vibrations.


For more information visit http://www.shiftfrequency.com/sarah-womer-vibrate-on-the-level-you-want-to-exist-on/


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Metatronic Frequency Report for: 1/20/14 – 1/21/14 with Cosmic Meditation Out-breath Phase 2 Information


~~Related to the Cosmic Meditation

Before we begin with each day’s Frequency Report I would like to remind everyone who is participating in the Cosmic Meditation for the Initial Healing of the Masculine Portion of the Collective Consciousness’ Psyche what our main focus for this Out-breath phase is.

Remember our focus during the second In-breath phase was on creating and holding a space where all could open to the Voice of their Higher Self by Expanding their Heart Chakra Center and thus begin viewing an expanded perspective of our Collective Reality.

During the four days of this second In-breath phase cycle we went within our Personal, Collective and Multi-dimensional bodies and created and held a space of Welcome and Safety for all those who are desirous of change, and want to take action to make that change, yet are still intimidated and fearful of doing so.


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Benjamin Fulford Update 1-20-14 Systematic take-down of cabal accelerates


 or “Watch Out For those Falling Kings, Queens, Surges, and Purges”

Commentary from The Press, Use Your Discernment


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Kryon~Moving Into 2014


Right before Kryon channelled this last 2013 message, Dr. Todd Ovokaitys presented brand new guided stem-cell protocols to the crowd. Kryon addressed what was "really happening" and also had a message for Lightworkers about changes in 2014 and beyond. There is a lot here to digest!


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Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Monday January 20, 2014


By: Trinityesoterics.com, 01/20/2014


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