The practice drills are over. It’s now time to become sincere about your Light work. The end of the “Eleventh Hour” is tonight at one nanosecond after mid-night.
In the study of Numerology you will find that “9” is the number of Completion for it’s most basic of meanings. If you multiply it times any other number it will return back unto its self, try it.
9X1=9, 9X2=18 (1+8)=9 In numerology you add until you have one digit remaining. So you can multiply 9 times 987 Quadrillion of any other set of numbers and you will end up with 9 at the end.
Today you are in the eleventh month of the end of many coalesced or integrated cycles. Tonight you will go into a 9 cycle. Just after midnight tonight, or tomorrow morning, is 12/01/2012, 1+2+0+1+2+0+1+2=9. The month in the year of completion.
Tomorrow is also the beginning of the twelfth month, called the "twelfth hour." Linear time as you have know it to be shortens by the hour until its closing date of 12/21, "Zero Point."
On 12/12/2012 we go into the beginning of the ending of the most important and potent of the Transmuting Supply House of Higher Energies than you have yet to ever know. This day is the first of the “Mater Numbers,” 11. 1+2+1+2+2+0+1+2=11. 11 is in its most basic meaning is Unity. This is also symbolic of where God returns to Self, Complete Unity.
12/12/2012 through 12/21/2012 is a “9” day span-cycle. Then it is again a cycle of completion. At its end on 12/21/2012 is the next 11 cycle. 1+2+2+1+2+0+1+2=11, God returning unto Its Self, Unity, you are coming back to “Source.”
This is not to mean that upon awakening the following day that you find self in Heaven or 5D. But the Energies that are now permeating you, Earth, and every living and non-living in your eyes creature on, in, around and above Her are conduit that are lifting you into these Higher realms according to the level of your allowance of same.
This is peak cycle for these Energies and will remain with us until the job They are here to do is completed.
“Second Coming, New Age, Golden Age, Age of Aquarius, Platinum Age, Christ Consciousness, New Earth,” choose your favourite title for what is knocking at your door just now.
This is "THE OPPORTUNITY" for self to re-unite with Higer Self, your return to full Consciousness, Enlightenment, Ascension, Asended Mastery, Slavation, Reunification, Illumination, Awakening, Expansion of Consciousness, the acquiring of Christhood.
You need not pray this into existence as it will happen with or without your participation. However to ensure you the most significant placement of “graduation” within it, your personal INTENT may very well be the dividing factor, the decision of choice of which side of “the fence” you land on, in the case that you waver. This is NOT a time to be luke-warm.
For Heavens sake get on the 5D, Love, God side of the fence. Fall in Love with every living and non living thing you sense or come in contact with and don’t wait another nanosecond to do this.
~Happy Entry~
David porter-Author of remember who you are, the awakening